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English-German Dictionary

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wave of indignation Woge {f} der Entrüstung
wave of infection Infektionswelle {f}
wave of infections Erkrankungswelle {f}
wave of inflationInflationswelle {f}
wave of innovation Innovationswelle {f}
wave of investment Investitionswelle {f}
wave of lay-offs Entlassungswelle {f}
wave of light Lichtwelle {f}
wave of mergersÜbernahmewelle {f}
wave of migrationWanderungswelle {f}
wave of migration Migrationswelle {f}
wave of modernization Modernisierungswelle {f}
wave of popularity Popularitätswoge {f}
wave of porn Pornowelle {f}
wave of pornography Pornowelle {f}
wave of price increases Preiserhöhungswelle {f}
wave of price increases Teuerungswelle {f}
wave of prosperity Welle {f} des Wohlstands
wave of prosperity Woge {f} des Wohlstands
wave of protest Protestwelle {f}
wave of publications Veröffentlichungswelle {f}
wave of rebellions Aufstandswelle {f}
wave of refugees Flüchtlingswelle {f}
wave of resignations Kündigungswelle {f}
wave of sentiment Woge {f} des Gefühls
wave of settlementSiedlungswelle {f}
wave of settlers Siedlerwelle {f}
wave of sound Klangwelle {f}
wave of speculation Spekulationswelle {f}
wave of strikes Streikwelle {f}
wave of successErfolgswelle {f}
wave of terror Terrorwelle {f}
wave of terrorismTerrorwelle {f}
wave of the handWinken {n} mit der Hand
wave of unemployed (workers / people)Arbeitslosenwelle {f}
wave of vacationersReisewelle {f}
wave of violenceWelle {f} der Gewalt
wave optics [usually treated as sg.]Wellenoptik {f}
wave overtoppingWellenüberlauf {m}
wave packet Wellenpaket {n}
wave packetWellengruppe {f}
wave packetWellenzug {m}
wave parameterWellenparameter {m}
wave path Wellenweg {m}
wave pathWellenbahn {f}
wave patternWellenmuster {n}
wave pattern [ultrasound] Wellenbild {n} [Ultraschall]
wave peak Wellenberg {m}
wave peak Wellenkamm {m}
wave peakWellenkuppe {f}
wave periodWellenperiode {f}
wave polarisation [Br.] Wellenpolarisation {f}
wave polarization Wellenpolarisation {f}
wave pool Wellenbad {n}
wave pool Wellenbecken {n}
wave powerWellenkraft {f}
wave power Wellenenergie {f}
wave power farm Wellenkraftwerk {n}
wave power plant Wellenkraftwerk {n}
wave pressure Wellendruck {m}
wave principleWellenprinzip {n}
wave profile Wellenprofil {n}
wave propagation Wellenausbreitung {f}
wave propagationFortpflanzung {f} von Wellen
wave propagation Wellenfortpflanzung {f}
wave quiltingWellensteppung {f}
wave radar Wellenradar {n} {m}
wave rangeWellenbereich {m}
wave range [wavelength range] Wellenlängenbereich {m}
wave rangesWellenbereiche {pl}
wave record Wellenaufzeichnung {f}
wave reflection Wellenreflexion {f}
wave refraction Wellenbrechung {f}
wave resistance Wellenwiderstand {m}
wave rider buoy Wellenreiterboje {f}
wave ridge Wellenkamm {m}
wave scattering Wellenstreuung {f}
wave sculptureWellenskulptur {f}
wave shapeWellenform {f}
wave siren Wellensirene {f}
wave soldering Wellenlöten {n}
wave soldering machine Wellen-Lötanlage {f}
wave spectraWellenspektren {pl}
wave speed Wellengeschwindigkeit {f}
wave springWellfeder {f}
wave spring Wellenfeder {f}
wave spring washerWellfederscheibe {f}
wave steepnessWellensteilheit {f}
wave stitch Wellenstich {m}
wave swingerKettenkarussell {n}
wave swinger Wellenflieger {m} [Kettenkarussell]
wave swingerWellenflug {m} [Wellenflieger]
wave tank Wellentank {m}
wave theories Wellentheorien {pl}
wave theory Wellentheorie {f}
wave theoryUndulationstheorie {f}
wave theory of light Wellentheorie {f} des Lichts
wave trainWellengruppe {f}
wave train Wellenpaket {n}
wave train Wellenzug {m}
« watewatewateWatlwavewavewavewavewavywaxeway[ »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers