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yield of flax Flachsertrag {m}
yield of land Ertrag {m} des Landes
yield of maize Maisernte {f} [Ertrag]
yield of maize Maisertrag {m}
yield of millet Hirseertrag {m}
yield of millet Hirseernte {f} [Ertrag]
yield of oat Haferernte {f} [Ertrag]
yield of oat Haferertrag {m}
yield of potatoes Kartoffelernte {f} [Ertrag]
yield of potatoes Kartoffelertrag {m}
yield of ryeRoggenertrag {m}
yield of rye Roggenernte {f} [Ertrag]
yield of tax Steueraufkommen {n}
yield of wheat Weizenertrag {m}
yield of wheat Weizenernte {f} [Ertrag]
yield on an investment Ertrag {m} einer Anlage
yield on bonds outstanding Umlaufrendite {f}
yield on capitalKapitalertrag {m}
yield on invested fundsErtrag {m} aus den Anlagen
yield on longs Rendite {f} der Langläufer
yield on sales Umsatzrendite {f}
yield on securitiesErtrag {m} aus Wertpapieren
yield on securitiesRendite {f} der Wertpapiere
yield on shares Aktienrendite {f}
yield on shares Ertrag {m} aus Aktien
yield on shares Rendite {f} der Aktien
yield on shorts Rendite {f} der Kurzläufer
yield on subscription Zeichnungsrendite {f}
yield on subscription Zeichnungsgewinn {m}
yield on turnover Umsatzrendite {f}
yield per acre Flächenertrag {m} [Ertrag pro Acre]
yield per hectareHektarertrag {m}
yield per hectare Flächenertrag {m} [Ertrag pro Hektar]
yield per unit area Flächenertrag {m}
yield pointDehngrenze {f}
yield pointFließgrenze {f}
yield point [elasticity limit]Elastizitätsgrenze {f}
yield point under bending stress Biegegrenze {f}
yield potential Ertragspotenzial {n}
yield potential Ertragspotential {n}
yield potential Renditepotenzial {n}
yield potential Renditepotential {n}
yield prediction Ertragsprognose {f}
yield prediction Ertragsvorhersage {f}
yield prospects Renditeaussichten {pl}
yield ratio Gewinnverhältnis {n}
yield reductionErtragsminderung {f}
yield reductionErtragsreduktion {f}
yield riskErtragsrisiko {n}
yield sign [Am.] [Irish]Vorfahrt-achten-Schild {n}
yield spread Renditenspanne {f}
yield spreadRenditenunterschied {m}
yield strength Streckgrenze {f}
yield strength Streckfestigkeit {f}
yield stress Fließspannung {f}
yield stress Streckspannung {f}
yield stress [also: yield strength] Fließgrenze {f}
yield stress [Am.]Dehngrenze {f}
yield table Ertragstabelle {f}
yield to final date Rendite {f} auf Endfälligkeit
yield to maturity Endfälligkeitsrendite {f}
yield to maturity <YTM>Verfallrendite {f}
yield trend Ertragstrend {m}
yield trendsErtragstrends {pl}
yieldable [yielding to force, pressure, etc.] [e.g. metal] nachgebend [einem Druck nicht standhaltend]
yieldable [yielding to force, pressure, etc.] [e.g. metal]nachgiebig [einem Druck nachgebend] [z. B. Metall]
yielded [produced] hergegeben [erbracht]
yieldednessGelassenheit {f}
yield-increasing ertragssteigernd
yielding gewinnend
yielding ergebend
yielding Nachgeben {n}
yielding [compliant] nachgiebig
yielding a return gewinnbringend
yieldingly ergiebig
yieldingness Nachgiebigkeit {f}
yieldsGewinne {pl}
... yields a value for M = 1.4. ... ergibt für M = 1,4.
yield-thread screw Gewindefließschraube {f}
Yikes! [Am.] Ach du Schande!
Yikes! [Am.] Huch!
Yikes! [coll.] Du lieber Himmel!
Yikes! [coll.] [hum.]Pfui!
yill [Scot.: ale] Bier {n}
yilt [rare] [gilt] [a young sow that has not farrowed]Jungsau {f}
yimengite [K(Cr,Ti,Fe,Mg)12O19] Yimengit {m}
Yin Yin {n} [weibliches/passives Element i. d. chin. Philosophie]
yin and yang [opposite sides, elements, or extremes]Yin und Yang {n}
ying tao cherry [Prunus pseudocerasus, syn.: P. pauciflorus, Padus pseudocerasus] Zwergkirschbaum {m}
ying tao cherry [Prunus pseudocerasus, syn.: P. pauciflorus, Padus pseudocerasus] Wildkirsche {f}
ying tao cherry [Prunus pseudocerasus, syn.: P. pauciflorus, Padus pseudocerasus] Falsche Weichsel {f} [Kirschart]
y-interceptOrdinatenabschnitt {m}
y-intercept y-Achsenabschnitt {m}
yin-yang symbol [also: yin yang symbol, yin/yang symbol]Yin-Yang-Symbol {n}
yinz [coll., Pittsburgh dialect: 2nd person plural pronoun] ihr
Yinzer [coll.] Person {f} aus Pittsburgh [Pennsylvania, USA]
« yellyellYemeyesayewnyielyippYogaYoo-YouaYouc »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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