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yellowstripe monocle bream [Scolopsis aurata]Goldener Scheinschnapper {m}
yellowstripe wormfish [Gunnellichthys viridescens] Orangestreifen-Wurmgrundel {f}
yellow-striped gelbgestreift
yellow-striped / yellowstriped cardinalfish [Apogon cyanosoma] Goldstreifen-Kardinalbarsch {m}
yellow-striped / yellowstriped cardinalfish [Apogon cyanosoma]Gelbstreifen-Kardinalbarsch {m}
yellow-striped brush finch [Atlapetes citrinellus] Schwarzbart-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-striped caecilian [Ichthyophis kohtaoensis] Koa-Tao-Blindwühle {f}
yellow-striped frog [Hylarana galamensis, syn.: Amnirana galamensis, Rana galamensis]Galam-Frosch {m}
yellow-striped reed frog [Hyperolius horstockii] Aronstab-Riedfrosch {m}
yellow-striped reed frog [Hyperolius horstockii] Aronstabfrosch {m}
yellow-striped shieldtail [Melanophidium bilineatum]Gelbstreifen-Schildschwanz {m}
yellow-striped squirrelfish [Neoniphon aurolineatus]Gelbstreifen-Husarenfisch {m}
yellow-striped (trinket) snake [Coelognathus flavolineatus, syn.: Elaphe flavolineata] Gelbstreifennatter {f}
yellow-striped (trinket) snake [Coelognathus flavolineatus, syn.: Elaphe flavolineata]Gelbstreifen-Kletternatter {f}
yellow-striped (trinket) snake [Coelognathus flavolineatus, syn.: Elaphe flavolineata]Schwarzschwanz-Kletternatter {f}
yellowtail angelfish [Apolemichthys xanthurus]Indischer Rauchkaiserfisch {m}
yellowtail barracuda [Sphyraena flavicauda] Gelbschwanz-Barrakuda {m}
yellowtail clownfish [Amphiprion clarkii]Clarks Anemonenfisch {m}
yellowtail coris [Coris gaimard] Clown-Junker {m}
yellowtail damsel [Chrysiptera hemicyanea]Azurdemoiselle {f}
yellowtail damsel [Chrysiptera hemicyanea]Azur-Demoiselle {f}
yellowtail damselfish [Chrysiptera parasema] Gelbschwanz-Demoiselle {f}
yellowtail dascyllus [Dascyllus flavicaudus] Gelbschwanz-Preußenfisch {m}
yellowtail flounder [Limanda ferruginea, syn.: Pleuronectes ferruginaeus] Gelbschwanzflunder {f}
yellowtail jewel (damsel) [Microspathodon chrysurus]Gelbschwanz-Riffbarsch {m}
yellow-tail (moth) [Euproctis similis, syn.: Sphrageidus similis]Laubholz-Weißspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] [selten]
yellow-tail (moth) [Euproctis similis, syn.: Sphrageidus similis] Heller Goldfalter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] [selten]
yellow-tail (moth) [Euproctis similis, syn.: Sphrageidus similis]Heller Goldafter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
yellow-tail (moth) [Euproctis similis] Schwan {m} [Nachtfalter]
yellowtail pygmy angel [Centropyge flavicauda]Weißschwanz-Zwergkaiserfisch {m}
yellowtail scorpion [Euscorpius flavicaudis] Gelbschwänziger Skorpion {m}
yellowtail snapper [Ocyurus chrysurus] Gelbschwanz-Schnapper {m}
yellowtail surgeonfish [Prionurus punctatus]Punktierter Doktorfisch {m}
yellowtail tang [Zebrasoma xanthurum]Gelbschwanz-Segeldoktorfisch {m}
yellowtail tang [Zebrasoma xanthurum] Rotmeer-Seebader {m} [Blauer Segelflossendoktor]
yellow-tailed African tetra [Alestopetersius caudalis, syn.: Phenacogrammus caudalis, Hemigrammopetersius caudalis]Gelber Kongosalmler {m}
yellow-tailed black cockatoo [Calyptorhynchus funereus] Gelbschwanz-Rußkakadu {m}
yellow-tailed black cockatoo [Calyptorhynchus funereus]Brauner Rabenkakadu {m}
yellow-tailed black cockatoo [Calyptorhynchus funereus] Gelbohr-Rabenkakadu {m}
yellow-tailed butterflyfish [Chaetodon xanthurus]Orangen-Gitterfalterfisch {m}
yellow-tailed demoiselle [Calopteryx xanthostoma] Südwestliche Prachtlibelle {f}
yellow-tailed finch [Lonchura flaviprymna] Gelbbrust-Schilffink {m}
yellow-tailed grunt [Anisotremus interruptus] Langgestreckter Grunzer {m}
yellow-tailed loach [Botia modesta] Grüne Schmerle {f}
yellow-tailed mannikin [Lonchura flaviprymna]Gelbbrust-Schilffink {m}
yellow-tailed oriole [Icterus mesomelas, syn.: I. xantholemus] Gelbschwanztrupial {m}
yellow-tailed pardalote [Pardalotus xanthopygus] Gelbbürzel-Panthervogel {m}
yellow-tailed thornbill [Acanthiza chrysorrhoa]Gelbbürzel-Dornschnabel {m}
yellow-tailed woolly monkey [Oreonax flavicauda, formerly: Lagothrix flavicauda] Gelbschwanz-Wollaffe / Gelbschwanzwollaffe {m}
yellow-thighed finch [Pselliophorus tibialis]Gelbschenkel-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-thighed sparrow [Pselliophorus tibialis]Gelbschenkel-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellowthroat [Geothlypis trichas]Weidengelbkehlchen {n} [auch: Weiden-Gelbkehlchen]
yellow-throated antwren [Myrmotherula ambigua]Gelbkehl-Ameisenschlüpfer {m}
yellow-throated brush finch [Atlapetes gutturalis] Gelbkehl-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-throated bulbul [Pycnonotus xantholaemus] Goldkehlbülbül {m}
yellow-throated bunting [Emberiza elegans] Gelbkehlammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-throated bunting [Emberiza elegans]Schmuckammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
yellow-throated bush tanager [Chlorospingus flavigularis] Gelbkehl-Buschtangare {f}
yellow-throated bush-tanager [Chlorospingus flavigularis]Gelbkehl-Buschtangare {f}
yellow-throated caracara [Daptrius ater]Gelbkehlkarakara {m}
yellow-throated chlorospingus [Chlorospingus flavigularis] Gelbkehl-Buschtangare {f}
yellow-throated cuckoo [Chrysococcyx flavigularis] Gelbkehlkuckuck {m}
yellow-throated day gecko [Phelsuma flavigularis]Gelbkehliger Taggecko {m}
yellow-throated euphonia [Euphonia hirundinacea] Schwalbenorganist {m}
yellow-throated flowerpecker [Prionochilus maculatus]Goldbrust-Mistelfresser {m}
yellow-throated fulvetta [Alcippe cinerea] Gelbkehlalcippe {f}
yellow-throated green cuckoo [Chrysococcyx flavigularis] Gelbkehlkuckuck {m}
yellow-throated greenbul [Chlorocichla flavicollis] Gelbkehlbülbül {m}
yellow-throated grosbeak [Pheucticus aureoventris] Goldbauch-Kernknacker {m}
yellow-throated hanging parrot [Loriculus pusillus] Elfenpapageichen {n}
yellow-throated hemispingus [Hemispingus calophrys]Ockerbrauenhemispingus {m} [auch: Ockerbrauen-Hemispingus]
yellow-throated honeyeater [Lichenostomus flavicollis]Gelbkehl-Honigfresser {m}
yellow-throated laughing thrush [Garrulax galbanus] Gelbbauchhäherling {m}
yellow-throated laughingthrush [Garrulax galbanus, syn.: Dryonastes galbanus, Ianthocincla galbana] Gelbbauchhäherling {m}
yellow-throated leafbird [Chloropsis palawanensis] Palawanblattvogel {m}
yellow-throated leaflove [Chlorocichla flavicollis] Gelbkehlbülbül {m}
yellow-throated longclaw [Macronyx croceus] Gelbkehlpieper {m}
yellow-throated longclaw [Macronyx croceus] Gelbkehlgroßsporn {m}
yellow-throated marten [Martes flavigula]Buntmarder {m}
yellow-throated miner [Manorina flavigula] Gelbstirn-Schwatzvogel {m}
yellow-throated nicator [Nicator vireo] Gelbkehlnikator {m}
yellow-throated nicator [Nicator vireo]Gelbkehlnicator {m} [Rsv.]
yellow-throated oriole [Icterus mesomelas, syn.: I. xantholemus] Gelbschwanztrupial {m}
yellow-throated petronia [Petronia superciliaris]Kapsteinsperling {m}
yellow-throated plated lizard [Gerrhosaurus flavigularis] Gelbkehl-Schildechse {f}
yellow-throated sandgrouse [Pterocles gutturalis] Gelbkehl-Flughuhn {n}
yellow-throated scrubwren / scrub-wren [Sericornis citreogularis, syn.: S. lathami] Gelbkehlsericornis / Gelbkehl-Sericornis {m}
yellow-throated seedeater [Serinus flavigula, syn.: S. xanthopygius, Ochrospiza flavigula] Abyssinien Angolagirlitz {m}
yellow-throated seedeater [Serinus flavigula, syn.: S. xanthopygius, Ochrospiza flavigula] Shoagirlitz {m}
yellow-throated seedeater [Serinus flavigula]Gelbkehlgirlitz {m}
yellow-throated sericornis [Sericornis citreogularis, syn.: S. lathami] Gelbkehlsericornis / Gelbkehl-Sericornis {m}
yellow-throated serin [Serinus flavigula, syn.: S. xanthopygius, Ochrospiza flavigula]Abyssinien-Angolagirlitz {m} [selten] [Abessinien-Angolagirlitz]
yellow-throated serin [Serinus flavigula, syn.: Serinus xanthopygius]Shoagirlitz {m}
yellow-throated serin [Serinus flavigula] Gelbkehlgirlitz {m}
yellow-throated spadebill [Platyrinchus flavigularis]Gelbkehl-Breitschnabel {m}
yellow-throated sparrow [Gymnoris xanthocollis, syn.: Petronia xanthocollis]Gelbkehlsperling {m}
yellow-throated spinetail [Certhiaxis cinnamomeus] Gelbkehlschlüpfer {m}
yellow-throated squirrel [Sciurus gilvigularis] Gelbkehlhörnchen {n}
yellow-throated tanager [Iridosornis analis] Gelbkehltangare {f}
yellow-throated tanager finch [Chlorospingus flavigularis] Gelbkehl-Buschtangare {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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