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yellowhead butterfly [Chaetodon xanthocephalus]Gelbkopf-Falterfisch {m}
yellowhead butterflyfish [Chaetodon xanthocephalus]Gelbkopf-Falterfisch {m}
yellowhead catfish [Tachysurus fulvidraco] Gelber Drachenwels {m}
yellowhead jawfish [Opistognathus aurifrons]Goldstirn-Brunnenbauer {m}
yellowhead jawfish [Opistognathus aurifrons]Goldstirn-Kieferfisch {m}
yellow-headed amazon [Amazona oratrix]Gelbkopfamazone {f}
yellow-headed barbet [Stactolaema anchietae, syn.: Buccanodon anchietae]Strohkopf-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-headed blackbird [Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus] Gelbkopf-Schwarzstärling {m}
yellow-headed blackbird [Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus] Gelbkopfstärling {m}
yellow-headed blackbird [Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus]Brillenstärling {m} [auch: Brillen-Stärling]
yellow-headed box turtle [Cuora (pani) aurocapitata] Goldkopf-Scharnierschildkröte {f}
yellow-headed brush finch / brush-finch [Atlapetes flaviceps]Goldkopf-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-headed bunting [Emberiza elegans]Gelbkehlammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-headed bunting [Emberiza elegans] Schmuckammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-headed caecilian [Oscaecilia ochrocephala] [wrong spelling: yellow-headed caecelian]Panama-Blindwühle {f}
yellow-headed calico snake [Oxyrhopus formosus] Gelbkopf-Mondnatter {f}
yellow-headed caracara [Milvago chimachima]Gelbkopfkarakara {m}
yellow-headed coffee (stem) borer [Neonitocris princeps, syn.: Dirphya princeps, Nitocris princeps]Gelbköpfiger Kaffeebohrer {m}
yellow-headed conure [Aratinga jandaya] Jendayasittich {m}
yellow-headed day gecko [Phelsuma klemmeri] Blauer Bambus-Taggecko {m}
yellow-headed day gecko [Phelsuma klemmeri]Blauer Bambusgecko {m}
yellow-headed dove [Ptilinopus layardi]Smaragdtaube {f}
yellow-headed dove [Ptilinopus layardi] Gelbkopf-Fruchttaube {f}
yellow-headed goby [Gobius xanthocephalus] Gelbkopf-Grundel {f} [auch {m}] [auch: Gelbkopfgrundel]
yellow-headed jawfish [Opistognathus aurifrons] Goldstirn-Brunnenbauer {m}
yellow-headed keelback [Macropisthodon flaviceps]Gelbkopf-Kielrückennatter {f}
yellow-headed keelback [Macropisthodon flaviceps]Rotkopf-Kielrückenwassernatter {f}
yellow-headed koafinch / koa-finch [Rhodacanthis flaviceps, syn.: Loxioides flaviceps, Psittirostra flaviceps] [extinct] Kleiner Koafink {m} [ausgestorben]
yellow-headed leafbird [Chloropsis cochinchinensis] Blauflügel-Blattvogel {m}
yellow-headed manakin [Chloropipo flavicapilla] Olivkehlpipra {f}
yellow-headed moray (eel) [Gymnothorax rueppellii]Gelbstirnmuräne {f}
yellow-headed parrot [Amazona ochrocephala]Gelbscheitelamazone {f}
yellow-headed parrot [Amazona oratrix]Gelbkopfamazone {f}
yellow-headed phoenix [Ecliptopera capitata] [moth]Gelbköpfiger Springkraut-Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow-headed phoenix [Ecliptopera capitata] [moth] Gelbleibiger Springkrautspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow-headed phoenix [Ecliptopera capitata] [moth] Balsaminen-Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow-headed phoenix [Ecliptopera capitata] [moth]Gelbköpfiger Springkrautspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow-headed picathartes [Picathartes gymnocephalus] Gelbkopf-Felshüpfer {m}
yellow-headed picathartes [Picathartes gymnocephalus] Weißhals-Stelzenkrähe {f}
yellow-headed poison frog [Dendrobates leucomelas] Gelbgebänderter Baumsteiger {m}
yellow-headed temple turtle [Heosemys annandalii, syn.: Hieremys annandalii, Cyclemys annandalii] Tempelschildkröte {f}
yellow-headed teretistris [Teretistris fernandinae] Gelbkopf-Waldsänger {m}
yellow-headed wagtail [Motacilla citreola] Zitronenstelze {f}
yellow-headed warbler [Teretistris fernandinae] Gelbkopf-Waldsänger {m}
yellow-hooded blackbird [Chrysomus icterocephalus] Gelbkopfstärling {m}
yellowing Vergilbung {f}
yellowingVergilben {n}
yellowingGilb {m}
yellowing Gilbung {f}
yellowing curtain crust [Stereum subtomentosum] Samtiger Schichtpilz {m}
yellowing diseaseVergilbungskrankheit {f}
yellowing knight [Tricholoma scalpturatum, syn. :Tricholoma argyraceum] Gilbender Erd-Ritterling {m} [auch: Gilbender Erdritterling]
yellowing knight [Tricholoma scalpturatum, syn. :Tricholoma argyraceum]Silbergrauer Erd-Ritterling {m} [auch: Silbergrauer Erdritterling]
yellowing knight [Tricholoma scalpturatum, syn. :Tricholoma argyraceum] Silbergrauer Ritterling {m}
yellowing (of the eyes) [in the case of jaundice]Gelbfärbung {f} (der Augen) [bei Gelbsucht]
yellowing of (the) needle tips Gelbspitzigkeit {f}
yellowing of (the) needle tips [loss of chloroplast pigments] Goldspitzigkeit {f}
yellowing oysterling [Crepidotus luteolus]Flaumiger Krüppelfuß {m}
yellowing oysterling [Crepidotus luteolus] Flaumiges Krüppelfüßchen {n}
yellowing oysterling [Crepidotus luteolus] Flaumiges Stummelfüßchen {n}
yellowing oysterling [Crepidotus luteolus]Blassgelbes Stummelfüßchen {n}
yellowing oysterling [Crepidotus luteolus] Kraut-Stummelfüßchen {n}
yellowing oysterling [Crepidotus luteolus] Gelbblättriges Stummelfüßchen {n}
yellowing-resistant vergilbungsfest
yellowish brown gelblichbraun
yellowish bulbul [Ixos everetti] Everettbülbül {m}
yellowish flycatcher [Empidonax flavescens] Gilbufertyrann {m}
yellowish gray [Am.] gelblichgrau
yellowish greengelblich grün
yellowish greengelbgrün
yellowish imperial pigeon [Ducula subflavescens] Gelbe Fruchttaube {f}
yellowish myotis [Myotis levis] Gelbliches Mausohr {n}
yellowish myotis [Myotis levis] Uruguay-Mausohr {n}
yellowish pipit [Anthus lutescens]Savannenpieper {m}
yellowish pleurotus [Panellus serotinus, syn.: Acanthocystis serotinus, Pleurotus serotinus, Sarcomyxa serotina] Gelbstieliger Muschelseitling {m}
yellowish sedge [Cyperus flavescens, syn.: Pycreus fallaciosus, P. flavescens]Gelbliches Zypergras {n}
yellowish white [also: yellowish-white] gelblich-weiß [auch: gelblichweiß, gelblich weiß]
yellowish white-eye [Zosterops nigrorum] Philippinenbrillenvogel {m}
yellowish-streaked honeyeater [Ptiloprora meekiana]Meek-Honigfresser / Meekhonigfresser {m}
yellowish-streaked lory [Chalcopsitta scintillata, syn.: Chalcopsitta sintillata]Schimmerlori {m}
yellowishwhite bladderwort [Utricularia ochroleuca] Blassgelber Wasserschlauch {m}
yellowishwhite bladderwort [Utricularia ochroleuca] Ockergelber Wasserschlauch {m}
yellowjacket [Am.]Wespe {f}
Yellowknives [also: Yellow Knives] Yellowknifes {pl} [auch: Yellow-Knives, Yellowknifes-Indianer oder Gelbmesser-Indianer]
yellow-knobbed curassow [Crax daubentoni, syn.: C. incommoda] Daubenton-Hokko {m}
yellow-knobbed curassow [Crax daubentoni]Gelblappenhokko {m}
yellowleg bonnet [Mycena epipterygia] Dehnbarer Helmling {m}
yellow-legged brush-turkey / brush turkey [Talegalla fuscirostris] Schwarzschnabeltalegalla {n} [auch: Schwarzschnabel-Talegalla]
yellow-legged button-quail [Turnix tanki] Rotnacken-Laufhühnchen {n}
yellow-legged clearwing [Synanthedon vespiformis, syn.: S. quadriannullata, Sesia melliniformis, Sphinx asiliformis, S. oestriformis, S. sesia] Kleiner Eichenhain-Glasflügler {m}
yellow-legged clearwing [Synanthedon vespiformis, syn.: S. quadriannullata, Sesia melliniformis, Sphinx asiliformis, S. oestriformis, S. sesia] Großer Eichenglasschwärmer / Eichen-Glasschwärmer {m}
yellow-legged clearwing [Synanthedon vespiformis] [moth]Wespen-Glasflügler {m} [Glasflüglerspezies]
yellow-legged clearwing [Synanthedon vespiformis] [moth] Eichenglasflügler {m} [Glasflüglerspezies]
yellow-legged clearwing [Synanthedon vespiformis] [moth]Wespenglasflügler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow-legged dragonfly [Gomphus flavipes] Asiatische Keiljungfer {f} [Libellenart]
yellowlegged fanvault [Camarophyllopsis hymenocephala, syn.: Camarophyllopsis micacea]Goldbrauner Samtschneckling {m}
yellow-legged flycatcher [Microeca griseoceps]Gelbfußschnäpper {m}
yellow-legged flyrobin [Microeca griseoceps] Gelbfußschnäpper {m}
yellow-legged gallinule [Porphyrio martinica, syn.: Porphyrio martinicus, Porphyrula martinica]Zwergsultanshuhn {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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