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wealthiest vermögendste
wealthily reich
wealthiness Reichtum {m}
wealthinessWohlhabenheit {f}
wealthy reich
wealthy vermögend
wealthy reich begütert
wealthyvermöglich [schweiz. und regional]
wealthy hablich [schweiz.] [veraltet] [wohlhabend]
wealthy elite reiche Elite {f}
wealthy tradesmanwohlhabender Geschäftsmann {m}
wean [Scot.]Kind {n}
weaned [also fig.] entwöhnt [auch fig.]
weaned on sth.mit etw. [Dat.] groß geworden sein
weaned piglet [also: newly weaned piglet] Absetzferkel {n}
weaner pigAbsatzferkel {n}
weaning Entwöhnung {f}
weaning [Ablactatio] Abstillen {n}
weaning [Ablactatio]Absetzen {n} [Tierzucht]
weaning [discontinuing the dependency on assisted ventilation]Weaning {n} [Beatmungsentwöhnung]
weaning from mechanical ventilation [pneumology] Beatmungsentwöhnung {f}
weanling Flaschenkind {n}
weanlingfrisch entwöhnt
weanling [foal] Absatzfohlen {n}
weanling [newly weaned animal] (vor kurzem) entwöhntes Tier {n}
weapon Wehr {f} [veraltet] [Waffe]
weapon [also fig.]Waffe {f} [auch fig.]
weapon [also fig.] Kampfmittel {n} [auch fig.]
weapon at the ready Gewehr {n} im Anschlag
weapon cabinet Waffenschrank {m}
weapon carrier [vehicle]Waffenträger {m}
weapon deliveries Waffenlieferungen {pl}
weapon destruction Waffenvernichtung {f}
weapon effect Waffenwirkung {f}
weapon fanatic Waffennarr {m} [ugs.]
weapon fanatic [female] Waffennärrin {f} [ugs.]
weapon graveWaffengrab {n}
weapon manufacturer Waffenproduzent {m}
weapon manufacturer Waffenhersteller {m}
weapon of mass destructionMassenvernichtungswaffe {f}
weapon of war Kriegswaffe {f}
weapon of wholesale destructionMassenvernichtungswaffe {f}
weapon productionWaffenproduktion {f}
weapon sales [also: weapons sales]Waffenverkäufe {pl}
weapon system Waffensystem {n}
weapon systemsWaffensysteme {pl}
Weapon Systems Officer <WSO> Waffensystemoffizier {m} <WSO>
weapon tube Waffenrohr {n}
weapon (used)Corpus Delicti {n}
[weapon used in the commission of a crime] Tatwaffe {f}
weaponed bewaffnet
weaponization of sb./sth. [rare for: arming]Bewaffnung {f} jds./etw.
weaponization of sth. [use as a weapon] Umwandlung {f} etw. [Gen.] zur Waffe
weapon-locating radarWaffenerfassungsradar {n}
weaponriesWaffen {pl}
weaponry Bewaffnung {f}
weaponry Waffen {pl} [wie in Flugabwehrwaffen]
weaponryWaffenschmiede {f}
weapons Waffen {pl}
weapons {pl} [collectively] Bewaffnung {f} [Gesamtheit der Waffen]
weapons [also fig.] Kampfmittel {pl} [auch fig.]
weapons and materialsWaffen und Geräte
(weapons and) ammunition disposal services Munitionsbergungsdienst {m}
weapons cache Waffenversteck {n}
weapons collectionWaffensammlung {f}
weapons dealerWaffenhändler {m}
weapons decontamination material {sg}Waffenentgiftungsmittel {pl}
weapons deliveryWaffenlieferung {f}
weapons depotWaffenlager {n}
weapons depotWaffendepot {n}
weapons development Waffenentwicklung {f}
weapons effect Waffenwirkung {f} [Flächenwaffen]
weapons exclusion zoneWaffenverbotszone {f}
weapons exhibition Waffenschau {f}
weapons expert Waffenexperte {m}
weapons export Waffenexport {m}
weapons facilitatorWaffenlieferant {m}
Weapons free!Feuer frei! [Luftabwehr]
weapons handling Waffenhandhabung {f}
Weapons hold! Feuer einstellen! [Luftabwehr]
weapons import Waffenimport {m}
weapons industry Waffenindustrie {f}
weapons inspection Waffeninspektion {f}
weapons inspectorWaffeninspekteur {m}
weapons law [the law concerning weapons]Waffenrecht {n}
weapons legislation Waffenrecht {n}
weapons legislation Waffengesetzgebung {f}
weapons lockerWaffenschrank {m}
weapons manufacturer Waffenhersteller {m}
« Wetawe/twe/tweakweakwealweapwearweasweatweat »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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