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yellow-rumped honeyguide [Indicator xanthonotus]Gelbbürzel-Honiganzeiger {m}
yellow-rumped mannikin [Lonchura flaviprymna] Gelbbrust-Schilffink {m}
yellow-rumped marshbird [Pseudoleistes guirahuro] Gelbbürzelstärling {m}
yellow-rumped munia [Lonchura flaviprymna]Gelbbrust-Schilffink {m}
yellow-rumped pardalote [Pardalotus xanthopygus]Gelbbürzel-Panthervogel {m}
yellow-rumped seedeater [Crithagra reichenowi, syn.: Serinus reichenowi, Ochrospiza reichenowi] [Kenya yellow-rumped canary]Graubrustgirlitz {m} [Reichenowgirlitz]
yellow-rumped seedeater [Serinus atrogularis] Angolagirlitz {m}
yellow-rumped seedeater [Serinus reichenowi, syn.: Ochrospiza reichenowi, Crithagra reichenowi]Reichenowgirlitz {m}
yellow-rumped siskin [Carduelis uropygialis] Kordillerenzeisig {m}
yellow-rumped tanager [Ramphocelus flammigerus] Gelbrückentangare {f}
yellow-rumped thornbill [Acanthiza chrysorrhoa]Gelbbürzel-Dornschnabel {m}
yellow-rumped tinkerbird [Pogoniulus bilineatus] Goldbürzel-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-rumped warbler [Setophaga coronata, syn.: Dendroica coronata] Kronwaldsänger {m} [auch: Kron-Waldsänger]
yellows {pl} [treated as sg.] [Sinapis arvensis] [charlock] Acker-Senf / Ackersenf {m}
yellows [shades of yellow] Gelbs {pl} [ugs.]
yellows [treated as sg.] [jaundice] Gelbsucht {f}
yellowsaddle [Mulloidichthys martinicus] Gelbe Meerbarbe {f}
yellowsaddle goatfish [Parupeneus cyclostomus] Gelbe Meerbarbe {f}
yellow-saddled wrasse [Notolabrus fucicola] Schornsteinfeger-Lippfisch {m}
yellow-scarfed tanager [Iridosornis reinhardti] Goldbandtangare {f}
yellow-shafted flicker [Colaptes auratus]Goldspecht {m}
yellow-shafted flicker [Colaptes auratus]Kupferspecht {m}
yellow-shouldered amazon [Amazona barbadensis] Gelbschulteramazone {f}
yellow-shouldered blackbird [Agelaius xanthomus] Gelbschulterstärling {m}
yellow-shouldered grassquit [Loxipasser anoxanthus] Goldbug-Gimpelfink {m}
yellow-shouldered grosbeak [Parkerthraustes humeralis]Gelbschulterkardinal {m}
yellow-shouldered oriole [Icterus pyrrhopterus]Feuerflügeltrupial {m}
yellow-shouldered parrot [Amazona barbadensis]Gelbschulteramazone {f}
yellow-shouldered whydah [Euplectes macrourus, syn.: E. macroura]Gelbschulterweber {m}
yellow-shouldered widow-bird [Euplectes macrourus, syn.: E. macroura] Gelbschulterweber {m}
yellow-shouldered widowbird / widow-bird [Euplectes macrourus, syn.: E. macroura]Gelbschulterwida / Gelbschulter-Wida {f}
yellow-sided flowerpecker [Dicaeum aureolimbatum]Gelbflanken-Mistelfresser {m}
yellow-sided flowerpecker [Dicaeum aureolimbatum] Minahassamistelfresser {m}
yellow-snout shrimp-goby [Stonogobiops xanthorhinica] Gelbschnauzengrundel {f} [auch {m}]
yellow-soled slug [Arion hortensis] (Echte) Garten-Wegschnecke / Gartenwegschnecke {f}
yellow-speckled cave-goby [Gobiodon okinawae]Okinawa-Grundel {f} [auch {m}] [auch: Okinawagrundel]
yellow-speckled smooth snake [Erythrolamprus zweifeli] Gesprenkelte Glattnatter {f}
yellow-spectacled white-eye [Zosterops wallacei] Gelbring-Brillenvogel {m}
yellow-spined prickly pear [Euphorbia tithymaloides, syn.: Pedilanthus tithymaloides] Teufelsrückgrat {n} [Pantoffelstrauch]
yellowspot goby [Gnatholepis anjerensis] Familien-Sandgrundel {f} [auch {m}]
yellow-spot lift [Antispila petryi] Petrys Erzglanzfalter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow-spotted / yellowspotted wrasse [Macropharyngodon negrosensis] Schwarzer Leoparden-Junker {m} [Lippfischart]
yellow-spotted Amazon River turtle [Podocnemis unifilis]Terekay-Schienenschildkröte {f}
yellow-spotted barbet [Buccanodon duchaillui]Gelbfleck-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-spotted brush-furred rat [Lophuromys flavopunctatus] Gelbflecken-Bürstenhaarmaus {f}
yellow-spotted burrfish [Cyclichthys spilostylus, syn.: Cyclichthys echinatus, Chilomycterus spilostylus] Gelbflecken-Igelfisch {m}
yellow-spotted bush-sparrow [Gymnoris pyrgita, syn.: Petronia pyrgita] Sahelsteinsperling / Sahel-Steinsperling {m}
yellow-spotted bush-sparrow [Gymnoris pyrgita, syn.: Petronia pyrgita] Gelbkehlsperling {m}
yellow-spotted catshark [Scyliorhinus capensis]Gelbgefleckter Katzenhai {m}
yellow-spotted emerald [Somatochlora flavomaculata]Gefleckte Smaragdlibelle {f}
yellow-spotted frog [Hylarana signata, syn.: Pulchrana signata, Rana obsoleta, Rana signata (signata)] Gemalter Frosch {m}
yellow-spotted grunt [Haemulon flaviguttatum] Cortez-Grunzer {m}
yellow-spotted honeyeater [Meliphaga notata]Torreshonigfresser {m}
yellow-spotted keelback [Fowlea flavipunctata, syn.: Xenochrophis flavipunctatus] Gelbflecken-Fischnatter {f}
yellow-spotted keelback water snake [Fowlea flavipunctata, syn.: Xenochrophis flavipunctatus]Gelbflecken-Fischnatter {f}
yellow-spotted monitor [Varanus panoptes] Arguswaran {m}
yellow-spotted mountain keelback [Opisthotropis maculosa]Gelbflecken-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
yellow-spotted mountain stream keelback [Opisthotropis maculosa] Gelbflecken-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
yellow-spotted mountain stream snake [Opisthotropis maculosa] Gelbflecken-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
yellow-spotted nicator [Nicator chloris] Westnikator {m}
yellow-spotted petronia [Gymnoris pyrgita, syn.: Petronia pyrgita]Gelbkehlsperling {m}
yellow-spotted petronia [Gymnoris pyrgita, syn.: Petronia pyrgita]Kehlflecksperling {m}
yellow-spotted ringlet [Erebia manto] [butterfly] Gelbgefleckter Mohrenfalter {m}
yellow-spotted river turtle [Podocnemis unifilis]Terekay-Schienenschildkröte {f}
yellow-spotted rock dassie [Heterohyrax brucei] Buschschliefer {m}
yellow-spotted rock dassie [Heterohyrax brucei] Steppenschliefer {m}
yellow-spotted rock hyrax [Heterohyrax brucei] Buschschliefer {m}
yellow-spotted rock hyrax [Heterohyrax brucei]Steppenschliefer {m}
yellow-spotted rock sparrow [Gymnoris pyrgita, syn.: Petronia pyrgita] Gelbkehlsperling {m}
yellow-spotted sawtail [Prionurus maculatus] Gefleckter Doktorfisch {m}
yellow-spotted spindle snake [Atractus lasallei] Gelbflecken-Spindelnatter {f}
yellow-spotted star [Pharia pyramidata] Gelbgefleckter Seestern {m}
yellow-spotted starfish [Pharia pyramidata] Gelbgefleckter Seestern {m}
yellow-spotted tilefish [Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri] Gelbpunkt-Torpedobarsch {m}
yellow-spotted tinkerbird [Buccanodon duchaillui, syn.: Pogoniulus duchaillui] Gelbfleck-Bartvogel {m}
yellow-spotted tree frog [Leptopelis flavomaculatus] [Johnston's tree frog] Gelbbrauner Waldsteigerfrosch {m}
yellow-spotted tree frog [Litoria castanea] [yellow-spotted bell frog, New England bell frog] [critically endangered] Gelbgefleckter Glockenfrosch {m} [ein australischer Laubfrosch] [vom Aussterben bedroht]
yellow-spotted tropical night lizard [Lepidophyma flavimaculatum] Krokodil-Nachtechse {f} [auch: Krokodilnachtechse]
yellow-spotted whiteface [Leucorrhinia pectoralis] Große Moosjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
yellow-staining agaricus [Agaricus osecanus, syn.: A. nivescens] Kurzsporiger Anisegerling / Anis-Egerling {m}
yellow-staining agaricus [Agaricus osecanus, syn.: A. nivescens]Kurzsporiger Anis-Champignon / Anischampignon {m}
yellow-staining agaricus [Agaricus osecanus, syn.: A. nivescens]Rundsporiger Egerling {m}
yellow-staining agaricus [Agaricus osecanus, syn.: A. nivescens] Rundsporiger Champignon {m}
yellow-staining agaricus [Agaricus osecanus, syn.: A. nivescens] Schneeweißer Champignon {m}
yellow-staining agaricus / mushroom [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] (Veränderlicher) Karbol-Egerling / Karbolegerling {m}
yellow-staining agaricus / mushroom [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] (Veränderlicher) Karbol-Champignon / Karbolchampignon {m}
yellow-staining agaricus / mushroom [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma] Gift-Egerling / Giftegerling {m}
yellow-staining agaricus / mushroom [Agaricus xanthodermus, also A. xanthoderma]Tinten-Egerling / Tintenegerling {m}
yellowstalk fairy helmet [Mycena epipterygia] Dehnbarer Helmling {m}
Yellowstone cutthroat trout [Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri] Yellowstone-Cutthroat-Forelle {f}
Yellowstone Kelly [Gordon Douglas] Man nannte ihn Kelly
Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone-Nationalpark {m}
yellow-streaked greenbul [Phyllastrephus flavostriatus]Gelbstreifenbülbül {m}
yellow-streaked lory [Chalcopsitta scintillata, syn.: Chalcopsitta sintillata] Schimmerlori {m}
yellow-streaked warbler [Phylloscopus armandii] Davidlaubsänger {m}
yellowstripe coris [Coris flavovittata]Hawaii-Lippfisch {m}
yellowstripe goatfish [Mulloidichthys flavolineatus]Gelbstreifen-Meerbarbe {f}
yellowstripe goby [Mugilogobius chulae]Gelbstreifengrundel {f} [auch {m}]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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