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z [letter] z {n} [Buchstabe]
Z [letter] Z {n} [Buchstabe]
Z as in Zebra [esp. Am.] Z wie Zacharias
Z bosonZ-Boson {n}
Z for ZebraZ wie Zürich [österr.] [schweiz.] [international]
Z for Zebra Z wie Zacharias
Z for Zulu [NATO phonetic alphabet]Z wie Zulu [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
z score z-Wert {m}
z value z-Wert {m}
(Z)-butenedioic acid [maleic acid] cis-Butendisäure {f} [Maleinsäure]
Z/E isomerism(Z)-(E)-Isomerie {f}
za [coll.] [sl.] Pizza {f}
za'atar [also: zaatar, za'tar, zatar, zatr, zattr, zahatar, zaktar, satar]Zatar {n} {m} [als Gewürz-Kräuter-Mischung, auch das Zatar-Kraut]
za'atar [Origanum syriacum, syn.: Majorana syriaca, Origanum maru] [Syrian oregano] Syrischer Majoran {m} [Syrischer Ysop]
Za'atar [traditional blend of the Middle East] [also romanized: zaatar, za'tar, zatar, zatr, zattr, zahatar, zaktar or satar] Zatar {n} [auch {m}] [Gewürzkräutermischung] [auch: Za'tar, Zahtar oder Satar]
zabaglioneWeinschaum {m}
zabaglioneZabaglione {f}
zabaglione sauce Weinschaumsoße {f}
zabaglione sauceWeinschaumsauce {f}
zabaioneZabaglione {f}
zabaione Zabaione {f}
Zabel's cotoneaster [Cotoneaster zabelii] Zabels Zwergmispel {f}
Zabriskie Point [Michelangelo Antonioni] Zabriskie Point
Zabrze Zabrze {n}
zabuyelite [Li₂CO₃] Zabuyelit {m}
Zacatecas purple [Am.]Marihuana {n} aus Mexiko
zacatuche [Romerolagus diazi] Vulkankaninchen {n}
zaccagnaite [Zn4Al2 [(OH)12|CO3]·3H2O]Zaccagnait {m}
Zacchaeus Zachäus {m}
ZachariahZacharias {m}
ZacharyZacharias {m}
zack [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.] [dated] Sixpencestück {n}
Zadar Zadar {n}
Zadokites Zadokiden {pl}
Zadokites Zadokiten {pl}
Zadonsk Sadonsk {n}
Zadrima Plain Zadrima-Ebene {f}
zadruga Zadruga {f}
zaftig [woman] [Am.] mollig
zaftig [Am.] [coll.] [woman] kurvenreich [ugs.] [hum.] [Frau]
zaftig [Am.] [coll.] [yidd.] üppig [Frau]
zafu Zafu {n}
Zagreb [capital of Croatia] Zagreb {n} [Hauptstadt von Kroatien]
Zagreb [capital of Croatia]Agram {n} [Hauptstadt von Kroatien] [bes. österr.]
Zagreb County [Croatian: Zagrebačka županija]Gespanschaft {f} Zagreb
Zagreb ring [coll.] [Zagreb County, Zagrebačka županija] Gespanschaft {f} Zagreb
Zagrebian Zagreber {m}
Zagrebian [from Zagreb (Croatia)] aus Zagreb [nachgestellt]
Zagros Mountains {pl} Zagros {m} [Gebirge im Iran]
Zagros Mountains {pl} Zagros-Gebirge {n}
Zagros Mountains calomyscus [Calomyscus bailwardi]Echter Maushamster {m}
Zagros Mountains mouse-like hamster [Calomyscus bailwardi] Echter Maushamster {m}
Zagros newt [Neurergus kaiseri] Zagros-Molch {m}
Zagrosian lizard [Timon princeps] Zagroseidechse {f}
zaherite [Al12(SO4)5(OH)26·20H2O]Zaherit {m}
Zahradnik's pear scale [Quadraspidiotus marani, syn.: Q. schneideri]Südliche Gelbe Austernschildlaus {f}
Zahradnik's pear scale [Quadraspidiotus marani, syn.: Q. schneideri] Südliche Gelbe Obstbaumschildlaus {f}
zährte [Vimba vimba] Aßling {m}
zährte [Vimba vimba]Blaunase {f}
zährte [Vimba vimba] [also: zaehrte] [rare] Gäse {f} [Zährte]
ZaidismZaidismus {m}
Zaidiyya Zaidismus {m}
Zaire Zaire {m} [als Name des ehem. Staates {n}]
Zaire barbet [Gymnobucco sladeni] Rußbartvogel {m} [auch: Ruß-Bartvogel]
Zaire dark-bellied water snake [Lycodonomorphus leleupi] Kongolesische Dunkelbauch-Sumpfnatter {f}
Zaire snake-eater [Polemon robustus] Kongolesischer Schlangenfresser {m}
zairite [Bi(Fe,Al)3(PO4)2(OH)6] [zaïrite]Zaïrit {m}
Zaisan mole vole [Ellobius tancrei] Zaisan-Mull-Lemming {m}
zakazchik [permitting consultant] Sakastschik {m}
zakaztchik [spv.] Sakastschik {m}
zakharovite [Na4Mn5Si10O24(OH)6·6H2O]Zakharovit {m}
zakuska Sakuska {f}
zalambdodont zalambdodont
zalcitabine <ZCB>Zalcitabin {n} <ZCB>
zaleplon [C17H15N5O] Zaleplon {n}
zalesiite [(Ca,Y)Cu6 [(OH)6|AsO3(OH,O)|(AsO4)2]·3H2O] [zálesiite] Zálesiit {m}
Zalmoxis [god of the Getae] Zalmoxis {m}
zalospirone Zalospiron {n}
zambak [Jasminum sambac] [Arabian jasmine]Arabischer Jasmin {m}
Zambales MountainsZambales-Berge {pl}
ZambesiSambesi {m}
Zambesi honeyguide [Prodotiscus zambesiae] Graubauch-Laubpicker {m}
Zambesi honeyguide [Prodotiscus zambesiae] Zwerghoniganzeiger {m}
Zambezi Sambesi {m}
Zambezi blind snake [Megatyphlops mucruso, syn.: Rhinotyphlops schlegelii mucruso, Typhlops dinga]Peters' (Westafrikanische) Blindschlange {f}
Zambezi flapshell turtle [Cycloderma frenatum] Graue Klappen-Weichschildkröte {f}
Zambezi honeyguide [Prodotiscus zambesiae]Graubauch-Laubpicker {m}
Zambezi honeyguide [Prodotiscus zambesiae]Zwerghoniganzeiger {m}
Zambezi shark [Carcharhinus leucas]Bullenhai {m}
Zambezi shark [Carcharhinus leucas] Stierhai {m}
Zambezi shark [Carcharhinus leucas] Gemeiner Grundhai {m}
Zambezi shark [Carcharhinus leucas] Sambesihai {m}
Zambezi sitatunga [Tragelaphus spekii selousi] [antelope] Sambesi-Sitatunga {f} [Antilope]
Zambezi soft-shelled turtle [Cycloderma frenatum] Graue Klappen-Weichschildkröte {f}
Zambezi spiny agama [Agama armata] (Afrikanische) Bodenagame {f}
Zambia <.zm>Sambia {n}
Zambian Sambier {m}
Zambian [female]Sambierin {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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