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yellow-flowered alfalfa [Medicago falcata] Sichelluzerne {f}
yellow-flowered alfalfa [Medicago falcata]Sichelklee {m}
yellow-flowered alfalfa [Medicago falcata]Sichel-Schneckenklee {m}
yellow-flowered garlic [Allium flavum, syn.: A. paczoskianum] Gelb-Lauch {m}
yellow-flowered garlic [Allium flavum, syn.: A. paczoskianum] Gelber Lauch {m}
yellow-flowered lamb's ear [Stachys citrina] Zitronen-Ziest {m}
yellow-flowered pea [Lathyrus aphaca, syn.: L. segetum, Aphaca vulgaris] Ranken-Platterbse {f}
yellow-flowered pea [Lathyrus aphaca, syn.: L. segetum, Aphaca vulgaris] Spieß-Platterbse / Spießplatterbse {f}
yellow-flowered sweet clover [Melilotus officinalis] Gelbblühender Bokharaklee {m}
yellowfoot [Craterellus tubaeformis, syn.: Cantharellus tubaeformis, C. infundibuliformis]Durchbohrter Leistling {m}
yellowfoot [Craterellus tubaeformis, syn.: Cantharellus tubaeformis, C. infundibuliformis] (Gelbstieliger) Trompetenpfifferling {m}
yellowfoot [Craterellus tubaeformis, syn.: Cantharellus tubaeformis, C. infundibuliformis] Trompeten-Gelbling / Trompetengelbling {m}
yellowfoot [Craterellus tubaeformis, syn.: Cantharellus tubaeformis, C. infundibuliformis] Trichter-Gelbling / Trichtergelbling {m}
yellowfoot [Craterellus tubaeformis, syn.: Cantharellus tubaeformis, C. infundibuliformis] Trichter-Pfifferling / Trichterpfifferling {m}
yellowfoot / yellow foot [Craterellus lutescens, syn. Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus lutescens, C. xanthopus]Starkriechender Trompetenpfifferling {m}
yellowfoot / yellow foot [Craterellus lutescens, syn. Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus lutescens, C. xanthopus]Goldfüßchen {n} [ugs.]
yellowfoot / yellow foot [Craterellus lutescens, syn. Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus lutescens, C. xanthopus] Herrennagele {n} [ugs.]
yellowfoot / yellow foot [Craterellus lutescens, syn. Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus lutescens, C. xanthopus]Goldstieliger Pfifferling {m}
yellowfoot / yellow foot [Craterellus lutescens, syn. Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus lutescens, C. xanthopus]Starkriechender Leistling {m}
yellowfoot / yellow foot [Craterellus lutescens, syn. Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus lutescens, C. xanthopus] Wohlduftender Pfifferling {m}
yellowfoot / yellow foot [Craterellus lutescens, syn. Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus lutescens, C. xanthopus] Gelbe Kraterelle {f}
yellowfoot / yellow foot [Craterellus lutescens, syn. Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus lutescens, C. xanthopus] Duftender Gabeling {m}
yellow-foot (agaricus) [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] Tinten-Egerling / Tintenegerling {m}
yellow-foot (agaricus) [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma](Veränderlicher) Karbol-Champignon / Karbolchampignon {m}
yellow-foot (agaricus) [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] (Veränderlicher) Karbol-Egerling / Karbolegerling {m}
yellow-foot (agaricus) [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma]Gift-Egerling / Giftegerling {m}
yellow-foot (agaricus) [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] Weißer Gift-Champignon / Giftchampignon {m}
yellow-footed alseonax [Muscicapa sethsmithi, syn.: M. flavipes, M. sethsmithi, M. seth-smithi, M. sethsmithii, Alseonax sethsmithii] Gelblaufschnäpper {m}
yellow-footed antechinus [Antechinus flavipes] Gelbfuß-Beutelmaus {f}
yellow-footed antechinus [Antechinus flavipes]Gelbfüßige Breitfuß-Beutelmaus {f}
yellow-footed flycatcher [Microeca griseoceps] Gelbfußschnäpper {m}
yellow-footed flycatcher [Muscicapa sethsmithi]Gelblaufschnäpper {m}
yellow-footed green pigeon [Treron phoenicopterus chlorigaster] Rotschulter-Grüntaube {f}
yellow-footed gull [Larus livens] Gelbfußmöwe {f}
yellow-footed honeyguide [Melignomon eisentrauti]Eisentrauthoniganzeiger {m}
yellow-footed marsupial mouse [Antechinus flavipes]Gelbfüßige Breitfußbeutelmaus {f}
yellow-footed rock kangaroo [Petrogale xanthopus]Gelbfuß-Felskänguru / Gelbfußfelskänguru {n}
yellow-footed rock-wallaby [Petrogale xanthopus] Gelbfuß-Felskänguru {n}
yellow-footed snakefly [Dichrostigma flavipes]Gelbfüßige Kamelhalsfliege {f}
yellow-footed squirrel [Paraxerus cepapi] Smith-Buschhörnchen {n}
yellow-footed squirrel [Paraxerus cepapi] Gemeines Buschhörnchen {n}
yellow-footed squirrel [Paraxerus cepapi] Gelbfußbuschhörnchen {n}
yellow-footed squirrel [Paraxerus cepapi]Ockerfuß-Buschhörnchen {n}
yellow-footed tortoise [Chelonoidis denticulata, formerly: Geochelone denticulata] Waldschildkröte {f}
yellow-fronted barbet [Megalaima flavifrons, syn.: Psilopogon flavifrons]Bronzestirn-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-fronted barbet [Megalaima flavifrons]Goldstirn-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-fronted barbet [Pogoniulus chrysoconus] Gelbstirn-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-fronted canary [Serinus mozambicus]Mosambikgirlitz {m}
yellow-fronted fulvetta [Alcippe variegaticeps, syn.: Pseudominla variegaticeps, Schoeniparus variegaticeps] Buntkopfalcippe {f} [auch: Buntkopf-Alcippe]
yellow-fronted honeyeater [Lichenostomus plumulus] Grünscheitel-Honigfresser {m}
yellow-fronted kakariki [Cyanoramphus auriceps]Springsittich {m}
yellow-fronted New Zealand parakeet [Cyanoramphus auriceps] Springsittich {m}
yellow-fronted parakeet [Cyanoramphus auriceps] Springsittich {m}
yellow-fronted parrot [Poicepalus flavifrons] Gelbkopfpapagei {m}
yellow-fronted parrot [Poicephalus flavifrons] Schoapapagei / Schoa-Papagei {m}
yellow-fronted pied woodpecker [Leiopicus mahrattensis, syn.: Dendrocopos mahrattensis, Picoides mahrattensis] Gelbscheitelspecht {m}
yellow-fronted pied woodpecker [Leiopicus mahrattensis, syn.: Dendrocopos mahrattensis, Picoides mahrattensis]Mahrattenspecht {m}
yellow-fronted seedeater [Serinus mozambicus, syn.: Crithagra mozambica, C. mozambicus, Ochrospiza mozambica] Mosambikgirlitz {m}
yellow-fronted serin [Serinus mozambicus, syn.: Crithagra mozambica, C. mozambicus, Ochrospiza mozambica] Mosambikgirlitz {m}
yellow-fronted shrike-babbler [Pteruthius melanotis] Zimtkehl-Würgertimalie {f}
yellow-fronted tinkerbarbet / tinker barbet [Pogoniulus chrysoconus]Gelbstirn-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-fronted tinkerbird [Pogoniulus chrysoconus] Gelbstirn-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-fronted tit [Anthoscopus flavifrons] Goldstirn-Beutelmeise {f}
yellow-fronted whistler [Pachycephala flavifrons] Diademdickkopf {m}
yellow-fronted white-eye [Zosterops flavifrons]Gelbstirn-Brillenvogel {m}
yellow-fronted woodpecker [Melanerpes flavifrons] Goldmaskenspecht {m}
yellow-fruit nightshade [Solanum virginianum, syn.: S. surattense, S. xanthocarpum]Gelber Nachtschatten {m}
yellow-fruit nightshade [Solanum virginianum, syn.: S. surattense, S. xanthocarpum]Thai-Aubergine {f}
yellow-fruit nightshade [Solanum virginianum, syn.: S. surattense, S. xanthocarpum]Kantakari {f}
yellow-fruited nightshade [Solanum virginianum, syn.: S. surattense, S. xanthocarpum] [fruit ripe]Gelber Nachtschatten {m}
yellow-fruited nightshade [Solanum virginianum, syn.: S. surattense, S. xanthocarpum] [fruit ripe] Gelber Nachtschatten {m}issmus
yellow-gaped honeyeater [Meliphaga flavirictus]Gelbkinn-Honigfresser {m}
yellow-glandular hawkweed [Hieracium sabaudum, syn.: H. autumnale, H. boreale subsp. fuscidulum, H. corybosum, H. platyphyllum] Savoyer Habichtskraut {n}
yellow-green / yellowgreen catchfly [Silene chlorantha]Grünblütiges Leimkraut {n}
yellow-green / yellowgreen catchfly [Silene chlorantha] Grünliches Leimkraut {n}
yellow-green algae [class Xanthophyceae] Gelbgrüne Algen {pl}
yellow-green algae [class Xanthophyceae] Gelbgrünalgen {pl}
yellow-green bush tanager [Chlorospingus flavovirens] Schwarzstirn-Buschtangare {f}
yellow-green bush-tanager [Chlorospingus flavovirens] Schwarzstirn-Buschtangare {f}
yellow-green chlorospingus [Chlorospingus flavovirens]Schwarzstirn-Buschtangare {f}
yellow-green finch [Pselliophorus luteoviridis] Griscombuschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-green grosbeak [Caryothraustes canadensis] Gelbbauchkardinal {m}
yellow-green peat moss [Sphagnum angustifolium]Kurzblättriges Torfmoos {n}
yellow-green peat moss [Sphagnum angustifolium] Schmalblättriges Torfmoos {n}
yellow-green sparrow [Pselliophorus luteoviridis] Griscombuschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-green tanager finch [Chlorospingus flavovirens]Schwarzstirn-Buschtangare {f}
yellow-green tyrannulet [Phylloscartes flavovirens]Panamalaubtyrann {m}
yellow-green vireo [Vireo flavoviridis] Zitronenflankenvireo {m}
yellow-green warbler [Basileuterus signatus, syn.: Myiothlypis signata, M. signatus] Peruwaldsänger {m}
yellowhammer [coll.] [Colaptes auratus] [northern flicker] Goldspecht {m}
yellowhammer [Emberiza citrinella] Goldammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellowhammer [Emberiza citrinella] Hämmerling {m} [ugs.] [Goldammer]
yellowhammer bunting [Emberiza citrinella]Goldammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Yellowhammer State [unofficial nickname for Alabama] Goldspecht-Staat {m} [inoffizieller Spitzname für Alabama, USA]
yellow-handed tamarin [Saguinus midas] Rothandtamarin {m}
yellow-handed titi (monkey) [Callicebus lucifer]Lucifer-Springaffe {m}
yellow-handed titi (monkey) [Callicebus torquatus] Halsband-Springaffe {m}
yellow-handed titi (monkey) [Callicebus torquatus]Witwenaffe {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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