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English-German Dictionary

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xenon(II) fluoride [XeF2] Xenon(II)-fluorid {n}
xeno-nucleic acid <XNA> [also: xenonucleic acid]Xenonukleinsäure {f} <XNA>
xenon(VI) oxide [XeO3]Xenon(VI)-oxid {n}
xenonymXenonym {n}
xeno-oestrogen [Br.] Xenoöstrogen {n}
xenophagyXenophagie {f}
Xenophanes of Colophon [c. 570 - c. 470 BCE] Xenophanes {m} von Kolophon
xenophiliaXenophilie {f}
xenophilia Fremdenfreundlichkeit {f}
xenophilia Fremdenliebe {f}
xenophilous fremdenfreundlich
xenophilyXenophilie {f}
xenophobeAusländerfeind {m}
xenophobeFremdenfeind {m}
xenophobe Fremdenhasser {m}
xenophobe [female]Fremdenhasserin {f}
xenophobiaFurcht {f} vor Fremden
xenophobiairrationaler Fremdenhass {m}
xenophobia Xenophobie {f}
xenophobia Abneigung {f} gegen Fremde
xenophobia [fear of strangers] Angst {f} vor Fremden
xenophobia [fear of strangers] Fremdenfurcht {f}
xenophobia [fear of strangers]Fremdenangst {f}
xenophobia [hatred of foreigners] Ausländerhass {m}
xenophobia [hatred of foreigners] Ausländerhaß {m} [alt]
xenophobia [strong antipathy to foreigners] Ausländerfeindlichkeit {f} [Einstellung]
xenophobia [strong antipathy to strangers] Fremdenfeindlichkeit {f} [Einstellung]
xenophobic fremdenfeindlich
xenophobic ausländerfeindlich
xenophobic xenophob
xenophobic attitudes {pl} Fremdenfeindlichkeit {f}
xenophobic slogans fremdenfeindliche Parolen {pl}
xenophobic slogans ausländerfeindliche Parolen {pl}
xenophobically fremdenfeindlich
xenophyllite [Na4Fe7(PO4)6]Xenophyllit {m}
xenophyophores Xenophyophoren {pl}
xenotime-Y [YPO4] Xenotim-Y {m}
xenotime-(Y) [YPO4]Xenotim-(Y) {m}
xenotime-Yb [(Yb,Y,Er) [PO4]]Xenotim-Yb {m}
xenotime-(Yb) [(Yb,Y,Er) [PO4]] Xenotim-(Yb) {m}
xenotransplantXenotransplantat {n}
xenotransplantation Heterotransplantation {f}
xenotransplantation Xenotransplantation {f}
xenotropic xenotrop
xerafim [also: xeraphim] [Portuguese India silver coin] Xerafim {m} [Silbermünze in Portugiesisch-Indien]
xerafin [also: xeraphin] [cf. xerafim / xeraphim]Xerafin {m} [vgl. Xerafim]
Xeralf [also: xeralf] Xeralf {m}
Xerand [also: xerand] Xerand {m}
xerasia Xerasie {f}
Xerces blue [Glaucopsyche lygdamus xerces] [butterfly] [extinct]Xerces-Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterart] [ausgestorben]
Xerept [also: xerept]Xerept {m}
XeresXereswein {m}
xeric trocken [Standort] [xerisch]
xeric xerisch
xeric grasslandTrockenrasen {m}
xeric shrubland Dornsavanne {f}
xeric shrublandtrockene Buschsteppe {f}
xeroballochoreXeroballochore {f}
xeroballochore Austrocknungsstreuer {m}
xeroballochory Xeroballochorie {f}
xerochasy Xerochasie {f}
xerocopyXerokopie {f}
Xerocrassa geyeri [syn.: Trochoidea geyeri] [freshwater snail in the family Valvatidae, the valve snails] Zwerg-Heideschnecke / Zwergheideschnecke {f}
xeroderma [Xerosis cutis] Xerodermie {f}
xeroderma [Xerosis cutis]Hauttrockenheit {f}
xerogel Xerogel {n}
xerographic Vervielfältigungstechnik {f}
xerographic xerografisch
xerographic xerographisch
xerographic printer xerographischer Drucker {m}
xerographic printing xerografisches Drucken {n}
xerographically xerografisch
xerography Xerographie {f}
xerographyKopierverfahren {n}
xerographyXerografie {f}
xeromammography Xeromammographie {f}
xeromammography Xeromammografie {f}
xeromesophyte Xeromesophyt {m}
xeromesophytic xeromesophytisch
xerophilous xerophil
xerophilous plantsXerophyten {pl}
xerophilsXerophile {pl}
xerophobia Xerophobie {f}
xerophthalmia <XP>Xerophthalmie {f}
xerophyte Xerophyt {m}
xerophytes Wüstenpflanzen {pl}
xerophytes Xerophyten {pl}
xerophytes Trockenpflanzen {pl}
xerophytic xerophytisch
xeroradiographic xeroradiographisch
xeroradiographic xeroradiografisch
xeroradiography Xeroradiographie {f}
xeroradiographyXeroröntgenographie {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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