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English-German Dictionary

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zest [enthusiasm]Lust {f} [Freude, Begeisterung]
zest [enthusiasm] Freude {f} [Begeisterung]
zest for action Tatendrang {m}
zest for life Lebenshunger {m}
zest for life Lebensfreude {f}
zest for life Lebenslust {f}
zest of an adventure Reiz {m} eines Abenteuers
zest of lemonZitronenschale {f}
zest of lime Limettenzeste {f}
zest of limesLimettenschale {f}
zest of orange Orangenschale {f}
Zestaponi Sestaponi {n}
zesterZestenreißer {m}
zester Zesteur {m}
zester Fadenschneider {m} [Zestenreißer]
zesterZestenzieher {m}
zesterOrangenschäler {m} [Zesteur]
zester Zitronenschaber {m}
zestful eifrig [schwungvoll]
zestful reizvoll
zestful voll Begeisterung
zestful voll Eifer
zestful [spirited, enthusiastic] vital [voller Lebenskraft]
zestfully reizvoll
zestfully schwungvoll
zestfulnessGefallen {m}
zestfulnessLust {f}
zestless reizlos
zesty begeistert
zesty voll im Geschmack [nachgestellt]
zeta <Ζ, ζ> [Greek letter] Zeta {n} <Ζ, ζ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
zeta function Zeta-Funktion {f}
Zeta (River)Zeta {f} [Fluss]
zetacismZetazismus {m}
Zetek's golden frog [Atelopus zeteki, syn.: Atelopus varius zeteki] Panama-Stummelfußfrosch {m}
Zetek's golden frog [Atelopus zeteki, syn.: Atelopus varius zeteki] Goldener Stummelfuß {m}
ZetesZetes {m}
zetetic zetetisch
zetetic [rare] [sceptic] Skeptiker {m}
Zethus [son of Zeus and Antiope] Zethos {m} [Sohn des Zeus und der Antiope]
Zetland [old name for Shetland]Shetlandinseln {pl}
zetta- <Z> [10 ^ 21]Zetta- <Z>
zettabyte <ZB>Zettabyte {n} <ZB>
zettakatal <Zkat> Zettakatal {n} <Zkat>
zettameter <Zm> [Am.] Zettameter {m} {n} <Zm>
zettametre <Zm> [Br.]Zettameter {m} {n} <Zm>
Zeughof [armory's courtyard in Dresden] Zeughof {m}
zeugma Zeugma {n}
zeugmatic zeugmatisch
zeugopodium Zeugopodium {n}
zeunerite [Cu(UO2)2(AsO4)2·10-16H2O]Zeunerit {m}
Zeus Zeus {m}
Zeus ® display Zeus-Display {n} [Zeus ®]
Zeus statueZeusstatue {f}
Zeuxis (of Heraclea) [ancient Greek painter] Zeuxis {m} (von Herakleia) [antiker griech. Maler]
z-foldLeporellofalz {m}
Z-fold Zickzack-Falz {m}
Z-foldZ-Falz {m}
Z-foot [also: z-foot] [Metatarsus adductus] [serpentine foot] Z-Fuß {m} [Serpentinenfuß]
ZGAP ground snake [Atractus zgap]Santa-Rosa-Spindelnatter {f}
Z-grade [Aus.] [sl.] von niedrigster Qualität
zhaleika [Russian: жалейка] Schaleika {f}
zhanghengite <β-CuZn> Zhanghengit {m} <β-CuZn>
zhangpeishanite [BaFCl] Zhangpeishanit {m}
Zhao's mountain stream snake [Opisthotropis zhaoermii]Hunan-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
zharchikhite [AlF(OH)2] Zharchikhit {m}
zhe [Maclura tricuspidata] Seidenraupenbaum {m}
zhe [Maclura tricuspidata] Che {m}
ZheleznodorozhnySchelesnodoroschny {n}
Zheleznodorozhny [Kaliningrad Oblast] Gerdauen {n} [bis 1947] [Schelesnodoroschny]
zhemchuzhnikovite [NaMg(Al,Fe)(C2O4)3·8H2O]Zhemchuzhnikovit {m}
Z-hinge Z-Scharnier {n}
zhoug [also: zhug] Zhoug {f} [auch: Zhug]
Zhou's box turtle [Cuora zhoui]Zhou's Scharnierschildkröte {f}
Zhukovsky Schukowski {n}
zhupa [administrative division] Gespanschaft {f}
zhuzhy [sl.] [stylish] stylish [ugs.]
zibeline [also: zibelline] Zibeline {f}
zibotentan [C19H16N6O4S] Zibotentan {n}
ziconotideZiconotid {n}
Zidane trick [double drag-back] Zidane-Trick {m}
Zidok's ground snake [Atractus zidoki] Haut-Oyapock-Spindelnatter {f}
zidovudine <ZDV, AZT>Zidovudin {n} <ZDV, AZT>
ziege [Pelecus cultratus] Ziege {f} [Süßwasserfisch]
ziege [Pelecus cultratus]Sichling {m}
Ziegler-Natta catalysisZiegler-Natta-Katalyse {f}
Ziegler-Natta catalyst [also: Ziegler-Natta's catalyst]Ziegler-Natta-Katalysator {m}
Ziehen-Oppenheim disease [torsion dystonia] Schwalbe-Ziehen-Oppenheim-Syndrom {n}
Ziehl-Neelsen stain [a stain used to identify acid-fast organisms, mainly mycobacteria]Ziehl-Neelsen-Färbung {f}
Zielona GóraGrünberg {n} in Schlesien
Zieve's syndromeZieve-Syndrom {n}
ziggurat Zikkurat {f}
ziggurat Tempelturm {m} [babylonisch]
ziggy [Br.] [sl.] Joint {m}
zigrasite [MgZr(PO4)2·4H2O]Zigrasit {m}
zigzagZickzack {m}
zig-zag Zickzack {m}
« zebrZeebzentzerozerozestzigzzinczinczinezipp »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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