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« zurückSeite 403 für den Anfangsbuchstaben D im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Dohlenkrebs {m} river crayfish [Austropotamobius pallipes]
Dohlenmännchen {n} [auch: Dohlen-Männchen] male jackdaw
Dohlennest {n} jackdaw nest
Dohlennest {n} jackdaw's nest
Dohlenpaar {n} [auch: Dohlen-Paar]pair of jackdaws
Dohlenpärchen {n} [auch: Dohlen-Pärchen]pair of jackdaws
Dohlenweibchen {n} [auch: Dohlen-Weibchen] female jackdaw
Dohne {f}springe
Döhnkes {pl} [nordd.]yarns [stories]
Dohuk {n}Dahuk
Dohuk {n} Dohuk
Dohuk {n}Duhok
Dohuk {n}Dehok
Dohuk {n}Dahok
Doina {f} [Klagelied der Klezmer Musik]doina
Doing it Doing It [Melvin Burgess]
Do-it-yourself {n} do-it-yourself <DIY>
Do-it-yourself-Bestattung {f}do-it-yourself funeral <DIY funeral>
Do-it-yourselferin {f}do-it-yourselfer [female]
Do-it-yourself-Geburt {f} [ugs.] [selten für: Alleingeburt] do-it-yourself birth <DIY birth> [coll.] [unassisted childbirth]
Dojo {n} [Ort, an dem japanische Kampfkünste gelehrt werden] dojo [Japanese martial arts training hall]
Dojransee {m}Doiran Lake
Dojransee {m} Dojran Lake
Doketen {pl} Docetists
doketisch Docetic
Doketismus {m} Docetism
Dokfilmer {m} [schweiz.] documentary filmmaker
Dokimasie {f} docimacy
Dokosan {n}docosane [C22H46]
Dokosapentaensäure {f} clupanodonic acid
Dokosapentaensäure {f} <DPA, DPS>docosapentaenoic acid <DPA>
Dokstreifen {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.] documentary flick [coll.]
Doktor {m}doctoral
Doktor {m} [Träger eines Doktortitels] doctor [person who holds the highest university degree]
Doktor {m} [ugs.] [Arzt] doc [coll.] [short for: doctor] [physician]
Doktor {m} [ugs.] [Arzt]doctor [physician]
Doktor {m} <Dr.> Doctor <Dr.>
Doktor {m} beider Rechte <Dr. iur. utr., auch Dr. jur. utr., Dr. j. u.> Doctor of Canon and Civil Law <JUD, IUD, DUJ, DUI, DJU, DIU, UJD, UID, JUDr., Dr.iur.utr.> [juris / iuris utriusque doctor, doctor utriusque juris, doctor juris utriusque]
Doktor {m} der Audiologiedoctor of audiology <AuD, AUD, Au. D., Au.D.>
Doktor {m} der Forstwirtschaften <Dr. (rer.) forest.> [(rerum) forestalium] Doctor of Forest Science
Doktor {m} der LiteraturwissenschaftenDoctor of Letters
Doktor {m} der LiteraturwissenschaftenDoctor of Literature <DLit>
Doktor {m} der Medizindoctor of medicine
Doktor {m} der Medizin <Dr. med.> medicinae doctor <MD>
Doktor {m} der Medizin <Dr. med.>Doctor of Medicine
Doktor {m} der Naturwissenschaften [doctor rerum naturalium] <Dr. rer. nat.>Doctor of Science <DSc, ScD>
Doktor {m} der Naturwissenschaften [Doctor scientiae naturalis] <Dr. sc. nat.> doctor of natural sciences <DSc, ScD>
Doktor {m} der Philosophie <Dr. phil.>Doctor of Philosophy <DPhil, PhD, DPh, D.Phil., Ph.D., D.Ph.>
Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.> Doctor of Laws <LLD>
Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.>legum doctor <LL D>
Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.> Doctor of Jurisprudence <J.D.>
Doktor {m} der Rechtswissenschaftdoctor of laws
Doktor {m} der Rechtswissenschaften doctor of laws
Doktor {m} der Theologie <Dr. theol., früher häufig nur: D.> Doctor of Divinity <DD>
Doktor {m} der Wirtschaftswissenschaften doctor of economics
Doktor {m} der Zahnheilkunde <Dr. med. dent.> Doctor of Dental Science <DDS> [Am.] [Doctor medicine dentalis]
Doktor {m} des Zivilrechts <Dr. jur.> Doctor of Civil Law <DCL>
Doktor {m} des Zivilrechts <Dr. jur.> juris civilis doctor <JCD>
Doktor {m} ehrenhalberhonorary degree
Doktor Ahoi!Doctor at Sea [Ralph Thomas]
Doktor Allwissend [Brüder Grimm]Doctor Know-all [Grimm Brothers]
Doktor DolittleDoctor Dolittle [Richard Fleischer]
Doktor Faustus [Thomas Mann] Doctor Faustus
Doktor KopernikusDoctor Copernicus [John Banville]
Doktor Schiwago Doctor Zhivago [novel: Boris Pasternak, film: David Lean]
Doktor spielen [ugs.] [Kinder]to play doctor [coll.] [of children]
Doktor X Doctor X [Michael Curtiz]
Doktorand {m} postgraduate (student)
Doktorand {m} doctorand
Doktorand {m} doctoral candidate
Doktorand {m}doctoral student
Doktorand {m}post-graduate (student)
Doktorand {m} graduate student [Am.] [Ph.D. student]
Doktorand {m}PhD student
Doktorand {m} PhD candidate
Doktorand {m}predoctoral fellow
Doktorandenprogramm {n}doctoral program
Doktorandenseminar {n}seminar for doctoral students
Doktorandenzimmer {n}dissertation room
Doktorandin {f}doctorand [female]
Doktorandin {f} doctoral student [female]
Doktorandin {f} doctoral candidate [female]
Doktorandin {f} postgraduate (student) [female]
Doktorandin {f} post-graduate (student) [female]
Doktorandin {f} PhD candidate [female]
Doktorandin {f} graduate student [female]
Doktorandin {f} PhD student [female]
Doktorant {m} [FALSCH für: Doktorand][Ph.D. candidate]
Doktorantin {f} [FALSCH für: Doktorandin][Ph.D. candidate] [female]
Doktorarbeit {f} thesis
Doktorarbeit {f} dissertation
Doktorarbeit {f} doctoral dissertation
Doktorarbeit {f}doctoral thesis
Doktorarbeit {f}PhD thesis
Doktorarbeit {f} [ugs.]doctoral (research) study
Doktorarbeiten {pl}(doctoral) theses
Doktorat {n} doctorate
Doktoratsprogramm {n} [schweiz.] doctoral study programme [Br.]
Doktoratsstudium {n} doctoral programme [Br.]
Doktoratsstudium {n} doctoral program [Am.]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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