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English-German Dictionary

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zooplanktivorous Zooplankton fressend
zooplankton Zooplankton {n}
zooplankton biomass Zooplanktonbiomasse {f}
zooplankton communityZooplanktongemeinschaft {f}
zooplankton composition Zooplanktonzusammensetzung {f}
zooplankton cultureZooplanktonkultur {f}
zooplankton development Zooplanktonentwicklung {f} [auch: Zooplankton-Entwicklung]
zooplankton eater Zooplanktonfresser {m}
zooplankton ecology Zooplanktonökologie {f} [auch: Zooplankton-Ökologie]
zooplankton populationZooplanktonpopulation {f}
zooplankton production Zooplanktonproduktion {f}
zooplankton sampleZooplanktonprobe {f}
zooplankton species Zooplanktonart {f} [auch: Zooplankton-Art]
zooplanktonic Zooplankton-
zoopraxiscopeZoopraxiskop {n}
zoos [short for: zoological gardens]Zoos {pl} [kurz für: zoologische Gärten]
zoosemiotics [treated as sg.] Zoosemiotik {f}
zoosociological zoosoziologisch
zoosociological tiersoziologisch
zoosociology Zoosoziologie {f}
zoosociologyTiersoziologie {f}
zoosphereZoosphäre {f}
zoosporangium Zoosporangium {n}
zoospore Zoospore {f}
zoospore development Zoosporenentwicklung {f}
zoospore formation Zoosporenbildung {f}
zoospore germination Zoosporenkeimung {f}
zoospore productionZoosporenproduktion {f}
zoospore releaseZoosporenfreisetzung {f}
zoospore suspension Zoosporenlösung {f}
zoosterol Zoosterol {n}
zoosterol Zoosterin {n}
Zoot [The Muppet Show] Zoot
zoot suit [Am.][Anzug mit wattierten Schultern und eng zulaufender Hose]
zootechnical tierzüchterisch
zootechnical zootechnisch
zootechnical and genealogical conditions [under which a regulation applies] tierzüchterische und genealogische Vorschriften {pl}
zootechnics [treated as sg.] Zootechnik {f} [DDR-Begriff]
zootomically zootomisch
zootomist Tieranatom {m}
zootomist [female]Tieranatomin {f}
zootomy Zootomie {f}
Zootopia [original title, used in the US] [Byron Howard, Rich Moore]Zoomania
zootoxinTiergift {n}
zootoxin tierisches Gift {n}
zootoxins Zootoxine {pl}
zootrophic zootroph
zootrophyZootrophie {f}
Zootropolis [renamed title, used in the UK, some other European countries and the Middle East, original title: Zootopia] [Byron Howard, Rich Moore] Zoomania
zopicloneZopiclon {n}
zopilote [any of the smaller New World vultures (Cathartidae)] Zopilote {f} [kleinere Neuweltgeier (Cathartidae)]
zorb Zorb {n}
Zorba's danceZorbas Tanz {m}
zorbing Zorbing {n}
zorilla [Ictonyx striatus] Zorilla {m} [auch {f}] [Marderart]
zorilla [Ictonyx striatus]Bandiltis {m}
zoris [also: zori] [traditional Japanese style of flip-flop shoes, originally made with a straw sole]Zori {pl} [Zōri, traditionelle japanische Zehenstegsandalen (Strohsandalen)]
zoris [flat thonged sandals usually made of straw, cloth, leather, or rubber]Zehenstegsandalen {pl}
zorite [Na6(Ti,Nb)2(Si6O17)2(O,OH)·11H2O] Zorit {m}
Zork: Grand Inquisitor Zork: Der Großinquisitor
Zorn's lemma [also: lemma of Zorn]Lemma {n} von Zorn [auch: Zorn'sches Lemma]
Zoroaster Zoroaster {m}
ZoroasterZarathustra {m}
Zoroastrian Zoroastrier {m}
Zoroastrian calendarzoroastrischer Kalender {m}
ZoroastrianismZoroastrismus {m}
Zoroastrianism Zarathustrismus {m} [seltener neben: Zoroastrismus]
Zoroastrians Zoroastrier {pl}
Zoroastrism [obs.] [rare] Zoroastrismus {m}
Zorro Zorro - Der schwarze Rächer
Zorro [Isabel Allende] Zorro
zorro chilote [Lycalopex fulvipes, syn.: Pseudalopex fulvipes] Darwin-Fuchs {m}
zorse Zorse {n} [selten {f} oder {m}]
Zöschen / Zoeschen maple [Acer x neglectum, syn.: A. campestre x A. cappadocicum, A. neglectum, A. zoeschense, A. x zoeschense] Zöschener Ahorn {m}
zoster [short for: Herpes zoster]Zoster {m} [kurz für: Herpes zoster]
zoster vaccine Impfstoff {m} gegen Herpes Zoster
Zotikov Glacier Sotikow-Gletscher {m}
Zouave Zuave {m}
zouave pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Zouave-Hose {f} [auch: Zouavenhose]
Zouave regiments Zouavenregimenter {pl}
zouaves {pl} [one pair]Zouave-Hose {f} [auch: Zouavenhose]
zoubekite [AgPb4Sb4S10] Zoubekit {m}
zouk Zouk {m}
Zounds! [archaic] Sapperlot! [veraltet]
Zounds! [archaic] Sapperment! [veraltet]
zoune [Can.] [child's language] Pipi {n} [Kindersprache] [Penis]
Zoysi's harebell [Campanula zoysii]Zois-Glockenblume {f}
Zoysi's harebell [Campanula zoysii]Krainer Glockenblume {f}
Z-parameters Z-Impedanz-Parameter {pl}
Z.P.G. [Michael Campus] Geburten verboten [Alternativtitel: ZPG - Die Erde stirbt]
Z-ring Z-Ring {m}
z-scorez-standardisierter Wert {m} [z-Score]
z-score value z-Score-Wert {m}
Z-sectionZ-Profil {n}
Z-section steel Z-Stahl {m}
« zippzodizonezonkzooizoopZ-shZwiezymo — »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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