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Blatttiefe {f} [eines Propeller- bzw. Rotorblatts] chord
Blatttrieb {m} leaf shoot
Blatttütenfalter {pl}leaf blotch miner moths [family Gracillariidae]
Blatt-Tütenmotten / Blatttütenmotten {pl}leaf blotch miner moths [family Gracillariidae]
Blattunterseite {f} underside of the leaf
Blattunterseite {f} leaf undersurface
Blattvergoldung {f} leaf gilding
Blattverkieselung {f} leaf silification
Blattverlust {m} loss of leaves
Blattverlust {m}leaf loss
Blattverschiebung {f} strike-slip fault
Blattverzierung {f} leaf decor
Blattvögel {pl} leafbirds [family Chloropseidae, genus Chloropsis]
Blattvorschub {m} bill feed
Blattvorschub {m} sheet feed
Blattvorschub {m}form feed <FF>
Blattwanze {f}plant bug
Blattwender {m} [Gummi-Zählfingerling] rubber thimble
Blattwerk {n} foliage
Blattwerk {n}leafage
Blattwespe {f} sawfly
Blattwespe {f}vine sawfly [Erythraspides vitis] [grape sawfly]
Blattwespe {f} grape sawfly [Erythraspides vitis]
Blattwinkelblütiger Enzian {m}autumn felwort [Gentianella amarella]
Blattwuchs {m} foliation
Blattzeit {f} rutting season of roe deer
Blattzelle {f} leaf cell
Blattzichorie {f} [auch Schnittzichorie] leaf chicory
blau blue
Blau {f}Blau (River)
Blau {n} blue
Blau {n}azure
blau [blassblau] watchet [archaic]
blau [nachgestellt] [Zubereitungsart; Fisch] au bleu [postpos.]
blau [österr.] [ugs.][pertaining to the 'Austrian Freedom Party']
blau [ugs.] [betrunken] drunk [pred.]
blau [ugs.] [betrunken] bladdered [Br.] [coll.] [extremely drunk]
blau [ugs.] [betrunken]juiced up [Am.] [coll.]
(blau / rot) changierende Seide {f} (blue / red) shot silk
blau anlassen to blue
blau anlaufento turn blue
blau einfärbento colour blue [Br.]
blau emittierend [Leuchtstoffe, Folien usw.]blue-emitting [phosphors, screens etc.]
blau garen to poach [fish]
blau gefrorenblue with cold [postpos.]
Blau ist eine warme Farbe Blue Is the Warmest Colour / Blue Is the Warmest Color / Adele: Chapters 1 & 2 [Abdellatif Kechiche]
Blau ist nicht mehr in Mode. Blue is out.
blau mit weißen Punktenblue flecked with white
blau sein [ugs.] [betrunken sein]to be drunk
blau sein [vor Anstrengung] to be tight
blau überfangen [Glasgefäß]overlaid with blue glass [glass vessel]
blau verschleiert veiled in blue [postpos.]
blau vor Kälte [nachgestellt]blue with cold [postpos.]
blau werdento turn blue
blau werden to blue
blau wie ein Veilchen sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [betrunken sein]to be as drunk as anything [coll.] [idiom]
blau wie eine Strandhaubitze [ugs.] [(völlig) betrunken] [Redewendung]full to the gills [coll.] [drunk] [idiom]
Blauabgleich {m} blue balance
Blauabstufungen {pl} shades of blue
Blaualge {f} [Cyanobakterie]cyanobacteria [Cyanophyta, Cyanobacteria]
Blaualgen {pl}cyano (bacteria) [Cyanobacteria]
Blaualgen {pl} [Cyanobakterien]blue-green algae [cyanobacteria]
Blaualgenblüte {f}cyanobacterial bloom
Blauammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] Fokien blue bunting [Latoucheornis siemsseni]
Blauanteil {m} proportion of blue
Blauastrild {m} blue-breasted cordon-bleu [Uraeginthus angolensis]
Blauaugen {pl}blue-eyes [family Pseudomugilidae]
Blauaugen-Borstenzahndoktorfisch {m} twospot surgeonfish [Ctenochaetus binotatus]
Blauaugen-Cochliodonwels {m} blue-eyed redfin pleco [Hypostomus soniae, syn.: Cochliodon soniae]
Blauaugengras {n} (narrow-leaf / narrowleaf) blue-eyed grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium, syn.: S. bermudianum, S. gramineum, S. graminoides]
Blauaugenkärpfling {m} Isthmian priapella [Priapella intermedia]
Blauaugen-Kuskus {m}blue-eyed cuscus [Phalanger matabiru]
Blauaugenmaki {m} [Lemur] Sclater's lemur [Eulemur flavifrons]
Blauaugenmaki {m} [Lemur]blue-eyed black lemur [Eulemur flavifrons]
Blauaugenscharbe {f}imperial shag [Phalacrocorax atriceps, syn.: Leucocarbo atriceps]
Blauaugenscharbe {f} blue-eyed cormorant [Phalacrocorax atriceps, syn.: Leucocarbo atriceps]
Blauaugenscharbe {f} blue-eyed shag [Phalacrocorax atriceps, syn.: Leucocarbo atriceps]
Blauaugentäubchen {n} blue-eyed ground dove [Columbina cyanopis]
blauäugig [fig.] [naiv, weltfremd] starry-eyed [overly idealistic or naive]
blauäugig [fig.] [naiv, weltfremd] naive
blauäugig [fig.] [naiv, weltfremd] dewy-eyed
blauäugig [fig.] [naiv, weltfremd]wide-eyed [fig.]
blauäugiger Junge {m} blue-eyed boy
blauäugiger Junge {m}blueeyed boy [Am.]
Blauäugiger Waldportier {m} [Tagfalterspezies] dryad [Minois dryas] [butterfly]
Blauäugiges Gras {n} (narrow-leaf / narrowleaf) blue-eyed grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium, syn.: S. bermudianum, S. gramineum, S. graminoides]
Blauäugigkeit {f} naivety
Blaubandbärbling {m} stone moroko [Pseudorasbora parva]
Blaubandbärbling {m} topmouth gudgeon [Pseudorasbora parva]
Blaubandbärbling {m} topmouth minnow [Pseudorasbora parva]
Blaubandgründling {m}stone moroko [Pseudorasbora parva]
Blaubandgründling {m}topmouth gudgeon [Pseudorasbora parva]
Blaubandgründling {m} topmouth minnow [Pseudorasbora parva]
Blauband-Papageifisch {m} blue-barred parrotfish [Scarus ghobban]
Blaubarsch {m}elf [S.Afr.] [Pomatomus saltatrix, syn.: Temnodon saltator]
Blaubarsch {m} shad [S.Afr.] [Pomatomus saltatrix, syn.: Temnodon saltator]
Blaubarsch {m} tailor [Aus.] [Pomatomus saltatrix, syn.: Temnodon saltator]
Blaubarsch {m} bluefish [Pomatomus saltatrix, syn.: Temnodon saltator]
« BlasBlatBlätBlatBlatBlatBlauBlauBlauBlaublau »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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