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English-German Dictionary

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[you] thrust [present tense][du] stößt
[you] unload [ihr] entladet
[you] vowed[du] gelobtest
[you] wanna [nonstandard] [want to] [du] willst
[you] wanna [nonstandard] [want to] [ihr] wollt
[you] want[du] willst
[you] wanted [du] wolltest
[you] wanted[ihr] wolltet
[you] wash [du] wäschst
[you] were [du] warst
[you] were [informally addressing two or more people][ihr] wart
[you] were [passive auxiliary] [du] wurdest
[you] were [passive auxiliary] [ihr] wurdet
[you] were [said to one person][Ihr] wart [veraltet] [Sie waren] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person]
[you] were [subjunctive][du] wärst
[you] were chilled through[du] verfrorst [veraltet] [regional]
[you] were dosing[du] dosiertest
[you] will [said to one person] [Ihr] werdet [veraltet] [Sie werden] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person]
[you] will [said to two or more people] [ihr] werdet
[you] will [wish] [ihr] wollt
[you] win [du] gewinnst
[you] work [du] arbeitest
[you] would [ihr] wolltet
[you] would [du] wolltest
[you] would [du] würdest
[you] would [ihr] würdet
[you] would be[ihr] wärt [wäret]
[you] would eat[ihr] äßet
[you] would eat[du] äßest
[you] would lie [deceive][ihr] löget
[you] would like [ihr] möchtet
[you] wouldn't like [du] möchtest nicht
[you] wrote [du] schriebst
(you) cannae [can not] [Scot.] (du) kannst nicht
you-all [Am.] [dialect]ihr [2. Pers. Plural]
you'd [you had] du hattest
you'd [you had]Sie hatten [formelle Anrede]
you'd [you would] du würdest
you'd [you would] Sie würden [formelle Anrede]
You'd almost think ... Fast könnte man meinen ...
You'd best not do that! Das lässt du lieber bleiben!
You'd better hustle! [Am.] [coll.] Du solltest dich besser beeilen!
You'd better leave it. Lass es lieber.
You'd better watch out! Pass bloß auf! [ugs.]
You'd better watch out! Nimm dich in Acht!
You'd better watch out! Sieh dich ja vor!
You'd make a great saleswoman. Sie würden eine gute Vertreterin abgeben. [formelle Anrede]
You'd think he couldn't say boo. Er tut, als könnte er nicht bis drei zählen.
you'd've [coll.] [you would have] du hättest
you'll [you will / shall]du wirst
you'll [you will / shall] Sie werden [formelle Anrede]
You'll be sorry.Das wird dir noch leidtun.
You'll be sorry if you do that. Wehe (dir), wenn du das tust.
You'll be waiting till the cows come home. [coll.] [fig.] Da kannst du warten, bis du schwarz wirst. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
You'll catch your death (of cold)! [coll.] [idiom] Du wirst dir noch den Tod holen! [Redewendung]
You'll come to regret it. Das wirst du noch (mal) bedauern.
You'll come, won't you? Sie kommen doch, oder? [formelle Anrede]
You'll find out. Das siehst du dann schon.
You'll get nothing, and like it! [coll.]Du kriegst nix - und aus! [ugs.]
You'll get nothing, and like it! [coll.]Du kriegst gar nix - und basta! [ugs.]
You'll get over it. Du kommst drüber hinweg. [ugs.]
You'll get yourself killed (one of these days)! Eines Tages wirst du dich noch selbst umbringen!
You'll get yourself killed (one of these days)! Eines Tages brichst du dir den Hals!
You'll have to do better than that!Da musst du (schon) früher aufstehen! [ugs.] [fig.]
You'll have to move. Du musst da weg.
You'll have to pay dearly for any mistakes. Fehler werden euch teuer zu stehen kommen.
You'll have to pay dearly for any mistakes. Fehler werden dich [selten auch: dir] teuer zu stehen kommen.
You'll have to pay dearly for any mistakes.Fehler werden Sie [selten auch: Ihnen] teuer zu stehen kommen.
You'll hear of this!Das werden Sie mir büßen!
You'll know it when it happens. Du erkennst es, wenn es so weit ist.
You'll never change.Du wirst dich nie ändern.
You'll Never Get Rich [Sidney Lanfield] Reich wirst du nie
You'll never make it stick. Damit kommst Du nicht durch. [fig.] [Du wirst das Ziel nicht erreichen / keinen Erfolg haben.]
You'll never want to do without it again.Das werden Sie nie mehr missen wollen.
You'll probably miss the train.Sie dürften den Zug verpassen. [formelle Anrede]
You'll probably miss the train. [said to one person]Du dürftest den Zug verpassen.
You'll probably miss the train. [said to two or more people]Ihr werdet wohl den Zug verpassen.
You'll probably miss the train. [said to two or more people] Ihr dürftet den Zug verpassen.
You'll see!Du wirst schon sehen!
You'll see! [I will be proved right.]Du wirst dich noch anschauen! [Redewendung] [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
You'll soon be laughing on the other side of your face. [Br.]Dir wird das Lachen schon noch vergehen!
You'll soon be laughing out of the other side of your face. Dir wird das Lachen schon noch vergehen!
You'll soon get well. Sie werden bald gesund sein. [formelle Anrede]
You'll suffer for this!Das wirst du (mir) büßen!
young jung
young Nachwuchs-
young Jugendliche {pl}
youngklein [jung]
youngJunges {n}
youngJungtier {n}
young {pl} [young animals] Jungtiere {pl}
young [e.g. animal, bird, cattle, plant, voter] Jung- [z. B. Tier, Vogel, Vieh, Pflanze, Wähler]
(young / little) maiden Mägdlein {n} [literarisch]
(young / little) maidenMägdelein {n} [veraltet]
young academicsjunge Akademiker {pl}
young actorJungschauspieler {m}
young actor [after finishing his training] Eleve {m}
young actress Jungschauspielerin {f}
« YoujYoumYouoYoutyou]you]younyounyounYourYou' »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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