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Zambian barbet [Lybius chaplini]Feigenbartvogel {m} [auch: Feigen-Bartvogel]
Zambian mole rat [Fukomys amatus] Sambischer Graumull {m}
Zambians Sambier {pl}
Zambians [female]Sambierinnen {pl}
Zamboni [coll.] Eisbearbeitungsmaschine {f}
Zamioculcas (plant) [Zamioculcas (zamiifolia)]Zamioculcas {f}
zanana [less frequent than: zenana] Zenana {f}
zanazziite [(Ca,Mn)2(Mg,Fe)(Mg,Fe,Mn,Fe)4Be4(PO4)]Zanazziit {m}
ZancleanZancleum {n}
Zande hornbill [Tockus fasciatus, syn.: T. semifasciatus, Lophoceros fasciatus] Elstertoko {m}
zander [Sander lucioperca, syn.: Stizostedion lucioperca, Lucioperca sandra]Schill {m}
zander [Sander lucioperca, syn.: Stizostedion lucioperca, Lucioperca sandra]Hechtbarsch {m}
zander [Sander lucioperca, syn.: Stizostedion lucioperca, Lucioperca sandra] Zahnmaul {n}
zander [Sander lucioperca, syn.: Stizostedion lucioperca, Lucioperca sandra]Fogasch {m}
zander [Sander lucioperca, syn.: Stizostedion lucioperca] Zander {m}
zander [Sander lucioperca]Sander {m}
Zaneveld Glacier Zaneveld-Gletscher {m}
zangboite [TiFeSi2]Zangboit {m}
Zangemeister's maneuver [Am.]Zangemeister-Handgriff {m}
Z-angle [also: z-angle]Z-Winkel {m} [auch: z-Winkel]
Zani [also: Zanni] Zanni {m}
zaniesBlödmänner {pl}
Zanj elephant shrew [Rhynchocyon petersi] Rotschulter-Rüsselhündchen {n}
Zanj elephant shrew [Rhynchocyon petersi] Schwarzbraunes Rüsselhündchen {n}
Zanj sun squirrel [Heliosciurus undulatus] Zanj-Sonnenhörnchen {n}
Zanjan Zandschan {n}
Zanjhani viper [Montivipera xanthina, syn.: Vipera xanthina]Kleinasiatische Bergotter {f}
Zanjhani viper [Montivipera xanthina, syn.: Vipera xanthina] Türkische Bergotter {f}
Zannis [also Zanni] Zanni {pl}
zanthe [Vimba vimba] Aßling {m}
zanthe [Vimba vimba] Blaunase {f}
zanthe [Vimba vimba] Rußnase {f}
zanthe [Vimba vimba] Zährte {f}
zanthe [Vimba vimba]Gäse {f} [Zährte]
zanthe [Vimba vimba] Seerüßling {m}
zanthoxylum species [genus Zanthoxylum, syn.: genus Fagara] Zanthoxylum-Arten {pl} [Gelbholzbäume]
zany blöd [ugs.]
zany clownesk
zanyirrsinnig komisch
zany [coll.] irre komisch [ugs.]
zany [coll.] dumm
zany [coll.]kasperhaft
zany [coll.]verrückt
zany [humor, comedian]Wahnsinns-
zany [often pej.] [one who makes a buffoon or laughingstock of himself to amuse others]Hanswurst {m} [oft pej.]
zany [partner of a clown]Narr {m} [komische Figur]
zany [pej.] [coll.] [rare] [a slavish follower, toady] Speichellecker {m} [pej.]
zany [pej.] [coll.] [rare] [simpleton; a simpleminded person] Blödmann {m} [pej.] [ugs.] [Dummkopf]
ZanzibarSansibar {n}
Zanzibar sansibarisch
Zanzibar bearded scrub-robin [Cercotrichas quadrivirgata, syn.: Erythorpygia quadrivirgata, Erythropygia quadrivirgata]Streifenkopf-Heckensänger {m}
Zanzibar bearded scrub-robin [Cercotrichas quadrivirgata, syn.: Erythorpygia quadrivirgata, Erythropygia quadrivirgata] Brauner Bartheckensänger {m} [auch: Brauner Bart-Heckensänger]
Zanzibar bushbaby [Galago zanzibaricus, syn.: Galagoides zanzibaricus]Sansibar-Galago {m}
Zanzibar bushbaby [Galago zanzibaricus, syn.: Galagoides zanzibaricus] Sansibar-Zwerggalago {m}
Zanzibar butterflyfish [Chaetodon zanzibarensis] Sansibar-Falterfisch {m}
Zanzibar gem (plant) [Zamioculcas zamiifolia, syn.: Caladium zamiaefolium, Zamioculcas loddigesii, Z. lanceolata]Glücksfeder {f}
Zanzibar gem (plant) [Zamioculcas zamiifolia, syn.: Caladium zamiaefolium, Zamioculcas loddigesii, Z. lanceolata] Zamie {f} [ugs.] [irreführend für die Glücksfeder, Kartonpapier-Palme]
Zanzibar gem (plant) [Zamioculcas zamiifolia, syn.: Caladium zamiaefolium, Zamioculcas loddigesii, Z. lanceolata]Kartonpapier-Palme {f}
Zanzibar (gem) plant [Zamioculcas zamiifolia, syn.: Caladium zamiaefolium, Zamioculcas loddigesii, Z. lanceolata] Glücksfeder {f}
Zanzibar (gem) plant [Zamioculcas zamiifolia, syn.: Caladium zamiaefolium, Zamioculcas loddigesii, Z. lanceolata] Kartonpapier-Palme {f}
Zanzibar leopard [Panthera pardus adersi] [probably extinct] Sansibar-Leopard {m} [wahrscheinllich ausgestorben]
Zanzibar red bishop [Euplectes nigroventris]Brandweber {m}
Zanzibar red colobus [Piliocolobus kirkii, syn.: Procolobus kirkii] Sansibar-Stummelaffe {m}
ZanzibariSansibarer {m}
Zanzibari sansibarisch
Zanzibari [female] Sansibarerin {f}
zap [energy] Schwung {m}
Zaparo's poison frog [Allobates zaparo] Blut-Baumsteiger {m}
Zapata long-tailed groundsnake [Arrhyton procerum]Kubanische Langschwanz-Erdnatter {f}
Zapata long-tailed racerlet [Arrhyton procerum]Kubanische Langschwanz-Erdnatter {f}
Zapata rail [Cyanolimnas cerverai]Kubaralle {f}
Zapata rail [Cyanolimnas cerverai] Zapataralle {f}
Zapata sparrow [Torreornis inexpectata] Zapataammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Zapata-Ammer]
Zapata wren [Ferminia cerverai] Kubazaunkönig {m}
zapatalite [Cu3Al4(PO4)3(OH)9·4H2O]Zapatalith {m}
zapateado Zapateado {m}
ZapatismoZapatismus {m}
Zapatista Army of National Liberation Zapatistische Armee {f} der Nationalen Befreiung
ZapatistasZapatisten {pl}
zapizolam Zapizolam {n}
Zaporizhzhia [city in Ukraine] Saporischschja {n} [Stadt in Ukraine]
Zaporozhye [Zaporizhia] Saporischschja {n} [auch: Saporischja]
Zapotec {pl}Zapoteken {pl}
zapped [coll.] abgeknallt
zapper [Am.] [coll.] [female who habitually changes channels] Zapperin {f} [ugs.]
zapper [Am.] [coll.] [male who habitually changes channels]Zapper {m} [ugs.]
zapper [coll.] Fernbedienung {f}
zapper [electromedical device] Zapper {m} [Elektromedizin, nicht-invasive Strominduktion]
Zappey's parrotbill [Paradoxornis zappeyi] Grauhauben-Papageimeise {f}
zappiness Spritzigkeit {f}
zapping [coll.]abknallend
zapping pain [coll.] (plötzlich) einschießender Schmerz {m}
zappy [coll.] [lively] spritzig
zaprorids [family Zaproridae] [has only one extant member, Zaprora silenus] Zaproriden {pl}
Zara class [cruiser] Zara-Klasse {f}
ZaragozaSaragossa {n}
Zaragoza mangrove [Conocarpus erectus] Knopfmangrove {f}
zaratite [Ni3(CO3)(OH)4·4H2O]Zaratit {m}
Zardoz [John Boorman] Zardoz
zarfZarf {m}
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