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English-German Dictionary

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« zurückSeite 263 für den Anfangsbuchstaben A im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Algenblüte {f} algal bloom
Algendichte {f} algal density
Algendiversität {f} algal diversity
algendominiert alga-dominated
Algen-Drachenkopf {m} lacy scorpionfish [Rhinopias aphanes]
Algendünger {m} seaweed fertilizer
Algendünger {m}seaweed fertiliser [Br.]
Algenentferner {m}algae remover
Algenextrakt {m} algae extract
Algenextrakt {m} algal extract
Algenfamilie {f} algal family
Algenfarne {pl} azolla family {sg} [family Azollaceae]
Algenfarne {pl} mosquito ferns [Azolla, genus of aquatic ferns in the family Salviniaceae]
Algenfarne {pl} duckweed ferns [Azolla, genus of aquatic ferns in the family Salviniaceae]
Algenfarne {pl} water ferns [Azolla, genus of aquatic ferns in the family Salviniaceae]
Algenfarne {pl} fairy mosses [Azolla, genus of aquatic ferns in the family Salviniaceae]
Algenfarne {pl} duckweed fern family {sg} [family Azollaceae] [now family Salviniaceae]
Algenfarne {pl} mosquito fern family {sg} [family Azollaceae] [now family Salviniaceae]
Algenfarngewächse {pl} azolla family {sg} [family Azollaceae]
Algenfarngewächse {pl} duckweed fern family {sg} [family Azollaceae] [now family Salviniaceae]
Algenfarngewächse {pl} mosquito fern family {sg} [family Azollaceae] [now family Salviniaceae]
Algenfazies {f} algal facies
Algenfilter {m} algal scrubber
Algenfliege {f} sea-shore fly
Algenfliegen {pl}kelp flies [family Helcomyzidae; Helcomyzinae in family Coelopidae]
Algenfliegen {pl} seabeach flies [family Helcomyzidae; Helcomyzinae in family Coelopidae]
Algenflora {f}algal flora
algenfressend algivorous
Algengarnele {f}cherry shrimp [Neocaridina heteropoda]
Algengattung {f}algal genus
Algengattung {f}genus of algae
Algengemeinschaft {f}algal community
Algenherbarium {n} algae herbarium
Algenkohle {f}shungite
Algenkolonie {f} algal colony
Algenkonzentration {f} algae concentration
Algenkonzentration {f} algal concentration
Algenkraftstoff {m}algae fuel
Algenkraftstoff {m}algal biofuel
Algenkugel {f}Cladophora ball [Aegagropila linnaei]
Algenkultur {f} algaculture
Algenkultur {f}phycoculture
Algenkultur {f} plankton culture
Algenkunde {f} phycology
Algenmarkt {m} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]Barg'N-Mart [SpongeBob SquarePants]
Algenmatte {f} algal mat
Algenmittel {n} [Algenentferner] algae remover
Algenmonitoring {n} algal monitoring
Algenmorphologie {f}algal morphology
Algenöl {n}algae oil
Algenpest {f}algae plague
Algenpest {f} seaweed plague
Algenpest {f}algae outbreak
Algenphysiologie {f} algal physiology
Algenplage {f}plague of algae
Algenpopulation {f} algal population
Algenreaktor {m} [auch Algenbioreaktor] [Photobioreaktor]algae bioreactor [photobioreactor]
Algen-Sackträger {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] lichen case-bearer [Dahlica lichenella] [moth]
Algen-Sackträger {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]lichen bagworm [Dahlica lichenella] [moth]
Algensammlung {f}algae collection
Algenschicht {f}algal layer
Algenspore {f} algal spore
Algentaxonomie {f} algal taxonomy
Algenteppich {m}algae slick
Algenteppich {m} carpet of algae
Algenthallus {m} algal thallus
Algentoxine {pl}algal toxins
Algentrichom {n}algal trichome
Algenvegetation {f}algal vegetation
Algenwachstum {n}algae growth
Algenwachstum {n} algal growth
Algenwachstum {n} growth of algae
Algenwald {m}kelp forest
Algenwuchs {m} algal growth
Algenwuchs {m} algae growth
Algenzelle {f} algal cell
Algenzonierung {f}algal zonation
Algenzygote {f}algal zygote
Algerien {n} Algeria <.dz>
Algerienfranzose {m}pied noir
Algerienkrieg {m} Algerian War
Algerier {m}Algerian
Algerier {pl}Algerians
Algerierin {f} Algerian [female]
Algerierinnen {pl}Algerians [female]
algerisch <alger.> Algerian
Algerisch-Arabisch {n} Algerian Arabic
Algerische Eiche {f} Algerian oak [Quercus canariensis]
Algerische Eiche {f}Mirbeck's oak [Quercus canariensis]
Algerische Gazelle {f} [ausgestorben] red gazelle [Eudorcas rufina, formerly Gazella rufina] [extinct]
Algerische Rennmaus {f} Algerian gerbil [Gerbillus garamantis]
Algerische Sandkatze {f}Felis margarita meinertzhageni [North African species of sand cat]
Algerische Waldhyazinthe {f}Algerian butterfly orchid [Platanthera algeriensis]
Algerische Zornnatter {f} Algerian whip snake [Hemorrhois algirus, syn: Coluber algirus, Periops algira, Zamenis algirus]
Algerischer Dinar {m} <DZD, DA, د.ج> Algerian dinar <DZD, DA, د.ج>
Algerischer Igel {m}Algerian hedgehog [Atelerix algirus, syn.: Erinaceus algirus]
Algerischer Igel {m} North African hedgehog [Atelerix algirus, syn.: Erinaceus algirus]
Algerischer Rippenmolch {m}Algerian ribbed newt [Pleurodeles poireti]
Algerischer Rippenmolch {m}Poiret's newt [Pleurodeles poireti]
« albeAlbraldiAleuAlexAlgeAlgeAliaaliqalkaalko »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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