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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Alter
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German-English Dictionary: Alter

Alter! [ugs.] [Hi, Alter]
Dude! [Am.] [coll.]
Alter! [ugs.]
My man! [coll.]
Alter {n}
Alter {n} [höheres Alter, Dienstalter etc.]
Alter {pl}
ages [stages of life]
Alter {m} [alter Mann]
ancient [archaic] [hum.] [old man]
greybeard [Br.]
old boy [coll.] [old man]
Alter {m} [ugs.] [Vater]
old man [coll.] [father]
Alter {m} [ugs.] [Ehemann / Partner]
old man [coll.] [husband / partner]
Alter {n} [hohes Alter]
old age
alter Junge [Anrede]
old boy [address]
alter Schule [nachgestellt]
old-school {adj}
of the old school {adj}
old-fashioned {adj} [old-style]
Alter Schwede! [ugs.]
Gosh! [coll.]
Hey, Alter! [ugs.]
Hi dude! [coll.]
im Alter
in old age {adv}
ohne Alter [nachgestellt]
ageless {adj}
(alter) Besserwisser {m}
Monday-morning quarterback [Am.] [coll.]
(alter) Gaul {m}
jade [archaic]zool.
(alter) Kerl {m}
gadge [Scot. and N.E. England] [sl.] [also gadgie]
(alter) Krauterer {m} [ugs.] [österr.] [auch: Krautrer]
(old) codger [coll.]
(alter) Schild {m}
(alter) Tatterich {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Tattergreis]
doddering old man [pej.]
(hohes) Alter {n}
grandevity [rare]
absolutes Alter {n}
absolute agearchaeo.geol.
akzeptiertes Alter {n}
age admitted
alter Arbeiter {m}
old hand
alter Bekannter {m}
old acquaintance
alter Brauch {m}
long custom
ancient usage
ancient excise
ancient practices {pl}
Alter Bund {m}
Old Covenantbibl.relig.
alter Drachen {m} [abwertend: zänkische alte Frau]
alter Drecksack {m} [vulg.] [pej.]
dirty old bastard [vulg.] [pej.]
Alter Ego {n}
alter egopsych.
alter Einwohner {m}
ancient inhabitant
Alter Elbtunnel {m} [ugs.]
Old Elbe Tunnelgeogr.transp.
alter Esel {m} [fig.] [hum.] [manchmal pej.]
old fool
alter Fahrensmann {m} [fig.]
old hand [fig.]
alter Film {m}
ancient filmfilm
alter Filmhase {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Filmfachmann]
movie guy [Am.] [movie specialist]film
alter Freund {m}
old friend
mush [Br.] [sl.]
alter Fuchs {m}
old fox
alter Fuchs {m} [ugs.] [fig.]
cunning old bird [fig.]
alter Fund {m}
ancient findarchaeo.
alter Furzer {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
old fart [coll.] [pej.]
alter Gaul {m}
hack [worn-out horse]zool.
alter Gauner {m} [ugs.]
son of a gun [coll.]
alter Gegner {m}
old adversary
alter Geizhals {m}
old screw
alter Geldadel {m}
old moneyidiom
alter Gockel {m} [ugs.]
conceited old man
alter Griesgram {m}
sour old man
alter Hase {m}
alter Hase {m} [fig.] [ugs.]
old hand [fig.]
alter Hase {m} [ugs.]
old-timer [Am.] [coll.]
alter Hase {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [erfahrener Soldat]
old hare [coll.] [fig.] [seasoned soldier]
alter Hase {m} [ugs.] [jd. mit viel Erfahrung]
old stager [also: old-stager] [sb. with lots of experience]
alter Herr {m}
old gentleman
alter Herr {m} [ugs.] [Vater]
old man [coll.] [father]
alter Junge {m} [ugs.]
old fellow [coll.]
alter Junggeselle {m}
old bachelor
alter Kahn {m}
alter Kamerad {m}
alter Kauz {m}
old buffer
fuddy-duddy [coll.]
alter Kerl {m} [ugs.]
old fellow [coll.]
alter Knabe {m}
alter Knabe {m} [ugs.]
old fellow [coll.]
alter Knabe {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
old sport [Am.] [coll.] [hum.]
alter Knabe {m} [veraltend] [ugs.] [oft hum.] [Kerl, Mann]
old chap [coll.] [Br.]
alter Knacker {m}
old geezer [coll.]
geezer [Am.] [coll.]
alter Knacker {m} [pej.]
old sod [esp. Br.]
old fogey [pej.] [also: fogy]
gadge [Br.] [Scot.] [sl.] [old man]
gadge [also gadgy / gadgie] [Br.] [Scotland and N.E. England] [sl.] [old person] [pej.]
alter Knacker {m} [salopp pej.] [älterer Mann]
old git <OG> [Br.] [coll.]
alter Knacker {m} [ugs.]
old crock [Br.] [coll.]
alter Knacker {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
old fart [coll.] [pej.]
alter Knochen {m} [ugs.] [fig.]
old crock [Br.] [coll.]
alter Kämpe {m} [veraltet] [noch hum.]
old campaignermil.pol.
alter Lagerbestand {m}
old stock
alter Langweiler {m}
veteran bore
alter Leuteschinder {m}
old sweat
alter Mann {m}
old man
graybeard [Am.]
greybeard [Br.]
Alter Mann {m}
abandoned workingsmining
Alter Mann {m} [ausgeerzter Abbaubereich]
alter Meister {m}
old masterart
Alter Nordstaat {m} [selten] [Spitzname für North Carolina, USA]
Old North State [nickname] [State of North Carolina]geogr.
Alter Orient {m} <AO>
ancient Near East <ANE>hist.
alter Patriarch {m}
ancient patriarch
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