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young mussel Jungmuschel {f}
Young National League Jungnationaler Bund {m} <JNB>
young nymph Jungnymphe {f}
young offenderjugendlicher Straftäter {m}
young offenderstraffälliger Jugendlicher {m}
young offender [female]straffällige Jugendliche {f}
young offender institutionJugendgefängnis {n}
young offender institution [Br.] Jugendstrafanstalt {f}
young offender's court [Br.] Jugendstrafgericht {n}
young officerjunger Offizier {m}
young, old, or in-beween [also: young, old, or in between] jung, alt oder dazwischen
young orchestra [Br.] Jugendorchester {n}
young orchestra musicians {pl} Orchesternachwuchs {m}
young pair junges Paar {n}
young peopleJugendliche {pl}
young people junge Leute {pl}
young people (junge) Heranwachsende {pl}
young people junge Menschen {pl}
young people {pl} Jugend {f} [die Jugendlichen]
Young people are all the same. Jugend hat keine Tugend.
young person junge Person {f}
young person Jugendlicher {m}
young person [female] Jugendliche {f}
young persons Jugendliche {pl}
Young Persons Employment Act [Br.] Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz {n}
young pigFerkel {n}
young pig [between 25 and 50 kg] Läufer {m} [junges Schwein zwischen 25 und 50 kg]
young pigeon Taubenjunges {n}
young pigsFerkel {pl}
Young Plan Youngplan {m}
young plantJungpflanze {f}
young plants Jungpflanzen {pl}
young player Nachwuchsspieler {m}
young player [female]Nachwuchsspielerin {f}
young politicians Jungpolitiker {pl}
young politicians [female]Jungpolitikerinnen {pl}
young population junge Bevölkerung {f}
young portrait of Queen ... [on coins] Kopf {m} / Kopfbild {n} der jungen Königin ... [auf Münzen]
young professional Berufsanfänger {m}
young professional [female]Berufsanfängerin {f}
young queen ant Jungkönigin {f} [Ameisen]
young rabbitJungkaninchen {n}
young rabbit junges Kaninchen {n}
young ram Böcklein {n}
young rooster Junghahn {m}
young rural population Landjugend {f}
young salted herring Matjeshering {m}
young secretary [female] Jungsekretärin {f}
young shaver [as address] junger Freund {m} [als Anrede]
young shaver [coll.] Grünschnabel {m} [ugs.]
Young Sherlock Holmes [Barry Levinson] Das Geheimnis des verborgenen Tempels
young shoot Trieb {m}
Young Sinners [Marcel Carné]Die sich selbst betrügen
young snail Jungschnecke {f}
young snakes Jungschlangen {pl}
young sportspeople {pl} Sportjugend {f}
young spruces Jungfichten {pl}
young squaw [often found offensive]Indianermädchen {n}
young stock Jungvieh {n}
Young Stone Age Jungsteinzeit {f}
young swan [cygnet] Schwänlein {n} [geh. od. dichter.] [junger Schwan]
young talentNachwuchs {m}
young teen [coll.]Teenie {m} [ugs.] [junger Teenager]
young teen [coll.] Teeny {m} [Rsv.] [ugs.] [junger Teenager]
young teen prostitution Babystrich {m} [ugs.]
young teenagerTeenie {m} [ugs.] [junger Teenager]
young teenagerTeeny {m} [Rsv.] [ugs.] [junger Teenager]
young thingKüken {n} [ugs.] [Mädchen]
Young though he is ...Obwohl er (noch) jung ist ... [So jung er auch ist ...]
young titsJungmeisen {pl}
Young Tom Edison [Norman Taurog] Der junge Edison
young tree Bäumchen {n}
young treeJungbaum {m}
Young Turk [aggressive reformer within an organization] [also: young Turk, young turk] Jungtürke {m} [hum.] [junger Reformer]
Young Turks Jungtürken {pl}
young unemployment Jugendarbeitslosigkeit {f}
young upwardly mobile professional Yuppie {m}
young urban professional Yuppie {m}
Young Vienna Jung-Wien {n}
young vine Rebling {m}
young volcanicjungvulkanisch
young voter Jungwähler {m}
young voter [female] Jungwählerin {f}
young voters Jungwähler {pl}
young vultureJunggeier {m}
young vulture Geierjunges {n}
young wild boar Überläufer {m}
young winejunger Wein {m}
young wine Jungwein {m} [nicht zu Ende fermentierter Wein]
Young Winston [Richard Attenborough] Der junge Löwe
Young Woman and the Sea [Joachim Rønning] Die junge Frau und das Meer
Young Woman of 1914 Junge Frau von 1914 [Arnold Zweig]
Young Women's Christian Association <YWCA> Christlicher Verein {m} Junger Frauen <CVJF>
young workers {pl}Arbeiterjugend {f}
[young girl, who in the company of other young girls, greets an important guest at a celebration] Ehrenjungfrau {f} [veraltet]
[Young Greens in Austria and Switzerland] die Jungen Grünen {pl} [ohne Artikel: Junge Grüne]
[Young Greens in Germany](die) Grüne Jugend {f}
[young man, subcultural, nonconformist esp. in dress and hair style]Schlurf {m} [österr.] [veraltend] [Halbstarker, Langhaariger etc.] [pej.]
(young) boy Jüngelchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
(young) chickenKüken {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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