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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: bringen
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German-English Dictionary: bringen

NOUN   das Bringen | -
VERB   bringen | brachte | gebracht
jdn./etw. bringen [herbringen]
to bring sb./sth.
jdn./etw. bringen [wegbringen]
to take sb./sth.
to convey
to get [fetch]
to feature [story, picture]journ.
etw.Akk. bringen [einbringen]
to yield sth. [produce]
etw. bringen [z. B. einen Bericht in einer Zeitung] [publizieren]
to carry sth. [e.g. a story in a magazine] [publish]journ.RadioTV
etw. bringen [publizieren]
to publish sth.publ.
etw. bringen [senden]
to broadcast sth.RadioTV
etw. bringen [Film]
to show sth.
etw.Akk. bringen [bes. Jugendsprache] [ugs.] [zustande bringen]
to pull sth. off [coll.]
jdm. etw.Akk. bringen
to get sth. to sb. [deliver]
jdn. bringen [einen Spieler ins Spiel nehmen, auch: einwechseln]
to bring sb. on [football etc.]sports
jdn. bringen [einsetzen, für einen anderen aufstellen]
to put sb. in [football etc.]sports
(jdm.) Unglück bringen
to bring (sb.) bad luck
Abwechslung bringen
to diversify
bringen zu
to cause to
durcheinander bringen [alt]
to upset
to mix up
to jumble
to disturb
to derange
to confuse
to confound
to disorganize
to muss up [coll.]
to disorganise [Br.]
Ergebnisse bringen
to produce results
Erleichterung bringen
to bring relief
Erträge bringen [Ernte]
to yield cropsagr.idiom
es bringen [ugs.]
to cut the mustard [coll.]idiom
to cut it [Am.] [coll.]idiom
es bringen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to come up with the goods [idiom]
etw.Akk. fertig bringen
to bring off sth.
to accomplish sth.
etw.Akk. zustande bringen
to achieve sth.
to accomplish sth.
to bring about sth.
to produce sth. [bring about]
to bring off sth. [also: bring sth. off] [esp. Br.] [idiom]
etw.Akk. zutage bringen [Redewendung]
to reveal sth.
etw.Akk. zutage bringen [Redewendung] [Belege, ein Geheimnis etc.]
to unearth sth. [fig.] [information, evidence, talent etc.]
etw.Akk. zuwege bringen
to manage sth.
to achieve sth.
to bring off sth.
to accomplish sth.
to bring about sth.
to pull off sth. [coll.] [perform successfully]
etw. auseinander bringen [alt]
to manage to get sth. apart
to be able to get sth. apart
etw. durcheinander bringen [alt]
to make a mess of sth. [plans]
to bollix sth. [Am.] [coll.]
etw. fertig bringen
to manage to do sth.
to be able to do sth.
etw. in etw.Dat. bringen [z. B. einen Bericht in einer Zeitung] [publizieren]
to carry sth. in sth. [e.g. a story in a magazine] [publish]journ.
etw. zustande bringen
to bring sth. to pass
to pull sth. [coll.] [perform successfully]
fertig bringen
to manage
to achieve
to contrive
Freispruch bringen
to bring in a verdict of not guiltylaw
Freude bringen
to bring joy
Gehalt bringen
to bring salaries
Gewinn bringen
to show a profit
to produce a profit
to bring grist to the mill
to bring an income / a profit
Glück bringen
to bring luck
to bring good luck
to bring happiness
Hilfe bringen
to bring help
Hoffnung bringen
to yield hope
jdm. Erleichterung bringen
to bring relief to sb.
jdm. etw.Akk. nahe bringen [alt] [einsichtig od. klar machen]
to bring sth. home to sb. [idiom]
jdm. etw. nahe bringen [alt]
to make sth. accessible to sb.
to give sb. an understanding of sth.
jdm. etw. näher bringen [alt]
to give sb. an understanding of sth.
jdm. etwas bringen [ugs.] [von Nutzen sein] [Redewendung]
to be of advantage to sb.
jdm. Freude bringen
to bring happiness to sb.
jdm. Gewinn bringen
to bring grist to sb.'s mill
jdm. Glück bringen
to bring sb. luck
to bring sb. good luck
jdm. Nutzen bringen
to benefit sb. [avail]
jdm. was bringen [ugs.] [von Nutzen sein] [Redewendung]
to be of advantage to sb.
jdm./etw. Trost bringen [göttlicherseits]
to visit sb./sth. [archaic] [to comfort] [of God]bibl.
jdn. durcheinander bringen [alt]
to confuse sb.
to rattle sb. [coll.] [to upset]
jdn. irgendwohin bringen
to see sb. somewhere [take sb. somewhere]
jdn. irgendwohin bringen [begleiten]
to accompany sb. somewhere
jdn. um etw.Akk. bringen
to cut sb. out of sth.
to defraud sb. of sth.
to deprive sb. of sth.
to cheat sb. out of sth.
jdn./etw. durcheinander bringen
to mess sb./sth. up [coll.]
jdn./etw. irgendwohin bringen
to get sb./sth. somewhere
to bring sb./sth. somewhere
to take sb./sth. (over) somewhere
jdn./etw. irgendwohin bringen [mitnehmen]
to take sb./sth. (off) somewhere
Leistung bringen
to perform
längsseits bringen
to bring alongsidenaut.
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