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English-German Dictionary

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y [letter]y {n} [Buchstabe]
Y [letter]Y {n} [Buchstabe]
Y as in Yoke [Am.]Y wie Ypsilon
Y boson <Y> Y-Boson {n} <Y>
Y chromosomeY-Chromosom {n}
Y for Yankee [NATO phonetic alphabet]Y wie Yankee [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
Y for Yellow [Br.] Y wie Ypsilon
Y joint Y-Stecker {m}
Y level [black level]Schwarzpegel {m}
Y, (this is) X, over. [X (e.g. coast guard) is calling Y] X an Y, bitte kommen! [veraltet] [Funksprechverkehr]
Y, (this is) X, over. [X (e.g. coast guard) is calling Y] Y von X, kommen! [Funksprechverkehr]
Y2K bug Y2K-Bug {m}
Y2K-compliant Jahr-2000-kompatibel
Y2K-compliant Jahr-2000-tauglich
ya [Am.] [nonstandard] [you]du
ya [Am.] [nonstandard] [you]dich
ya [Am.] [nonstandard] [you] euch
ya [Am.] [spv. for "you" / "your" as pronounced informally] [phonetische Schreibweise für "you" / "your" in informell gesprochenem amerik. Englisch]
ya [nonstandard] [you] ihr [2. Pers. pl.]
yaar [Ind.] [coll.]Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
yabbie (crayfish) [Cherax destructor] Yabbie-Krebs {m}
yabbie (crayfish) [Cherax destructor] Yabbi {m}
Yablonoi Mountains {pl} Jablonowygebirge {n}
Yablunytsia Pass Jablunyzkyj-Pass {m}
Yacambú spindle snake [Atractus heyeri] Yacambú-Spindelnatter {f}
yacare caiman [Caiman yacare, formerly: Caiman crocodilus yacara](Südlicher) Brillenkaiman {m}
yachtJacht {f}
yachtYacht {f} [Rsv.]
yacht brokerYachtmakler {m}
yacht brokerJachtmakler {m}
yacht broker [female] Yachtmaklerin {f}
yacht broker [female] Jachtmaklerin {f}
yacht club Jachtklub {m}
yacht harbor [Am.]Yachthafen {m}
yacht harbour [Br.] Yachthafen {m}
yacht insurance Yacht-Versicherung {f}
yacht moorageYachtliegeplatz {m} [auch: Yacht-Liegeplatz]
yacht ownerEigentümer {m} einer Jacht
yachtie [coll.] [yachtsman] Yachtbesitzer {m}
yachtie [coll.] [yachtswoman]Yachtbesitzerin {f}
yachtingSegelsport {m}
yachting Segeln {n}
yachting business [industry] Yachtgewerbe {n}
yachting clubSegelklub {m}
yachting shoe Segelschuh {m}
yachtsJachten {pl}
yachtsYachten {pl}
yachtsman Segler {m}
yachtsmanJachtfahrer {m}
yachtsman Yachtfahrer {m}
yachtsman [owner] Jachtbesitzer {m}
yachtsman [owner]Yachtbesitzer {m}
yachtsmen Segler {pl}
yachtswoman Seglerin {f}
yachtswoman Jachtfahrerin {f}
yachtswoman Yachtfahrerin {f}
yachtswoman [owner] Yachtbesitzerin {f}
yachtswomen Seglerinnen {pl}
yachty jachtartig
yachty yachtartig [Rsv.]
yachty [coll.] [yachtsman]Jachtbesitzer {m}
yachty [coll.] [yachtsman]Yachtbesitzer {m}
yachty [coll.] [yachtswoman] Yachtbesitzerin {f}
yachty [coll.] [yachtswoman]Jachtbesitzerin {f}
yack [coll.] Geplapper {n}
yackety-yack [coll.] Geplapper {n}
yackety-yak [coll.] Blabla {n} [ugs.]
yackety-yak [coll.] [pej.] [also: yackity-yak, yakety-yak]Gequassel {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
Yacón [Smallanthus sonchifolius, Syn.: Polymnia edulis, P. sonchifolia] Yacón {f}
Yacon syrup Yaconsirup {m}
Yacon syrup Yacon-Sirup {m}
yad [pointer used in the ritual of Torah-reading] Jad {m} [Zeigestab zum Deuten auf Textzeilen in der Toralesung]
yada yada yada [coll.] bla bla bla [ugs.]
yadda yadda yadda [coll.]bla bla bla [ugs.]
yaffle [Br.] [regional] [Picus viridis] Grünspecht {m}
yafsoanite [(Ca,Pb)3Te2Zn3O12] Yafsoanit {m}
yagerJäger {m}
Yagi antenna Yagiantenne {f}
yagiite [(Na,K)3Mg4(Al,Mg)6(Si,Al)24O60]Yagiit {m}
Yah. Ja.
yahoo brutaler Kerl {m}
yahoo [boorish lout - J. Swift, Gulliver's Travels] grobschlächtiger Kerl {m}
yahoo [coll.] Rüpel {m} [pej.] [bes. vom Land]
yahoo [coll.] [rude and violent person, esp. one with little education]Saukerl {m}
yahoo [Gulliver's Travels] Yahoo {m}
yahoo [pej.] [rude, violent person] Rohling {m} [pej.] [roher, brutaler Mensch]
Yahoo! Juhu!
yahoosSaukerle {pl}
yahrtzeit candle [also: Yahrtzeit candle] [less often for: yahrzeit candle] Jahrzeitkerze {f}
yahrzeit [also: Yahrzeit] Jahrzeit {f} [hier: im Judentum]
yahrzeit candle [often also: Yahrzeit candle] [memorial candle]Jahrzeitkerze {f}
yahrzeit lamp [also: Yahrzeit lamp] Jahrzeitlampe {f} [auch: Jahrzeit-Lampe]
Yahtzee ® Kniffel ® {n}
Yahtzee ® Yahtzee ® {n}
Yahtzee ®Yatzy ® {n}
YahvehJahwe {m}
Yahweh Jahwe {m}
YahwehJahve {m} [Rsv. für: Jahwe]
Yahwism Jahwismus {m}
« x-plX-raX-raX-raxyley[leYahwYankyardyawayear »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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