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« zurückSeite 100 für den Anfangsbuchstaben B im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Baugeräteliste {f} register of construction equipment
Baugerüst {n}scaffold
Baugerüst {n}(construction) scaffolding
Baugerüste {pl} scaffolds
Baugeschäft {n} building firm
Baugeschäft {n} construction business
Baugeschichte {f} architectural history
Baugeschichte {f} history of building
Baugeschichte {f} <BG>building history
Baugeschichtler {m} building historian
Baugeschichtlerin {f} building historian [female]
Baugesellschaft {f} construction company
Baugesellschaft {f}construction firm
Baugesellschaft {f} [Wohnbau-Kreditgesellschaft]building society [Br.]
Baugesetz {n} zoning law
Baugesetzbuch {n} <BauGB> Federal Building Code
Baugesetzgebung {f}building legislation
Baugespann {n} [schweiz.]building profile
Baugesuch {n} building application
Baugesuch {n} planning application
Baugewerbe {n}building trade
Baugewerbe {n} building industry
Baugewerbe {n} building trades {pl}
Baugewerbe {n} building-trade
Baugewerbe {n} building sector
Baugewerbe {n}construction industry
Baugewerbe {n}construction sector
Baugewerbe {n}construction business
Baugewerke {pl} [fachspr.] [sonst veraltet] building trades
Baugewerkschule {f} [veraltend] building trades school
Baugewohnheiten {pl} building habits
Bauglas {n} construction glass
Bauglas {n}structural glass
baugleich structurally identical
baugleichof identical construction [postpos.]
baugleich identically constructed
baugleich mit equivalent to
baugleich (mit)identical in construction (to) [pred.]
Baugleichheit {f} equality of structure
Bauglied {n} construction member
Bauglied {n} construction unit
Bauglied {n}structural member
Baugrenze {f}required set-back line
Baugrenze {f}building line
Baugröße {f} frame size
Baugröße {f} manufactured size
Baugrube {f} building pit
Baugrube {f}building excavation
Baugrube {f} foundation pit
Baugrube {f}excavation [hole]
Baugrube {f} construction trench
Baugrubenaufzug {m} building pit hoist
Baugrubenaushub {m} basement excavation
Baugrubenpumpe {f} contractors' pump
Baugrubenpumpe {f} building site pump
Baugrubensicherung {f} [zur Gewährleistung der Standsicherheit] excavation support [pit supporting system]
Baugrubensohle {f} foundation level
Baugrubenwand {f}slope of pit
Baugrubenwand {f} pit wall
Baugrubenwand {f} construction pit wall
Baugrubenwand {f}excavation support wall
Baugrund {m}building site
Baugrund {m} ground
Baugrund {m}building ground
Baugrund {m} [Baugrundstücke] building plots {pl}
Baugrund {m} [unterhalb des Fundaments]subgrade
Baugrund {m} [unterhalb des Fundaments] subsoil
Baugrundaufschluss {m} subsoil data
Baugrundeigenschaften {pl} subsoil properties
Baugrundrisiko {n}ground risk
Baugrundstück {n} site
Baugrundstück {n}building plot
Baugrundstück {n} building ground
Baugrundstück {n} building lot [esp. Am.]
Baugrundstück {n} housing plot
Baugrundvereisung {f}subsoil freezing
Baugrundvereisung {f}ground freezing [construction technique]
Baugruppe {f}board
Baugruppe {f}assembly group
Baugruppe {f} subassembly
Baugruppe {f}module
Baugruppe {f} [Gesamtheit aller Komponenten]componentry
Baugruppe {f} [Komponente]component [in a device]
Baugruppe {f} <BG> assembly <assy, ass'y>
Baugruppen {pl} assemblies
Baugruppenmontage {f} module assembly
Baugruppen-Simulation {f}device simulation
Baugruppenträger {m} chassis
Baugruppenträger {m} rack
Baugruppenträger {m} <BGT>subrack
Bauhaftpflichtversicherung {f}builder's risk insurance
Bauhandwerk {n}building trade
Bauhandwerker {m}builder
Bauhandwerker {m}(skilled) construction worker
Bauhauptgewerbe {n}main construction trades {pl}
Bauhaus {n} Bauhaus
Bauhaus {n} [Kunstrichtung] Bauhaus school
Bauhaus-Architekt {m} Bauhaus architect
Bauhaus-Designermöbel {pl} Bauhaus designer furniture
Bauhaus-Jubiläum {n}Bauhaus anniversary
« BaucbäueBauebaueBaufBaugBauhBaukbaulBaumBaum »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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