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xeroradiography Xeroradiografie {f}
xerosis of the cornea [Xerosis corneae] Hornhautxerose {f}
xerostomia Mundtrockenheit {f}
xerostomia [dry mouth]Xerostomie {f} [Mundtrockenheit]
xerothermic xerotherm
xerothermic trockenwarm
xerothermophile xerothermophil
xerothermophilic xerothermophil
xerotic [e.g. skin] trocken [z. B. Haut]
xerotic eczema [asteatotic eczema] Exsikkationsekzem {n}
xerotropical xerotropisch
xerox ® Fotokopie {f}
xerox® (machine) [generic term for any photocopier]Kopierer {m} [Fotokopierer]
xerox® paper [coll.] [photocopying paper]Kopierpapier {n}
xerox® process [xerography, photocopying process] Xeroxverfahren {n} [Xerographie, Fotokopierverfahren]
xeroxing® [photocopying]kopierend [fotokopierend]
xeroxing® [photocopying] fotokopierend
Xerxes [Aladdin] [Disney]Xerxes
Xerxes [original title: Serse] [opera by George Frideric Handel] Xerxes [Originaltitel: Serse] [Oper von Georg Friedrich Händel]
Xerxes the Great [Xerxes I] Xerxes {m} I. [achämenidischer Großkönig]
Xetra Xetra-System {n}
Xetra memberXetra-Mitglied {n}
Xetra systemXetra-System {n}
Xetra tradingXetra-Handel {m}
x-height [corpus size of a typeface] x-Höhe {f} [Mittellänge einer Schrift]
x-height [height of letters such as x, a, e, m, n, o, etc.]Mittellänge {f}
Xhosa Kaffer {m} [veraltet] [oft pej.]
XhosaXhosa {pl}
xi <Ξ, ξ> [Greek letter] Xi {n} <Ξ, ξ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
xi baryon <Ξ baryon>Xi-Baryon {n} <Ξ-Baryon>
Xi Jinping Thought {sg} (on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)Xi-Jinping-Gedanken {pl} [Xi Jinpings Ideen des Sozialismus chinesischer Prägung im neuen Zeitalter]
Xi Jinpingism [Xi Jinping Thought] Xiismus {m}
Xi River Westfluss {m}
Xia Dynasty Xia-Dynastie {f}
Xiamen tiger [Panthera tigris amoyensis]Amoytiger {m}
Xiamen tiger [Panthera tigris amoyensis] Südchinesischer Tiger {m}
Xi'anXi'an {n}
Xian [also X-ian, X'ian] [abbreviation for: Christian]Christ {m}
Xian faith [coll.]christlicher Glaube {m}
xiangjiangite [(Fe,Al) [(UO2)4|OH|(SO4)2|(PO4)2]·22H2O] Xiangjiangit {m}
xiao [flute] [pinyin: xiāo] Xiao {f} [Flöte] [Pinyin: xiāo]
Xichou burrowing snake [Achalinus yangdatongi] Xichou-Wühlnatter {f}
xieite [FeCr2O4] Xieit {m}
xifengite [Fe5Si3] Xifengit {m}
Xiism [Xi Jinping Thought]Xiismus {m}
xilingolite [Pb3Bi2S6]Xilingolit {m}
ximengite [Bi(PO4)] Ximengit {m}
X-inactivation X-Inaktivierung {f}
xingzhongite [(Pb,Cu,Fe)(Ir,Pt,Rh)2S4] Xingzhongit {m}
Xinjiang ground-jay [Podoces biddulphi] Weißschwanzhäher {m}
x-intercept x-Achsenabschnitt {m}
xiphisternum [Processus xiphoideus] Schwertfortsatz {m}
xiphoid process [Processus xiphoideus]Schwertfortsatz {m}
xiphoid process [Processus xiphoideus] Xiphoid {n}
xiphosXiphos {m}
Xism [Xi Jinping Thought]Xiismus {m}
xitieshanite [Fe(SO4)(OH)·7H2O] Xitieshanit {m}
Xiuhtecuhtli [Aztec deity] Xiuhtecuhtli {m} [aztekische Gottheit]
X-linked agammaglobulinaemia <XLA> [Br.] Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ]
X-linked agammaglobulinemia <XLA> [Am.] Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ]
X-linked bulbo-spinal atrophy <SBMA> [Kennedy's disease]spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie {f} Typ Kennedy <SBMA>
X-linked dominantX-chromosomal-dominant
X-linked dominant inheritance X-chromosomal-dominanter Erbgang {m}
X-linked ichthyosis [ICD-10, Q80.1, V. 2015] X-chromosomal-rezessive Ichthyosis {f} [ICD-10, Q80.1, V. 2015]
X-linked inheritanceX-chromosomale Vererbung {f}
X-linked recessive X-chromosomal-rezessiv
X-linked recessive inheritance X-chromosomal-rezessiver Erbgang {m}
X-linked spinal muscular atrophy type 1 <SMAX1> spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie {f} <SBMA> Typ Kennedy
XLPE cable VPE-Kabel {n}
XLR connectorXLR-Steckverbinder {m}
Xmas [coll.]Weihnachten {n}
X-mas [coll.] [spv.] [Xmas]Weihnachten {n}
Xmas card [coll.]Weihnachtskarte {f}
Xmas cookies [Am.] [coll.] Weihnachtsplätzchen {pl}
Xmas giftWeihnachtsgeschenk {n}
X-Men: Days of Future Past [Bryan Singer] X-Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit
X-Men: First Class [Matthew Vaughn] X-Men: Erste Entscheidung
X-Men: The Last Stand [Brett Ratner]X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand
XML family of standards XML-Standardfamilie {f}
XML schema XML-Schema {n} <XSD>
XochiquetzalXochiquetzal {f}
xocolatlite [Ca2Mn2Te2O12·H2O] Xocolatlit {m}
xocomecatlite [Cu3TeO4(OH)4] Xocomecatlit {m}
xolito [short for: xoloitzcuintle] Xolo {m} [kurz für: Xoloitzcuintle, Mexikanischer Nackthund]
xolo [short for: Xoloitzcuintle] Xolo {m} [kurz für: Xoloitzcuintle, Mexikanischer Nackthund]
xoloitzcuintle [(standard) Mexican hairless]Xoloitzcuintle {m} [auch: Tepeizeuintli]
xoloitzcuintli [Mexican hairless dog] Xoloitzquintle {m} [Xoloitzcuintle, Mexikanischer Nackthund]
xoloitzquintle [also: xoloitzcuintli, xoloescuincle] [xoloitzcuintle, Mexican hairless dog]Xoloitzquintle {m} [Xoloitzcuintle, Mexikanischer Nackthund]
xonotlite [Ca6Si6O17(OH)2] Xonotlit {m}
XOR operationExklusiv-ODER-Verknüpfung {f}
XOR operation XOR-Verknüpfung {f}
xote Xote {m}
x-piece flatware place setting x-teilige Besteckgarnitur {f}
x-piece place settingx-teiliges Besteck {n} [Garnitur]
x-place [number, identifier, etc.] x-stellig [Seriennummer, Passwort usw.]
x-platesHorizontalablenkplatten {pl}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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