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yellow spindles {pl} [treated as sg.] [Clavulinopsis helvola]Orangegelbe Keule {f} [Goldgelbe Wiesenkeule]
yellow sponge [Axinella damicornis, syn.: Grantia cinnamomea lactuca, G. cinnamomea var. damicornis, Spongia damicornis, S. lactuca] Verwachsener Geweihschwamm {m}
yellow spot [Macula lutea] gelber Fleck {m}
yellow spot [Nectria peziza]Orangenfarbiger Zwerg-Pustelpilz / Zwergpustelpilz {m}
yellow spotted amanita [Amanita franchetii, syn.: A. aspera] Gelbflockiger Wulstling {m}
yellow spotted amanita [Amanita franchetii, syn.: A. aspera]Rauer Wulstling {m}
yellow spotted newt [Neurergus kaiseri]Urmia-Molch {m}
yellow (spotted) stingray [Urobatis jamaicensis] Jamaika-Stechrochen {m} [auch: Jamaica-Stechrochen]
yellow spruce gall aphid [Sacchiphantes abietis, syn.: Adelges abietis, Chermes abietis] Gelbe Fichtengallenlaus {f}
yellow spruce gall aphid [Sacchiphantes abietis, syn.: Adelges abietis, Chermes abietis] Gelbliche Fichtenwolllaus {f} [alt: Gelbliche Fichtenwollaus]
yellow spruce gall aphid [Sacchiphantes abietis, syn.: Adelges abietis, Chermes abietis]Große Fichtengallenlaus {f}
yellow stagshorn [Calocera viscosa]Klebriger Hörnling {m}
yellow stagshorn [Calocera viscosa]Klebriges Schönhorn {n}
yellow stainer [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] (Veränderlicher) Karbol-Egerling / Karbolegerling {m}
yellow stainer [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] (Veränderlicher) Karbol-Champignon / Karbolchampignon {m}
yellow stainer [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] Weißer Gift-Champignon / Giftchampignon {m}
yellow stainer [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma]Gift-Egerling / Giftegerling {m}
yellow stainer [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma]Tinten-Egerling / Tintenegerling {m}
yellow stainer [Agaricus xanthodermus] Karbolegerling {m}
yellow staining agaricus / mushroom [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] Weißer Gift-Champignon / Giftchampignon {m}
yellow staining knight [Tricholoma sulphurescens, syn.: Tricholoma resplendens] Salziger Ritterling {m}
yellow star (badge) [badge that Nazis forced Jews to wear]Judenstern {m} [den die Juden im Nationalsozialismus zu tragen gezwungen waren]
yellow star (badge) [Jewish Star of David badge] Gelber Stern {m} [ugs.] [Judenstern]
yellow star-of-Bethlehem [Gagea lutea] Wald-Gelbstern {m}
yellow star-of-Bethlehem [Gagea lutea] Gewöhnlicher Gelbstern {m}
yellow star-of-Bethlehem [Gagea lutea]Wald-Goldstern {m}
yellow starry feather-moss [Campyliadelphus stellatus, syn.: Campylium stellatum]Echtes Stern-Goldschlafmoos {n}
yellow starry fen moss [Campyliadelphus stellatus, syn.: Campylium stellatum]Echtes Stern-Goldschlafmoos {n}
yellow star-thistle [Centaurea solstitialis] Sonnenwend-Flockenblume {f}
yellow starwort [Inula helenium] [horse-heal] (Echter) Alant {m}
yellow steppe lemming [Eolagurus luteus]Gelblemming {m}
yellow steppe lemming [Eolagurus luteus] Gelber Steppenlemming {m}
yellow stereum (fungus) [Stereum hirsutum] Striegeliger Schichtpilz {m}
Yellow Submarine [novel: Erich Segal, film: George Dunning]Yellow Submarine
yellow suckling clover [Trifolium dubium, syn.: T. filiforme, T. minus]Faden-Klee / Fadenklee {m}
yellow sugarcane aphid [Melanaphis sacchari, syn.: M. sorghi, Aphis sacchari, A. sorghella, A. sorghi, Doralis sorghi, Longiunguis sacchari, Rhopalosiphum sacchari, Uraphis sorghi]Grüne Zuckerrohrblattlaus {f}
yellow sugarcane borer [Chilo infuscatellus] [moth]Gelber Zuckerrohrbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow swamp brittlegill [Russula claroflava]Gelber Graustiel-Täubling {m}
yellow swamp brittlegill [Russula claroflava] Moor-Täubling / Moortäubling {m} [Gelber Graustieltäubling]
yellow swamp russula [Russula claroflava] Gelber Graustiel-Täubling {m}
yellow swamp russula [Russula claroflava] Moor-Täubling / Moortäubling {m} [Gelber Graustieltäubling]
yellow swamp warbler [Chloropeta gracilirostris]Gelbbauch-Rohrsänger {m}
yellow sweet clover [Melilotus officinalis]Gelber Steinklee {m}
yellow sweet clover [Melilotus officinalis]Gewöhnlicher Steinklee {m}
yellow sweet clover [Melilotus officinalis]Gebräuchlicher Steinklee {m}
yellow sweet clover [Melilotus officinalis] Honigklee {m}
yellow sweet clover [Melilotus officinalis] Echter Steinklee {m}
yellow sweet clover [Melilotus officinalis] Echter Honigklee {m}
yellow sweet-clover / sweetclover / sweet clover [Melilotus officinalis, syn.: M. arvensis, M. officinalis var. micranthus, M. vulgaris, Trifolium officinale] Acker-Honigklee / Ackerhonigklee {m}
yellow swordtail [Xiphophorus clemenciae]Gelber Schwertträger {m}
yellow tang [Zebrasoma flavescens]Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfisch {m}
yellow tang [Zebrasoma flavescens]Gelber Seebader {m}
yellow tang [Zebrasoma flavescens] Gelber Segelflossendoktor {m}
yellow tang [Zebrasoma flavescens]Gelber Segeldoktorfisch {m}
yellow teaGelber Tee {m}
yellow teardrop butterflyfish [Chaetodon interruptus] Gelber Tränen-Falterfisch {m}
Yellow Terror Gelbe Gefahr {f}
yellow tetra [Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus]Gelber von Rio {m}
yellow thistle [Cirsium erisithales]Klebrige Kratzdistel {f}
yellow thistle [Cirsium erisithales] Klebdistel {f}
yellow thistle [Cirsium erisithales] Kleb-Kratzdistel {f}
yellow thistle [Cirsium erisithales] Klebrige Distel {f}
yellow thornbill [Acanthiza nana]Gelbbauch-Dornschnabel {m}
yellow tiger lily (flower) [Lilium lancifolium var. flaviflorum]Gelbe Tigerlilie / Tiger-Lilie {f}
yellow tiger moth [Arctia flavia] Gelber Bär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow tiger moth [Arctia flavia] Engadiner Bär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow tiger moth [Arctia flavia] Gelber Bärenspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow tilefish [Hoplolatilus luteus] Goldener Torpedobarsch {m}
yellow tipping [e.g. in pine needles]Goldspitzigkeit {f}
yellow tipping [e.g. in pine needles] Gelbspitzigkeit {f}
yellow tip-up [warbler] [Dendroica palmarum] Palmenwaldsänger {m}
yellow tit [Machlolophus holsti, syn.: Parus holsti] Taiwanmeise {f}
yellow tit [Machlolophus holsti, syn.: Parus holsti] Formosameise {f}
yellow toadflax [Am.] {sg} [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris] Hasenmäuler {pl} [Gemeines Leinkraut]
yellow toadflax [Am.] {sg} [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris]Maulaffen {pl} [Gemeines Leinkraut]
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris]Großes Leinkraut {n}
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris] Flachskraut {n}
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris] Abnehmkraut {n} [Gemeines Leinkraut]
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris]Froschmaul {n} [Gemeines Leinkraut]
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris] Gelbes Löwenmaul {n}
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris]Harnkraut {n} [Gemeines Leinkraut]
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris]Kathrinenkraut {n} [Gemeines Leinkraut]
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris] Marienflachs {m} [Gemeines Leinkraut]
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris]Wilder Flachs {m}
yellow toadflax [Am.] [Linaria vulgaris] Gemeines Leinkraut {n}
yellow toadflax [esp. Am.] [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris] Kathrinenblume {f} [regional] [Gemeines Leinkraut]
yellow toadflax [Linaria vulgaris] Kleines Löwenmaul {n}
yellow toadflax [Linaria vulgaris]Gewöhnliches Leinkraut {n}
yellow toadflax [Linaria vulgaris] Echtes Leinkraut {n}
yellow toadshade [Trillium luteum, syn.: T. viride var. luteum, T. cuneatum var. luteum, T. sessile L. var. luteum, Trillium viride var. luteum]Gelbe Waldlilie {f}
yellow toadshade [Trillium luteum, syn.: T. viride var. luteum, T. cuneatum var. luteum, T. sessile L. var. luteum, Trillium viride var. luteum] Gelbe Dreizipfellilie {f}
yellow tone Gelbton {m}
yellow tonesGelbtöne {pl}
yellow tooth fungus [Hydnum repandum] Semmelgelber Stacheling {m}
yellow tooth fungus [Hydnum repandum]Semmel-Stoppelpilz {m} [auch: Semmelstoppelpilz]
yellow top borer [Chilo infuscatellus] [moth]Gelber Zuckerrohrbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow toreador [Celosia cristata] [yellow cockscomb flower]Gelber Hahnenkamm {m}
yellow tracking dots [in printer stenography]gelbe Punkte {pl} zur Nachverfolgung [Farbdruckermarkierung, MIC]
yellow tree tomato [Solanum betaceum, syn.: S. crassifolium, Cyphomandra betacea, C. crassicaulis, C. crassifolia] Baumtomatenstrauch {m}
yellow tree tomato [Solanum betaceum, syn.: S. crassifolium, Cyphomandra betacea, C. crassicaulis, C. crassifolia]Tamarillo {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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