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yellow-belly [coll.] [pej.]Feigling {m}
yellowbelly [sl.] Angsthase {m} [ugs.]
yellow-belly [sl.] Waschlappen {m} [ugs.]
yellow-belly flying fish [Br.] [Exocoetus gryllus] Fliegender Fisch {m}
yellow-belly flying fish [Br.] [Exocoetus gryllus]Schwalbenfisch {m} [Fliegender Fisch]
yellow-belly gecko [Hemidactylus flaviviridis, syn.: H. bengaliensis, H. sericeus, Boltalia sublaevis, B. sublevis, Hoplopodion rüppellii] Indischer Hausgecko {m}
yellowbelly grouper [Epinephelus marginatus] [dusky grouper]Brauner Zackenbarsch {m}
yellowbelly gudgeon [Allomogurnda nesolepis] Gelbbauch-Schläfergrundel {f} [auch {m}]
yellowbelly racer [Coluber constrictor flaviventris] Östliche Gelbbauch-Zornnatter {f}
yellowbelly racer [Coluber constrictor flaviventris] Gelbbäuchige Schwarznatter {f}
yellowbelly rockcod / rock cod [Epinephelus marginatus] [dusky grouper]Brauner Zackenbarsch {m}
yellowbelly sea snake [Hydrophis platurus, syn.: Pelamis platurus]Plättchen-Seeschlange {f}
yellowbelly snake [Coniophanes fissidens]Gelbbäuchige Schwarzstreifennatter {f}
yellowbelly snake [Coniophanes fissidens] Gelbbauchschlange {f}
yellowbelly water snake [Hypsiscopus plumbea, syn.: Enhydris plumbea]Reisfeld-Wassertrugnatter {f}
yellow-berried nightshade [Solanum virginianum, syn.: S. surattense, S. xanthocarpum]Gelber Nachtschatten {m}
yellow-bibbed fruit dove [Ptilinopus solomonensis]Gelbbauch-Fruchttaube {f}
yellow-bibbed lory [Lorius chlorocercus] Grünschwanzlori {m}
yellowbill [Ceuthmochares aereus]Erzkuckuck {m}
yellow-billed amazon [Amazona collaria] Jamaikaamazone {f}
yellow-billed aracari [Pteroglossus azara]Rotkropfarassari {m}
yellow-billed barbet [Trachyphonus purpuratus] Gelbschnabel-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-billed blue magpie [Urocissa flavirostris]Gelbschnabelkitta {f}
yellow-billed bluefinch [Porphyrospiza caerulescens, syn.: Passerina caerulescens, Rhopospina caerulescens] Kobaltämmerling {m}
yellow-billed cacique [Amblycercus holosericeus]Gelbschnabelkassike {f}
yellow-billed cardinal [Paroaria capitata] Mantelkardinal {m}
yellow-billed chough [Pyrrhocorax graculus] Alpendohle {f}
yellow-billed cotinga [Carpodectes antoniae] Gelbschnabel-Schmuckvogel {m}
yellow-billed cotinga [Carpodectes antoniae] Gelbschnabelkotinga {f}
yellow-billed cuckoo [Coccyzus americanus] Gelbschnabelkuckuck {m}
yellow-billed diver [Br.] [Gavia adamsii] Gelbschnabeltaucher {m}
yellow-billed egret [Egretta intermedia, syn.: Ardea intermedia, Mesophoyx intermedia] Mittelreiher {m}
yellow-billed egret [Egretta intermedia, syn.: Ardea intermedia, Mesophoyx intermedia] Edelreiher {m}
yellow-billed francolin [Francolinus icteorhynchus, syn.: F. dybowksii, F. ugandensis, Pternistis icterorhynchus]Heuglinfrankolin {m} [auch: Heuglin-Frankolin]
yellow-billed francolin [Pternistis icterorhynchus]Gelbschnabelfrankolin {m}
yellow-billed grosbeak [Eophona migratoria, syn.: Coccothraustes migratoria, C. migratorius] Schwarzschwanz-Kernbeißer {m}
yellow-billed grosbeak [Eophona migratoria] Weißhand-Kernbeißer {m}
yellow-billed hawfinch [Eophona migratoria, syn.: Coccothraustes migratoria, C. migratorius] Weißhand-Kernbeißer {m}
yellow-billed hawfinch [Eophona migratoria, syn.: Coccothraustes migratoria, C. migratorius] Schwarzschwanz-Kernbeißer {m}
yellow-billed hornbill [Tockus flavirostris] (Östlicher) Gelbschnabeltoko {m}
yellow-billed jacamar [Galbula albirostris]Gelbschnabel-Glanzvogel {m}
yellow-billed jacamar [Galbula albirostris] Weißschnabel-Glanzvogel {m}
yellow-billed kite [Milvus aegyptius]Gelbschnabelmilan {m}
yellow-billed leafbird [Chloropsis flavipennis] Philippinenblattvogel {m}
yellow-billed loon [Am.] [Gavia adamsii] Gelbschnabeltaucher {m}
yellow-billed loon [Am.] [Gavia adamsii] Gelbschnabel-Eistaucher {m}
yellow-billed lorikeet [Neopsittacus musschenbroekii] Gelbschnabel-Berglori {m}
yellow-billed magpie [Pica nuttalli] Gelbschnabelelster {f}
yellow-billed magpie [Urocissa flavirostris]Gelbschnabelkitta {f}
yellow-billed malkoha [Phaenicophaeus calyorhynchus] Buntschnabelkuckuck {m}
yellow-billed nunbird [Monasa flavirostris] Gelbschnabeltrappist {m}
yellow-billed nunbird [Monasa flavirostris] Gelbschnabel-Faulvogel {m}
yellow-billed nuthatch [Sitta solangiae] Gelbschnabelkleiber {m}
yellow-billed oxpecker [Buphagus africanus]Gelbschnabel-Madenhacker {m}
yellow-billed parrot [Amazona collaria]Jamaika-Amazone {f}
yellow-billed pintail [Anas georgica]Spitzschwanzente {f}
yellow-billed scimitar-babbler [Pomatorhinus montanus]Rotrückensäbler {m}
yellow-billed shrike [Corvinella corvina] Gelbschnabelwürger {m}
yellow-billed spoonbill [Platalea flavipes] Gelbschnabellöffler {m}
yellow-billed stork [Mycteria ibis] Nimmersatt {m}
yellow-billed tit-tyrant [Anairetes flavirostris] Gelbschnabeltachuri {m}
yellow-billed turaco [Tauraco macrorhynchus] Blaurückenturako {m}
yellow-billed white-eye [Zosterops luteirostris] Gizobrillenvogel {m}
yellow-billed wood ibis [Mycteria ibis, syn.: Ibis ibis] Nimmersatt {m}
yellow-billed wood stork [Mycteria ibis, syn.: Ibis ibis] Nimmersatt {m}
(yellow-billed) blue finch [Porphyrospiza caerulescens] Kobaltämmerling {m}
yellowbills [genus Ceuthmochares]Erzkuckucke {pl} [Gattung der Kuckucksvögel]
yellow-blossomed gelb blühend
yellowblotch / yellow-blotch angelfish [Pomacanthus maculosus] Sichelkaiserfisch / Sichel-Kaiserfisch {m}
yellowblotch / yellow-blotch angelfish [Pomacanthus maculosus]Arabischer Kaiserfisch {m}
yellow-blotched map turtle [Graptemys flavimaculata] Gelbtupfen-Höckerschildkröte {f}
yellow-blotched map turtle [Graptemys flavimaculata] Zwerg-Höckerschildkröte {f}
yellow-blotched palm-pitviper [Bothriechis aurifer] Gelbgefleckte Palmlanzenotter {f}
yellow-blotched sawback (turtle) [Graptemys flavimaculata] Gelbtupfen-Höckerschildkröte {f}
yellow-blotched sawback (turtle) [Graptemys flavimaculata] Zwerg-Höckerschildkröte {f}
yellow-bowed longhorn beetle [Plagionotus arcuatus] (Gemeiner) Eichenwidderbock {m} [auch: (Gemeiner) Eichenwidderbockkäfer]
yellow-breasted antwren [Herpsilochmus axillaris]Gelbbrust-Ameisenfänger {m}
yellow-breasted antwren [Herpsilochmus axillaris] Gelbkehl-Ameisenfänger {m}
yellow-breasted apalis [Apalis flavida] Gelbbauch-Feinsänger {m}
yellow-breasted barbet [Trachyphonus margaritatus] Perlenbartvogel {m}
yellow-breasted bird of Paradise [Loboparadisea sericea]Lappenparadiesvogel {m}
yellow-breasted boatbill [Machaerirhynchus flaviventer]Gelbbauch-Flachschnabel {m}
yellow-breasted boubou [Laniarius atroflavus]Gelbbauchwürger {m}
yellow-breasted bowerbird [Chlamydera lauterbachi]Dreigang-Laubenvogel {m}
yellow-breasted brush finch / brush-finch [Atlapetes latinuchus] Gelbbrust-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-breasted brush finch / brush-finch [Atlapetes latinuchus] Rostnacken-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-breasted bunting [Emberiza aureola] Weidenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-breasted bunting [Emberiza flaviventris] [golden-breasted bunting] Gelbbauchammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-breasted capuchin [Cebus xanthosternos]Gelbbrust-Kapuziner {m}
yellow-breasted chat [Icteria virens] Gelbbrustwaldsänger {m}
yellow-breasted chat [Icteria virens]Gelbbrust-Waldsänger {m}
yellow-breasted chat [Icteria virens] Bauchredner-Waldsänger {m}
yellow-breasted crake [Porzana flaviventer] Gelbbrust-Sumpfhuhn {n}
yellow-breasted flatbill flycatcher [Machaerirhynchus flaviventer]Gelbbauch-Flachschnabel {m}
yellow-breasted flowerpecker [Prionochilus maculatus]Goldbrust-Mistelfresser {m}
yellow-breasted flycatcher [Tolmomyias flaviventris] Gelbbauch-Breitschnabel {m}
yellow-breasted (flycatcher) warbler [Seicercus montis] Gelbbauch-Laubsänger {m}
yellow-breasted fruit dove [Ptilinopus occipitalis] Gelbbrust-Fruchttaube {f}
yellow-breasted greenfinch [Carduelis spinoides, syn.: Chloris spinoides]Himalayagrünfink {m}
yellow-breasted greenfinch [Carduelis spinoides, syn.: Chloris spinoides]Himalayazeisig {m}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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