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yoghurt powderJoghurtpulver {n}
yoghurt puddingJoghurtpudding {m}
yoghurt spoon Joghurtlöffel {m}
yoghurt-pot telephone Joghurtbechertelefon {n}
yoghurts Joghurts {pl}
yogiYogi {m}
yogiJogi {m} [offizielle Rsv. von 1996 bis 2017] [Yogi]
yogic flying yogisches Fliegen {n}
yogic powers [Siddhis] yogische Kräfte {pl}
yoginiYogini {f}
yogism Yogaphilosophie {f}
yogism Yogismus {m} [das System, die Disziplin oder die Praxis des Yoga bzw. der Yogis]
yogismYogalehre {f}
yogurt Joghurt {m} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}] [bes. ostösterr. auch {f}]
yogurt Jogurt {m} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}] [bes. ostösterr. auch {f}]
yogurt / yoghurt with (fresh) fruitsJoghurt {m} {n} mit (frischen) Früchten
yogurt cheese Laban {n} [quarkähnlich]
yogurt cultureJoghurtkultur {f}
yogurt dressingJoghurtdressing {n} [auch: Jogurtdressing]
yogurt maker Joghurtbereiter {m}
yogurt productionJoghurtherstellung {f}
yogurt products Joghurterzeugnisse {pl}
yohimbineYohimbin {n}
Yoicks! [hunting cry to urge hounds after a fox]Hussa!
Yoink! [coll.]Grabsch! [ugs.]
yoke Bügel {m}
yokeGabel {f}
yokeAblenkjoch {n}
yoke Steuerhorn {n}
yoke Sattel {m}
yoke Gespann {n} [zwei Ochsen]
yoke [also fig.]Joch {n} [auch geh. fig.]
yoke [coll.] [Irish]Ding {n}
yoke [e.g. of blouse or jacket] Passe {f} [z. B. an Bluse, Jacke]
yoke [for buckets etc.] Schultertrage {f} [für Eimer etc.]
yoke [for buckets etc.]Tragjoch {n} [für Eimer etc.]
yoke [for buckets etc.]Tragejoch {n} [für Eimer etc.]
yoke [shoulder yoke]Schulterpartie {f}
yoke [traditional unit of area]Joch {n} [veraltetes Flächenmaß]
yoke magnet Jochmagnet {m}
yoke mounting [e.g. telescope] Jochmontierung {f} [z. B. Teleskop]
yoke of marriage [hum.] Ehejoch {n} [hum.]
yoke of oxen Paar {n} Ochsen [Gespann]
yoke of oxenOchsengespann {n}
yoke of oxen Joch {n} Ochsen
yokefellow [female] [obs.]Gattin {f}
yokefellow [female] [obs.]Ehegattin {f}
yokel [pej.] Tölpel {m} [pej.] [Bauerntölpel]
yokel [pej.] Bauerntrampel {m} {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
yokellish trampelig [ugs.]
yokemate [spouse] [obs.]Ehegespons {n} [veraltet] [hum.]
yoking paarend
yoking cattle Rinderanspannung {f}
Yokneam Jokne'am {n}
yokozuna Yokozuna {m}
Yoldia sea Yoldia-Meer {n}
yolkDotter {m} [auch {n}]
yolk Eidotter {m} [auch {n}]
yolkEigelb {n}
yolkFettschweiß {m} [Schafwolle]
yolk content Dottergehalt {m}
yolk formationDotterbildung {f}
yolk membrane [egg] Dottermembran {f} [Ei]
yolk reserve Dotterreserve {f}
yolk sac Dottersack {m}
yolk sac tumor <YST> [Am.]Dottersacktumor {m} <YST>
yolk sac tumour <YST> [Br.] Dottersacktumor {m} <YST>
yolk stalk [Ductus omphaloentericus] embryonaler Dottergang {m}
yolkless ohne Eigelb [nachgestellt]
yolk-rich dotterreich
yolksDotter {pl}
yolksEidotter {pl}
yolky dottrig [selten]
yolla [Puffinus tenuirostris] Kurzschwanz-Sturmtaucher {m}
Yom Kippur [day of atonement]Jom Kippur {m} [Versöhnungstag]
Yom Kippur WarJom-Kippur-Krieg {m}
yon [archaic] jener
yon [archaic]der / die / das da drüben
yond [obs., Middle English] [that one] jener
yonder [archaic or dialect] jener
yonder [archaic or dialect]dort drüben
Yoneda lemma [also: lemma of Yoneda, Yoneda's lemma] Lemma {n} von Yoneda
Yonenaga's Atlantic spiny-rat [Trinomys yonenagae] Yonenaga-Atlantik-Stachelratte {f}
yoni [the symbol of the Goddess (Shakti or Devi), the Hindu Divine Mother]Yoni {n} {f} [als heilig geltendes Symbol des weiblichen Geschlechts in Indien]
yonks [Br.] [coll.] [a very long time] Ewigkeiten {pl} [ein sehr langer Zeitraum]
Yonow's nembrotha [Nembrotha guttata, syn.: N. yonowae] Orangefleck-Neonsternschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Yontasa expanse [Star Trek]Yontasa-Ausdehnung {f} [Star Trek]
yoo-hoo! [coll.] [dated] [to attract attention]juhu! [veraltend] [Betonung: ' - - ] [um Aufmerksamkeit zu wecken]
Yoo-hoo! [rare] Kuckuck! [beim Versteckspiel mit Kindern]
yore {sg} Urzeiten {pl}
yore [obs.] [in the past, long ago] vormals <vorm.>
yore [obs.] [in the past, long ago] ehedem [geh.]
York York {n}
Yorkscher March [also: York'scher March]Yorkscher Marsch {m} [auch: Marsch des Yorck'schen Korps]
Yorkshire Yorkshire {n}
Yorkshire fog [Holcus lanatus] Wolliges Honiggras {n}
Yorkshire fog [Holcus lanatus] [also: fog grass] Bottermeddel {n} [nordd.] [Wolliges Honiggras]
Yorkshire fog [Holcus lanatus] [also: fog grass]Honigmeddel {n} [regional] [Wolliges Honiggras]
Yorkshire fog [Holcus lanatus] [also: fog grass] Honigschmale {f} [regional] [Wolliges Honiggras]
« yen[YeshYeziyielyixuyoghYorkYouaYoucYoucYoue »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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