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yellow lightGelblicht {n}
yellow light gelbe Ampel {f}
yellow lily [Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, syn.: H. flava]Gelbe Taglilie {f}
yellow lily [Lilium canadense] Kanada-Lilie {f}
yellow lily [Lilium canadense]Kanadische Wasser-Lilie / Wasserlilie {f}
yellow lily [Lilium canadense]Gelbe Lilie {f}
yellow line gelbe Linie {f}
yellow linegelber Strich {m}
yellow lines along kerb gelb markierte Bordsteine {pl}
yellow lochia {sg} [Lochia flava]gelber Wochenfluss {m}
yellow locust [Am.] [Robinia pseudoacacia] Gemeiner Schotendorn {m} [Robinie]
yellow locust [Robinia pseudoacacia]Wunderbaum {m} [Falsche Akazie]
yellow locust [Robinia pseudoacacia] Gewöhnliche Scheinakazie {f}
yellow longbill [Macrosphenus flavicans] Gelbbauch-Bülbülgrasmücke {f}
yellow longnose butterflyfish [Forcipiger flavissimus]Gelber Masken-Pinzettfisch {m}
yellow loosestrife [Lysimachia punctata] Punktierter Gilbweiderich {m}
yellow loosestrife [Lysimachia vulgaris]Gewöhnlicher Gilbweiderich {m}
yellow loosestrife [Lysimachia vulgaris]Gewöhnlicher Felberich {m}
yellow lotus [Nelumbo lutea]Amerikanische Lotosblume {f}
yellow lucerne [Medicago falcata]Gelbe Luzerne {f}
yellow lucerne [Medicago falcata]Sichelluzerne {f}
yellow lucerne [Medicago falcata]Sichelklee {m}
yellow lucerne [Medicago falcata] Sichel-Schneckenklee {m}
yellow marsh marigold [Caltha palustris, syn.: C. arctica, C. radicans, C. zetlandica] Dotterblume {f}
yellow marsh marigold [Caltha palustris, syn.: C. arctica, C. radicans, C. zetlandica](Gewöhnliche) Sumpf-Dotterblume / Sumpfdotterblume {f}
yellow marsh marigold [Caltha palustris, syn.: C. arctica, C. radicans, C. zetlandica] Butterblume {f}
yellow marshcress / marsh-cress [Rorippa palustris, syn.: Cardamine palustre, Nasturtium densiflorum, N. palustre, Sisymbrium amphibium var. palustre] Gemeine Sumpfkresse {f}
yellow marshcress / marsh-cress [Rorippa palustris, syn.: Cardamine palustre, Nasturtium densiflorum, N. palustre, Sisymbrium amphibium var. palustre] Gewöhnliche Sumpfkresse {f}
yellow martagon lily [Lilium hansonii] Gold-Türkenbund-Lilie / Goldtürkenbundlilie {f}
yellow martagon lily [Lilium pyrenaicum]Pyrenäen-Lilie {f}
yellow mastic [Sideroxylon foetidissimum] Falscher Mastix {m}
yellow mayfly [Potamanthus luteus]Gelbe Eintagsfliege {f}
yellow meadow ant [Lasius flavus]Gelbe Wiesenameise {f}
yellow meadow ant [Lasius flavus] Gelbe Wegameise {f}
yellow meadow ant [Lasius flavus] Bernsteingelbe Ameise {f}
yellow meadow-rue [Thalictrum flavum] Gelbe Wiesenraute {f}
yellow meadow-rue / meadowrue / meadow rue [Thalictrum flavum subsp. / var. glaucum, syn.: T. speciosissimum] Blaugrüne Wiesenraute {f}
yellow mealworm [Tenebrio molitor]Gemeiner Mehlwurm {m}
yellow medick [Medicago falcata]Sichelklee {m}
yellow melancholy thistle [Cirsium erisithales]Kleb-Kratzdistel {f}
yellow melancholy thistle [Cirsium erisithales] Klebrige Distel {f}
yellow melancholy thistle [Cirsium erisithales] Klebdistel {f}
yellow melancholy thistle [Cirsium erisithales]Klebrige Kratzdistel {f}
yellow melilot [Melilotus officinalis, syn.: M. arvensis, M. officinalis var. micranthus, M. vulgaris, Trifolium officinale]Acker-Honigklee / Ackerhonigklee {m}
yellow melilot [Melilotus officinalis]Gelber Steinklee {m}
yellow melilot [Melilotus officinalis]Gewöhnlicher Steinklee {m}
yellow melilot [Melilotus officinalis] Gebräuchlicher Steinklee {m}
yellow melilot [Melilotus officinalis] Honigklee {m}
yellow mignonette [Reseda lutea] [wild mignonette] Gelbe Rauke {f}
yellow mignonette [Reseda lutea] [wild mignonette] Gelbe Resede {f}
yellow mignonette [Reseda lutea] [wild mignonette]Gelber Wau {m}
yellow milfoil [Achillea tomentosa]Fibrige Schafgarbe {f}
yellow milfoil [Achillea tomentosa] [woolly yarrow]Gelbe Schafgarbe {f}
yellow milk bush / milkbush [Euphorbia mauritanica] Afrikanische Wolfsmilch {f}
yellow milk bush / milkbush [Euphorbia mauritanica] Milchbusch {m}
yellow milkcap / milk cap [Lactarius chrysorrheus, syn.: Lactarius chrysorheus] [yellowdrop milkcap] Goldflüssiger Milchling {m}
yellow milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus boeticus]Kaffeewicke {f}
yellow milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus boeticus] Spanischer Tragant {m}
yellow milk-vetch / milk vetch [Oxytropis campestris]Alpen-Spitzkiel {m}
yellow mockingbird [Icteria virens]Gelbbrustwaldsänger {m} [auch: Gelbbrust-Waldsänger]
yellow mockingbird [Icteria virens] Bauchredner-Waldsänger {m}
yellow mongoose [Cynictis penicillata]Fuchsmanguste {f}
yellow monitor [Varanus flavescens]Gelbwaran {m}
yellow monkshood [Aconitum anthora]Gift-Eisenhut {m}
yellow monkshood [Aconitum anthora] Giftheil-Eisenhut {m}
yellow monkshood [Aconitum anthora]Gegengift-Eisenhut {m}
yellow monkshood [Aconitum anthora] Blassgelber Eisenhut {m}
yellow monkshood [Aconitum anthora] Feinblatt-Eisenhut {m}
yellow morel [Morchella esculenta] Speisemorchel {f}
yellow (mountain) saxifrage [Saxifraga aizoides]Fetthennen-Steinbrech {m}
yellow (mountain) saxifrage [Saxifraga aizoides] Bach-Steinbrech {m}
yellow (mountain) saxifrage [Saxifraga aizoides] Quell-Steinbrech {m}
yellow (mountain) saxifrage [Saxifraga aizoides] Bewimperter Steinbrech {m} [Fetthennen-Steinbrech]
yellow mud turtle [Kinosternon flavescens]Gelbliche Klappschildkröte {f}
yellow nail fungus [Leotia lubrica](Gemeines) Gallertkäppchen {n}
yellow nail syndromeYellow-nail-Syndrom {n} <YNS>
yellow nickers {pl} [treated as sg.] [Caesalpinia bonduc, syn.: C. bonducella, C. crista, Guilandina bonduc, G. bonducella] Kugelstrauch {m}
yellow nickers {pl} [treated as sg.] [Caesalpinia bonduc, syn.: C. bonducella, C. crista, Guilandina bonduc, G. bonducella]Molukkenbohne {f}
yellow noumea [Diversidoris flava, syn.: Chromodoris flava, Glossodoris flava, Noumea flava] Gelbe Rotsaum-Prachtschnecke {f}
yellow nudibranch [Aegires minor, formerly: Notodoris minor] Bananen-Nacktschnecke {f}
yellow nutsedge [Cyperus esculentus] Erdmandel {f}
yellow nutsedge [Cyperus esculentus]Tigernuss {f}
yellow oat grass [Trisetum flavescens]Goldhafer {m}
yellow oat grass [Trisetum flavescens] Wiesen-Goldhafer {m}
yellow oat grass [Trisetum flavescens] Gold-Grannenhafer {m}
yellow oat grasslands Goldhaferwiesen {pl}
yellow oatgrass [Trisetum flavescens] Goldhafer {m}
yellow ocher [Am.] ockergelb
yellow ocher [Am.] Ockergelb {n}
yellow ochre ockergelb
yellow ochre Ockergelb {n}
yellow of the egg Eigelb {n}
yellow olive [RAL 6014] Gelboliv {n} [RAL 6014]
yellow olive [RAL 6014] NATO-Oliv {n} [ugs.] [Gelboliv, RAL 6014]
yellow onion braune Zwiebel {f}
yellow onion [Allium moly] Goldlauch / Gold-Lauch {m}
yellow ophrys [Ophrys lutea] Gelbe Ragwurz {f}
yellow orange gelborange [Mischfarbe]
yellow orchid [Ophrys sicula] Kleinblütige Gelbe Ragwurz {f}
yellow orchid [Ophrys sicula] Sizilianische Ragwurz {f}
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