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English-German Dictionary

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Yippee! Hurra!
Yippee! Yippie!
Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker! [Die Hard (1988)] Yippie-ya-yay, Schweinebacke! [Stirb langsam]
yippie Yippie {m}
yis [coll.] [Irish] ihr
yis [sl.] [you] du
yixunite [Pt3In]Yixunit {m}
Y'know? [coll.]Weisch? [alemannisch]
Y'know? [coll.] Weißt? [ugs.]
ylang-ylang [Cananga odorata] Canangabaum {m}
ylang-ylang [Cananga odorata]Ylang-Ylang-Baum {m} [auch nur: Ylang-Ylang]
ylang-ylang oil Ylang-Ylang-Öl {n}
ylang-ylang tree [Cananga odorata, syn.: Canangium fruticosum, C. odoratum, Unona odorata, Uvaria axillaris, U. odorata]Ilang-Ilangbaum / Ylang-Ylangbaum {m} [auch Ilang-Ilang, Ilang-Ilang-Baum, Ylang-Ylang, Ylang-Ylang-Baum]
ylang-ylang tree [Cananga odorata, syn.: Canangium fruticosum, C. odoratum, Unona odorata, Uvaria axillaris, U. odorata] Canangabaum {m}
ylem Ylem {n}
ylemUrplasma {n}
ylid [ylide] Ylid {n}
ylide Ylid {n}
ylides Ylide {pl}
ylids [ylides] Ylide {pl}
Yliki rudd [Scardinius graecus]Griechische Rotfeder {f}
y-lined moray [Gymnothorax richardsonii]Richardson-Muräne {f}
YMCA Cevi {m} [schweiz.] [CVJM]
Ymir [primeval giant] Ymir {m} [Urriese]
Yngling Yngling {m}
yo [nonstandard] [your]dein
yo mama [Black Am. sl.]deine Mutter {f}
yo mama [Black Am. sl.] dei Mudda {f} [regional]
yo mama joke [sl.]Deine-Mutter-Witz {m}
[yo-yo] Jojo {n} [FALSCH für: Jo-Jo]
Yo! [Am.] [sl.] He!
Yo! [Am.] [sl.]Hey!
yoal [Ruderboot auf den Shetland Inseln]
yob [Br.] [coll.] Halbstarker {m}
yob [Br.] [coll.] Lümmel {m}
yob [Br.] [coll.] Rabauke {m} [ugs.]
yob [Br.] [coll.] Rowdy {m} [pej.] [jugendlicher Flegel oder Krawallmacher]
yob [Br.] [coll.]Schlurf {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [veraltend] [Halbstarker]
yob [Br.] [sl.] Rüpel {m} [pej.]
yob [female] [Br.] [coll.]Halbstarke {f}
yobbish [Br.] [coll.]rowdyhaft
yobbishness [Br.] [coll.] Rowdytum {n}
yobbo [Aus.] [coll.] Bauerntrampel {m} {n} [ugs.]
yobbo [Br.] [coll.] Lümmel {m}
yobbo [Br.] [coll.] [pej.]Rowdy {m} [pej.]
yobibyte <YiB>Yobibyte {n} <YiB>
Yobidashi [in sumo wrestling] Yobidashi {m} [beim Sumoringen]
yocto- <y> [10 ^ -24] Yokto- <y>
yoctoampere <yA> Yoktoampere {n} <yA>
yoctokatal <ykat> Yoktokatal {n} <ykat>
yoctometer <ym> [Am.]Yoktometer {m} {n} <ym>
yoctometre <ym> [Br.] Yoktometer {m} {n} <ym>
yoctowatt <yW> Yoktowatt {n} <yW>
yodelJodler {m} [Lied]
yodelJodler {m} [Ruf]
yodel course Jodelkurs {m}
yodeled [Am.] gejodelt
yodeler [Am.] Jodler {m}
yodeler [female] [Am.] Jodlerin {f}
yodeler [female] [Am.] Dudlerin {f} [Wienerisch]
yodelers [Am.] Jodler {pl}
yodeling [Am.] jodelnd
yodeling [Am.] Jodeln {n}
yodeling [Am.] Gejodel {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
yodeling concert [Am.] Jodelkonzert {n}
yodelled [Br.] gejodelt
yodeller [Br.] Jodler {m}
yodeller [female] [Br.] Jodlerin {f}
yodeller festival [Br.]Jodlerfest {n}
yodellers [Br.] Jodler {pl}
yodelling [Br.] jodelnd
yodelling [Br.] Jodeln {n}
yodelling [Br.] Gejodel {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
yodelling [Br.] [Viennese, esp. done by women] Dudeln {n} [Wiener Form des Jodelns, bes. von Frauen]
yodelling concert [Br.] Jodelkonzert {n}
yoderite [(Mg,Al,Fe)8Si4(O,OH)20] Yoderit {m}
yogaJoga {n} [auch {m}] [offizielle Rsv. von 1996 bis 2017] [Yoga]
yogaYoga {n} [auch {m}]
yoga class Yogastunde {f}
yoga course Yogakurs {m}
yoga exercise Yogaübung {f}
yoga instructor Yogalehrer {m}
yoga mat Yogamatte {f}
yoga pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Yogahose {f}
Yoga positionYogasitz {m}
yoga positionYogahaltung {f}
yoga position Yogastellung {f}
yoga postureYoga-Haltung {f}
yoga sessionYogastunde {f}
yoga stance [yoga position]Yogastellung {f}
yoga studentYogaschüler {m}
Yoga Sutra [Patanjali] Yogasutra {n}
Yoga Sutras [Patanjali]Yoga-Sutras {pl}
Yoga Sutras [Patanjali]Yoga-Sutren {pl}
yoga techniqueYogatechnik {f}
yoga technique Yoga-Technik {f}
yogalatesYogalates {n}
Yogasutra Yogasutra {n}
« yellYemeyesayewnyielYippyoghyoreYouaYoucYouc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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