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« zurückSeite 127 für den Anfangsbuchstaben A im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Abstauber {m} [ugs.]cadger
Abstauber {m} [Vorgang]tap-in [football]
Abstaubertor {n}goal from close range [football / soccer]
Abstaubertor {n} [Fußball] poacher's goal [coll.] [football / soccer]
Abstäubung {f} [veraltet] dusting
Abstech- und Einstechmeißel {m}parting-off and recessing tool
Abstechen {n} cutting off
Abstechen {n} [Abstechdrehen] parting
Abstechen {n} [z. B. Schwein] sticking [cutting an animal's throat with a sharp knife]
abstechendcontrasting with
Abstecher {m} trip [side trip]
Abstecher {m} side trip
Abstecher {m}excursion
Abstecher {m} [auch fig.] sortie [also fig.]
Abstecher {m} [Ausflug] detour
Abstecher {m} ins Abenteuerwalk on the wild side
Abstecher {pl} trips
abstecken to stake off
absteckento define
abstecken to stake out
absteckento mark out
abstecken to mark off
absteckento pitch
abstecken to set out
absteckento delimit
Abstecken {n} spading
abstecken [einen mit Nadeln befestigten Gegenstand wieder losmachen, z. B. einen Rocksaum]to unpin
Absteckpfahl {m} stake
Absteckung {f} [auch in der Geodäsie] staking-out [also in geodesy]
abstehento stick out
abstehen [wegstehen, z. B. Ohr] to protrude
abstehend [z. B. Ohren]jutting [e.g. ears]
abstehend [z. B. Tierhaare]off-standing
abstehende Ohren {pl} sticky-out ears [coll.]
abstehende Ohrmuschel {f}protruding ear [Apostasis otum]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m}weeping alkali grass [Puccinellia distans]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m}European alkali grass [Puccinellia distans]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m}reflexed saltmarsh-grass / saltmarsh grass [Puccinellia distans]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m} sweet grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m} spreading alkaligrass / alkali-grass / alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m} northern saltmarsh grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m}reflexed salt grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m} slender alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
Abstehender Salzschwaden {m}reflexed meadow grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m} reflexed meadow grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m}reflexed saltmarsh-grass / saltmarsh grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m}weeping alkaligrass / alkali-grass / alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m}European alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m}northern saltmarsh grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m} reflexed salt grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m} slender alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m}sweet grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
(Abstehender) Salzschwingel {m}spreading alkaligrass / alkali-grass / alkali grass [Puccinellia distans, syn.: P. capillaris, P. limosa, P sevamgensis, Atropis distans, Glyceria distans, Poa distans]
Abstehendes Johanniskraut {n} goldencup / golden-cup St. Johnswort / St.-John's-wort [Hypericum patulum]
abstehendes Ohr {n} prominent ear
abstehendes Ohr {n}lop ear
abstehendes Ohr {n}protruding ear
abstehendes Ohr {n}protuberant ear [Apostasis otum]
Abstehohren {pl} sticky-out ears [coll.]
Abstehohren {pl} sticky-outy ears [coll.]
absteifento brace
Absteifung {f} bracing
Absteifung {f} [als Verstärkungsteil] stiffening
Absteifung {f} [z. B. als Schalung, Strebe] strutting
Absteifung {f} [z. B. als Spundwand] sheeting
Absteifungselement {n} [selten]stiffener [stiffening element]
Absteige {f} [kleine Wohnung für v. a. berufliche Aufenthalte]pied-à-terre
Absteige {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [heruntergekommene Räumlichkeit] dump [coll.] [dilapidated, dirty, or disreputable place]
Absteige {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Stundenhotel] sleazy hotel
Absteige {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Stundenhotel] no-tell motel [Am.] [sl.]
Absteige {f} [ugs.] [Stundenhotel] transient hotel
Absteige {f} [ugs.] [billige Pension] dosshouse [esp. Br.] [coll.]
Absteige {f} [ugs.] [billige Pension] flophouse [Am.] [coll.]
Absteige {f} [ugs.] [billige Pension] doss house [esp. Br.] [coll.]
Absteige {f} [ugs.] [billige Pension]fleabag [coll.] [sleazy hotel]
absteigento be relegated
absteigen to alight
absteigen to come down
absteigen to dismount
absteigen to scale down
absteigen to be demoted
absteigen to light [to dismount]
Absteigen {n} downswing
Absteigen {n} dismounting
absteigen [Personal von einem Lastwagen]to detruck [personnel from a truck] [rare]
absteigen [von Pferd etc.]to descend [from a horse etc.]
absteigen lassen to relegate [club]
absteigend downward
absteigend alighting
absteigenddescendant [rare]
absteigenddescendent [rare]
absteigend [abwärtsgehend, nach unten verlaufend]descensional [moving or directed downward]
absteigend [Neigung]sloping downward
absteigende Aorta {f} descending aorta [Aorta descendens]
absteigende Folge {f} descending sequence
absteigende Gaumenarterie {f}descending palatine artery [Arteria palatina descendens]
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