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« zurückSeite 6 für den Anfangsbuchstaben G im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
gähnender Abgrund {m}yawning abyss
gähnender Abgrund {m}yawning chasm
gähnender Abgrund {m} gaping chasm
gähnender Abgrund {m} [auch fig.]gaping abyss
Gähner {m} [ugs.]yawn
gähnig [ugs.] [sehr selten] yawny
Gahnit {m} [ein Spinell] gahnite [ZnAl2O4]
Gähnton {m} yawning noise
Gaht's no? [schweiz.] Are you feeling alright?
Gaia {f}Gaia
Gaia-Hypothese {f}Gaia hypothesis
Gaia-Hypothese {f}Gaia theory
Gaidonnayit {m} gaidonnayite [Na2ZrSi3O9·2H2O]
Gail {f} Gail [river]
Gaillarde {f} gaillard
Gaillarde {f} galliard
Gailtaler Alpen {pl} Gailtal Alps
Gaily, Gaily Gaily, Gaily [Norman Jewison]
Gaily, Gaily Chicago, Chicago [UK title] [Norman Jewison]
Gainesit {m}gainesite [Na2(Be,Li)(Zr,Zn)2 [PO4]4·2H2O]
Gain-Faktor {m}gain factor
Gain-Faktor {m} light density factor
Gair-Gletscher {m} Gair Glacier
Gair-Tafelberg {m} Gair Mesa
Gaißfuß {m} [Rsv.] [Geißfuß] [Gehreisen: Holzbearbeitung, Bildhauerei] parting tool
Gaitit {m} gaitite [Ca2Zn(AsO4)2·2H2O]
Gaius Julius Cäsar {m} Gaius Julius Caesar
Gajda {f}gaida
Gakkelrücken {m} Gakkel Ridge
Gal {n} <Gal> gal <Gal>
Gala-full dress [attr.]
Gala- gala [attr.]
Gala {f} gala dress [clothing]
Gala {f}fulldress
Gala {f}gala
Galaabend {m}gala evening
Galaabend {m} gala night
Galaaufführung {f} gala performance
Gala-Auftritt {m}gala display
Galaauftritt {m} brilliant performance
Gala-Ballkleid {n}gala ball gown
Galactocerebrosid {n}galactocerebroside
Galactokinase {f}galactokinase
Galactolipase {f}galactolipase
Galactolipid {n}galactolipid
Galactorrhö {f} galactorrhoea [Br.]
Galactorrhoe {f} [selten] [Galaktorrhoe]galactorrhea [Am.]
Galactorrhoe {f} [selten] [Galaktorrhoe]galactorrhoea [Br.]
Galactose {f} galactose
Galactose-1-phosphat-Uridyltransferase {f} <GALT>galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase <GALT>
Galactosestoffwechsel {m} [auch: Galactose-Stoffwechsel] galactose metabolism
Galactosyl-Hydroxylysin {n} galactosyl-hydroxylysine
Galactosylierung {f}galactosylation
Galacturonsäure {f} galacturonic acid
Galadegen {m}dress sword
Galadiner {n} gala dinner
Galadinner {n}gala dinner
Galaempfang {m} formal reception
Galago {m}bushbaby [genus Galago]
Galago {m}bush baby [genus Galago]
Galagos {pl} galagos [family Galagonidae, syn.: Galagidae]
Galagos {pl} bush babies / bushbabies [family Galagonidae, syn.: Galagidae]
Galagos {pl} nagapies [S.Afr.] [family Galagonidae, syn.: Galagidae]
Galah {m} [Rosakakadu] pink and grey [Br.] [Eolophus roseicapilla]
Galah {m} [Rosakakadu] roseate cockatoo [Eolophus roseicapilla]
Galah {m} [Rosakakadu]galah cockatoo [Eolophus roseicapilla]
Galah {m} [Rosakakadu]rose-breasted cockatoo [Eolophus roseicapilla]
Galah {m} [Rosakakadu] galah [Eolophus roseicapilla]
Galahad {m} Galahad
Galaktagoga {pl}galactagogues
Galaktagogum {n} galactagogue
Galaktämie {f} galactemia [Am.]
Galaktämie {f} galactaemia [Br.]
Galaktane {pl}galactanes
galaktische Ebene {f}galactic plane
galaktische kosmische Strahlung {f} <GCR> galactic cosmic rays {pl} <GCR>
galaktische Strahlung {f} galactic cosmic radiation <GCR>
galaktische Strahlung {f}galactic cosmic rays {pl} <GCRs>
galaktisches Jahr {n} galactic year
galaktisches Koordinatensystem {n}galactic coordinate system
galaktisches Zentrum {n}galactic center [Am.]
Galaktografie {f} galactography
galaktografisch galactographic
galaktografisch galactographically
galaktografisch galactographical
Galaktogramm {n}galactogram
Galaktographie {f}galactography
galaktographisch galactographic
Galaktolipid {n} galactolipid
Galaktologie {f}galactology
Galaktopoese {f}galactopoiesis
Galaktorrhö {f} galactorrhea [Am.]
Galaktorrhö {f} galactorrhoea [Br.]
Galaktorrhoe {f} galactorrhea [Am.]
Galaktosämie {f} galactosaemia [Br.]
Galaktosämie {f} galactosemia [Am.]
Galaktosamin {n} galactosamine
« g{n}GabeGabegablGaengähnGalaGalaGalgGaliGall »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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