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« zurückSeite 452 für den Anfangsbuchstaben B im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
billiger auszeichnento mark down
billiger Effekt {m} cheap effect
billiger Ersatz {m} pinchbeck [fig.]
billiger Frachtsatz {m} cheap rate
billiger Fusel {m} [ugs.] tokay [Am.] [sl.] [cheap alcohol]
billiger Gegenstand {m} bargain
billiger Groschenroman {m}cheap novelette
billiger Jakob {m} cheap jack
billiger Jakob {m} cheap-Jack
billiger Käse {m} mousetrap cheese [Br.] [coll.]
billiger Klunker {m} fallal [dated]
billiger Kredit {m} cheap credit
billiger Kredit {m} cheap loan
billiger Kredit {m} easy money
billiger Laden {m}bargain shop
billiger Laden {m} cheap shop
billiger Preis {m} knock-out price
billiger Roman {m}cheap novel
billiger Roman {m}dime novel [Am.]
billiger Ruhm {m} cheap glory
billiger Scherz {m} cheap joke
billiger Schmuck {m}cheap jewelry [Am.]
billiger Schmuck {m} trinkets
billiger Schmuck {m} [oft pej.] cheap jewellery [esp. Br.] [often pej.]
billiger Schwank {m} cheap farce
billiger Tag {m} cheap day
billiger Thriller {m}cheap thriller
billiger Trick {m} [pej.] shoddy trick
billiger verkaufen to undersell
billiger Wein {m} cheap wine
billiger Wein {m} [Plörre] plonk
billiger werden to become cheaper
billiger werdento cheapen
billiger werden to get cheaper
billiger Witz {m} cheap witticism
billiger Zusatz {m}cheap add-on
[billiger Bus oder Minibus mit fixer Route, urspr. Fahrpreis 5 US-Cent]jitney [Am.]
[billiger Rotwein] red biddy [coll.] [Br.]
[(billiger) Wein ohne Angabe des Abfüllers auf dem Etikett] cleanskin (wine) [Aus.] [wine whose label does not indicate the name of the winery or the winemaker]
(billiger) Wein {m}(cheap) vino [coll.]
(billiger) Wein {m} plonk [esp. Br.] [coll.] [cheap wine]
billigere Sorten {pl}cheaper grades
billigermaßen justifiably
billigerweise justifiably
billigerweiseby rights
billiges Café {n} cheap cafe
billiges Darlehen {n} cheap credit
billiges Ermessen {n} reasonable discretion
billiges Ermessen {n} equitable discretion
billiges Fähnchen {n} von einem Kleidskimpy dress
billiges Gebäude {n}cheap building
billiges Geld {n} cheap money
billiges Gerede {n} [ugs.] cheap talk [coll.]
billiges Imitat {n} rip-off [coll.]
billiges Kaufhaus {n}five-and-ten [Am.] [coll.]
billiges Kleid {n} [auch pej.: von minderer Qualität] cheap dress [also pej.: of poor quality]
billiges Material {n} cheap material
billiges Parfüm {n}cheap perfume
billiges Restaurant {n}cheap restaurant
billiges Varieté {n} rinky-dink [Am.] [a cheap place of entertainment]
billiges Warenhaus {n} bazaar
billiges Zeug {n} cheap things {pl}
[billiges Garn, billiger Faden, Zwirn] craft thread [inexpensive thread]
(billiges) Flittchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] scrubber [Br.] [coll.] [pej.]
(billiges) Imitat {n}knock-off [coll.]
Billigflagge {f}flag of convenience
Billigflaggen {pl} flags of convenience
Billigflaggenschiff {n}flag of convenience ship
Billigfleisch {n} [pej.] cheap meat
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft] budget airline
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]no-frills airline
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]no-frills carrier
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft] cheap airline
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]low-budget airline
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]low-budget carrier
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft] cheap carrier
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft] low-cost airline
Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]low-cost carrier
Billigflug {m} [ugs.]low-budget flight
Billigflug {m} [ugs.] cheap flight
Billigflug {m} [ugs.]low-cost flight
Billigfluggesellschaft {f}low-cost carrier
Billigfluggesellschaft {f} low-cost airline
Billigfluggesellschaft {f} budget airline
Billigfluggesellschaft {f} no-frills airline
Billigfluggesellschaft {f}low-budget airline
Billigfluggesellschaft {f}low-budget carrier
Billigfluglinie {f} budget airline
Billigfluglinie {f}no-frills airline
Billigfluglinie {f} low-cost airline
Billigfluglinie {f} low-cost carrier
Billigflugpreise {pl}cut-price (air) fares
Billigflugpreise {pl}bargain (air) fares [Am.]
Billigheimer {m} [ugs.]cheap supplier
Billigimporte {pl} cheap imports
Billigimporte {pl}cut-price imports
Billigjob {m} [ugs.] nickel-and-dime job [Am.] [coll.]
Billigjob {m} [ugs.] low-pay job
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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