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« zurückSeite 594 für den Anfangsbuchstaben G im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Göttlichkeit {f} divinity
Göttlichkeit {f} godhead
Göttlichkeit {f} godship
gottlobthank God
Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende [J. S. Bach, BWV 28]Praise God! The year now draws to a close
Gottlobit {m} gottlobite [CaMg(VO4,AsO4)(OH)]
gottlos profane
gottlos godless
gottlos ungodly
gottlos godlessly
gottlos [unreligiös] irreligious
Gottlose {f} atheist [female]
Gottlose {pl} wicked
Gottloser {m} atheist
Gottloser {m} [Atheist, Ungläubiger] nullifidian [rare] [atheist, unbeliever]
gottloser Tumult {m}unholy row
Gottlosigkeit {f} godlessness
Gottlosigkeit {f} impiousness
Gottlosigkeit {f}ungodliness
Gottlosigkeit {f} atheism
Gottlosigkeit {f} impiety
Gottmensch {m} God-man [also Godman]
Gottmenschheit {f}God-manhood
Gott-Objekt {n}God object
Gottron-Papel {f}Gottron's papule
Gottron-Syndrom {n} Gottron's syndrome
Gottscheer {pl} Gottscheers
Gottscheerisch {n} Gottscheerish [also: Granish]
Gottseidank, es ist Freitag Thank God It's Friday [Robert Klane]
Gottsein {n} divinity
gottselig [veraltend] pious
gottselig [veraltend]blessed
Gottseligkeit {f} [veraltend] godliness
Gottseligkeit {f} [veraltend] divine bliss [human bliss in God]
gottserbärmlich god-awfully
gottserbärmlich [ugs.]god-awful [coll.]
Gottsöberster {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [veraltend] [hum.]principal [boss]
Gottsucher {m} seeker of / after God
Gottsucher {m}God seeker
Gottvater {m}God the Father
gottverdammt [derb] goddamn [esp. Am.] [coll.]
gottverdammt [derb] god-awful
gottverdammt [derb] godawful [coll.]
gottverdammt [ugs.] goddamned [coll.]
gottverdammt [ugs.]doggone [Am.] [coll.]
gottverdammt [ugs.] goddam [Am.] [coll.] [spv.]
gottverdammt [ugs.]dadgum [Am.] [coll.] [alteration of goddamn]
gottverdammt [ugs.] goldarned [coll.] [euphemism for: goddamned]
gottverdammt [ugs.] goldurned [coll.] [euphemism for: goddamned]
Gottverdammt! [ugs.] God be damned! [offensive to some]
gottvergessen godforsaken
gottvergessene Gegend {f}godforsaken area
Gottvergessenheit {f}godforsakenness
gottverlassen [ugs.] god-forsaken
gottverlassene Gegend {f} god-forsaken region
gottverlassenes Drecknest {n} [ugs.] [pej.] godforsaken place
Gottverlassenheit {f}God-forsakenness
Gottverlassenheit {f}abandonment by God
Gottvertrauen {n}trust in God
Gottvertrauen {n}faith in God
Gottvertrauen {n} trust in the Lord
Gottvertrauen {n} confidence toward God
Gottwerdung {f} deification
gottwidrig contrary to God's will
Gotu Kola {m} Indian pennywort [Centella asiatica, syn.: Hydrocotyle asiatica]
Götz von Berlichingen! [ugs.] [veraltend]Kiss my ass! [Am.] [vulg.]
Götze {m}juggernaut
Götze {m} idol
Götze {m} false god
Götze {m}tin god
Götzen- idolatrous
Götzen {pl}tin gods
Götzenanbeter {m}idolater
Götzenanbetung {f} idolatry
Götzenanbetung {f} [pej.] idol worship
Götzenbild {n} graven image
Götzenbild {n} idol
Götzenbild {n} graven thing [in Douay-Rheims] [graven image (KJV); idol (more modern versions)]
Götzen-Dämmerung oder Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert [Friedrich Nietzsche] Twilight of the Idols
Götzendiener {m} idolater
Götzendiener {m}idolator [spv.]
Götzendienerin {f} idolatress
götzendienerisch idolatrous
Götzendienst {m}idolism
Götzendienst {m} idolatry
Götzendienst treibento worship idols
Götzenglaube {m} idolatry
Götzenit {m}götzenite [Na(Na,Ca)4Ca2Ti [(O,F)2|(Si2O7)2]]
Götzenliest {m}sacred kingfisher [Todiramphus sanctus]
Götzenopfer {n} [Idolothytum] idolothyte
Götzenpriester {m} idolatrous priest
Götzenverehrung {f} idolatry
Götzenverehrung {f} idol worship
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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