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English-German Dictionary

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water spotting Wasserflecken {pl} [Lackfehler]
water spout Wasserhose {f}
water spray Wassereinspritzung {f} [als Dusche oder Sprühnebel]
water spray Wasserschleier {m}
water spray button [e.g. on a flatiron]Wassersprühtaste {f} [z. B. Bügeleisen]
water spray systemSprühwasser-Löschanlage {f}
water springtail [Podura aquatica]Schwarzer Wasserspringer {m}
water springtail [Podura aquatica]Wasserspringschwanz {m}
water springtail [Podura aquatica] Schwarzer Wasserspringschwanz {m}
water springtails [family Poduridae] Springschwänze {pl}
water spriteWassermann {m}
water sprite Wassergeist {m}
water sprite Neck {m}
water sprite Nöck {m}
water sproutGeiltrieb {m} [Wasserschoss, Wasserreiser]
water sprout Wasserschoss {m}
water sproutWassertrieb {m}
water sprout Wasserreiser {m}
water squad [of a fire brigade/company] Wassertrupp {m}
water squirt gun Wasserspritzpistole {f}
water stageWasserstand {m}
water stain Wasserbeize {f}
water stainWasserfleck {m}
water stain [on leather]Wasserrand {m}
water standpipe Wasserkran {m}
water stateWasserzustand {m}
water stick insect [Ranatra linearis, syn.: Nepa linearis] Stabwanze {f} [Wasserwanzenart]
water stick insect [Ranatra linearis, syn.: Nepa linearis]Wassernadel {f} [Skorpionswanzenart]
water stillWasserdestillationsanlage {f}
water stitchwort [Myosoton aquaticum, syn.: Malachium aquaticum, Stellaria aquatica](Gemeiner) Wasserdarm {m}
water stitchwort [Myosoton aquaticum, syn.: Malachium aquaticum, Stellaria aquatica]Wassermiere {f}
water stone [whetstone] Wetzstein {m}
water storageWasserspeicherung {f}
water storage [storage in water] Nasslagerung {f}
water storage capacityWasserspeicherkapazität {f}
water storage tank Wasservorratstank {m}
water storage tankWasservorratsbehälter {m}
water strata Wasserschichten {pl}
water strategyWasserstrategie {f}
water streamWasserstrom {m} [Wasserströmung]
water stress Wasserstress {m}
water stressWassermangel {m}
water stressWasserknappheit {f}
water strider [family Gerridae] Wasserläufer {m}
water strider [family Gerridae] Wasserreiter {m}
water striders [family Gerridae]Schneider {pl} [ugs.] [auch: Wasserschneider]
water string wassersperrende Rohrtour {f}
water supplier Wasserversorger {m}
water supplies Wasserhaushalte {pl}
water supply Wasserhaushalt {m}
water supply Wasserversorgung {f}
water supply Wasseranschluss {m}
water supply Zufluss {m} [Wasserzulauf]
water supplyWasserzufuhr {f}
water supply and distributionWasserwirtschaft {f}
water supply authorities Wasserversorgungsbehörden {pl}
water supply facility Wasserversorgungsanlage {f}
water supply hoseWasserzulaufschlauch {m}
water supply line Wasserleitung {f} [Zulauf, Versorgungsleitung]
water supply lineWasserversorgungsleitung {f}
water supply mainWasserleitung {f} [Zulauf, Versorgungsleitung]
water supply management Wasserbevorratung {f}
water supply pipe Wasserzuführungsrohr {n}
water supply pipe Wasserzulaufleitung {f}
water supply systemTrinkwassersystem {n}
water supply systemWasserversorgungssystem {n}
water supply system Wasserleitung {f} [ugs.] [Wasserversorgungssystem]
water supply worksWasserwerk {n}
water (supply) pressure gauge Wasserdruckmanometer {n}
water (supply) system Wassersystem {n}
water suppression Wasserunterdrückung {f}
water surfaceWasserspiegel {m}
water surfaceWasseroberfläche {f}
water surface Wasserfläche {f}
water surfaceGewässeroberfläche {f}
water surface curve Wasserspiegellinie {f}
water surface slope Wasserspiegelgefälle {n}
water surface tensionOberflächenspannung {f} des Wassers
water surface tension Wasseroberflächenspannung {f} [selten]
water suspension wässrige Suspension {f}
water sweet potato [Ipomoea aquatica, syn.: I. clappertoni, I. repens, I. reptans] Sumpf-Trichterwinde / Sumpftrichterwinde {f}
water sweet potato [Ipomoea aquatica, syn.: I. clappertoni, I. repens, I. reptans] Sumpfkohl {m}
water sweet potato [Ipomoea aquatica, syn.: I. clappertoni, I. repens, I. reptans] Wasserspinat {m}
water syringeWasserspritze {f}
water table Wasserspiegel {m} [im Boden]
water tableGrundwasserspiegel {m}
water table depth Grundwasserspiegel {m}
water table depth determinationBestimmung {f} (der Tiefe) des Grundwasserspiegels
water table drawdown Wasserspiegelabsenkung {f}
water tank Wasserbehälter {m}
water tank Wasserkasten {m}
water tank Wassertank {m}
water tank Grand {m} [bayer.] [Wasserbehälter]
water tank level indicator Wassertankanzeige {f}
water tankerWassertanker {m}
water tapWasserhahn {m}
water tap Leitungshahn {m}
water tap column Wasserzapfsäule {f}
water tap connection Wasserzapfstelle {f}
water taxiWassertaxi {n} [schweiz. auch: {m}]
« watewatewateWatewatewatewatewateWatewatewate »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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