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Zaragoza Saragossa {n}
Zaragoza mangrove [Conocarpus erectus] Knopfmangrove {f}
zaratite [Ni3(CO3)(OH)4·4H2O]Zaratit {m}
Zardoz [John Boorman] Zardoz
zarf Zarf {m}
Zariski topology Zariski-Topologie {f}
zarte [Vimba vimba] Gäse {f} [Zährte]
zarte [Vimba vimba]Aßling {m}
zarte [Vimba vimba] Blaunase {f}
zarte [Vimba vimba] Rußnase {f}
zarte [Vimba vimba]Zährte {f}
Zarudny's jird [Meriones zarudnyi] Afghanische Rennmaus {f}
Żary Sorau {n}
zarzuela Zarzuela {f}
zaspopathy Zaspopathie {f}
Zassenhaus lemma [also: lemma of Zassenhaus]Lemma {n} von Zassenhaus
zastrugi {pl} [spv.] Windgangeln {pl}
ŽatecSaaz {n}
zavaliaite [(Mn,Fe,Mg)3(PO4)2] [zavalíaite]Zavalíait {m}
zavaritskite [BiOF]Zavaritskit {m}
Zavoj LakeZavoj-See {m}
z-axisz-Achse {f}
ZaxoZakho {n}
ZayidisZaiditen {pl}
Zaza peopleZaza {pl}
ZazakiZazaki {n}
Zazam Sheriff Phillips syndrome Zazam-Sheriff-Phillips-Syndrom {n}
Z-bend Rechts-Links-Knick {m} [beim Abkröpfen]
Z-bend pliers {pl} [one pair] Abkröpfzange {f}
Z-bend pliers {pl} [one pair] Z-Zange {f} [Abkröpfzange]
Z-bend pliers {pl} [one pair]Z-Prägezange {f}
zdenekite [NaPbCu5 [Cl|(AsO4)4]·5H2O] [zdenĕkite] Zdenĕkit / Zdenekit {m}
Z-DNA [other DNA forms: A-DNA, B-DNA] Z-DNA {f} [andere DNA-Formen: A-DNA, B-DNA]
Z-drugs Nicht-Benzodiazepin-Agonisten {pl}
Z-drugs Nicht-Benzodiazepin-Hypnotika {pl}
Z-drugsZ-Substanzen {pl}
zeal Eifer {m}
zeal Pflichteifer {m}
zealArbeitseifer {m}
zealBegeisterung {f}
zealDiensteifer {m}
zeal Leidenschaft {f} [Hingabe]
zeal Dienstbeflissenheit {f}
zeal for libertyFreiheitsdurst {m}
zeal for liberty Freiheitsfanatismus {m}
zeal for souls Seeleneifer {m}
zeal for the faith Glaubenseifer {m}
zeal of zebras [herd of zebras] Herde {f} Zebras
zeal without knowledge blinder Eifer {m}
Zealand [Denmark] Seeland {n} [Dänemark]
Zealand [or Zeeland, Netherlands] Seeland {n} [Niederlande]
zealot Zelot {m}
zealot Eiferer {m}
zealotEnthusiast {m}
zealot Fanatiker {m}
zealot Glaubenseiferer {m}
Zealot zelotisch
zealotism Fanatismus {m}
zealotismZelotismus {m} [geh.]
zealotry Zelotismus {m}
zealotryfanatischer Diensteifer {m}
zealotry Fanatismus {m}
zealotry Zelotentum {n}
zealots Zeloten {pl}
zealous eifrig
zealous pflichteifrig
zealous begierig
zealous eifrig bemüht
zealous dienstbeflissen
zealous enthusiastisch
zealous eilfertig [geh.] [eifrig, dienstbeflissen]
zealous for a change [postpos.]um einen Wechsel bemüht
zealous for freedom freiheitsdurstig
zealous for liberty freiheitsdurstig
zealous to please sb.stark bemüht, jdm. gefällig zu sein
zealously in eifriger Weise
zealouslymit Eifer
zealousness Eifer {m}
zearalenone <ZEA, ZEN, ZON> [C18H22O5] Zearalenon {n} <ZEA, ZEN, ZON>
zeaxanthin <Zx> [C40H56O2] [E-161h] Zeaxanthin {n} <Zx>
zebdonk [cross between a Burchell's zebra and a donkey] Zebdonk {n}
Zebedaids [sons of Zebedee]Zebedaiden {pl}
ZebedeeZebedäus {m}
zebibyte <ZiB> Zebibyte {n} <ZiB>
zebra Zebra {n}
zebra [Am.] [coll.] [referee wearing a black and white striped shirt] Schiri {m} [Jargon] [kurz für: Schiedsrichter]
zebra aloe [Aloe saponaria] Seifen-Aloe / Seifenaloe {f}
zebra angelfish [Genicanthus caudovittatus] Indischer Zebrakaiserfisch {m}
zebra antelope [Cephalophus zebra]Zebraducker {m}
zebra apple snail [Asolene spixi]Zebra-Apfelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
zebra (back) spider [Salticus scenicus] Zebraspringspinne {f} [auch: Zebra-Springspinne]
zebra (back) spider [Salticus scenicus]Harlekinspringspinne {f}
zebra blue [Leptotes pirithous] [butterfly]Kleiner Wanderbläuling {m} [Tagfalterart] [auch: Kleiner Wander-Bläuling]
zebra bullhead shark [Heterodontus zebra]Zebra-Stierkopfhai {m}
« You'yuanYukoz[leZambZarazebrZeebzentzerozero »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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