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« zurückSeite 19 für den Anfangsbuchstaben H im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Hafer-Drahtwurm {m} barley wireworm [Agriotes fuscicollis]
Haferdrink {m} oat milk
Haferernte {f} [Ausbeute] oat crop
Haferernte {f} [Ertrag] oat yield
Haferernte {f} [Ertrag] yield of oat
Haferernte {f} [Vorgang]oat harvest
Haferertrag {m}yield of oat
Haferertrag {m}oat yield
Haferertrag {m} oat produce
Haferfaser {f} oat fiber [Am.]
Haferfaser {f} oat fibre [Br.]
Haferfeld {n} oat field
Haferflocken {pl}oat flakes
Haferflocken {pl}oatmeal {sg}
Haferflocken {pl} rolled oats
Haferflocken {pl}porridge oats
Haferflocken {pl}oats [short for: porridge oats, oat flakes]
Haferflockenbrei {m} porridge
Hafer-Ganzpflanzen-Silage {f}oatlage
Hafergluten {n}oat gluten
Hafergras {n}hairy brome [Bromus ramosus]
Hafergras {n} lesser hairy-brome [Bromus benekenii]
Hafergrütze {f} groats {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [oats]
Hafergrütze {f} steel-cut oats {pl} [Am.]
Hafergrütze {f}grits [treated as sg or pl]
Hafergrütze {f}pinhead oats {pl} [Br.]
Hafergrütze {f} pinhead oats {pl} [Br.]dingsda
Hafergrütze {f}coarse oatmeal
Haferkeimöl {n} oat germ oil
Haferkeks {m} flapjack [Br.]
Haferkeks {m} oatmeal cookie [Am.]
Haferkeks {m} [österr., sonst selten auch: {n}]oat biscuit [Br.]
Haferkleie {f} oat bran
Haferkorn {n}oat grain
Haferkorn {n} [(Westliche) Haferkornschnecke]Chondrina avenacea [terrestrial snail in the family Chondrinidae, the snaggletooth snails]
Haferl {n} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [Nachttopf] chamber pot
Häferl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] cup
Häferl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] mug [cup]
Häferl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [Choleriker]choleric [person]
Haferl {n} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]mug
Haferlaus {f}(oat) grain aphid [Rhopalosiphum padi, syn.: R. fitchii, R. prunifoliae, Aphis avenae, A. padi, Rhopalosiphon padi]
Häferle {n} [ugs.] [regional] [(große) Tasse] mug [cup]
Häferlkaffee {m} [österr.]mug of coffee with milk
Haferln {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [Tassen]mugs [cups]
Häferln {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [Tassen]mugs [cups]
Haferlschuh {m} Haferlschuh [traditional Bavarian shoe]
Hafermehl {n}oatmeal
Hafermehl {n}oat flour
Hafermehl {n}cornmeal [Scot.] [Irish]
Hafermehlbad {n} oatmeal bath
Hafermilch {f} oat milk
Haferöl {n} oat oil
Hafer-Pflaume / Haferpflaume {f} damson (plum) [Prunus domestica ssp. insititia, Prunus insititia]
Haferplätzchen {n}oatcake
Haferplätzchen {n}oat biscuit [Br.]
Haferproduktion {f} oat production
Haferproduzent {m} oat producer
Haferrose {f} [Dünen-Rose]Scotch rose [Rosa spinosissima, syn.: Rosa pimpinellifolia, R. myriacantha]
Hafer-Rosinen-Keks {m} [österr., sonst selten auch: {n}]oatmeal raisin cookie [esp. Am.]
Hafersaat {f} [Aussaat des Hafers] sowing of oats
Haferschlehe {f}damson (plum) [prunus domestica ssp. insititia, prunus insititia]
Haferschleim {m}gruel
Haferschleim {m} oatmeal gruel
Haferschmielen {pl} [Süßgrasgattung] hair-grasses [genus Aira, family Poaceae]
Haferstroh {n} oat straw [Stramentum avenae]
Haferwurzel {f}purple salsify [Tragopogon porrifolius]
Haferwurzel {f} oyster plant [Tragopogon porrifolius]
Haferwurzel {f} vegetable oyster [Tragopogon porrifolius]
Haferwurzel {f}common salsify [Tragopogon porrifolius]
Haferwurzel {f} Jerusalem star [Tragopogon porrifolius]
Haferwurzel {f}goatsbeard [Tragopogon porrifolius]
Haferzellkarzinom {n} oat cell carcinoma <OCC>
Haferzell-Krebs {m}oat-cell cancer
Haff {n} lagoon
Haffdorn {m} [regional] [Sanddorn](common) sea-buckthorn [Hippophae rhamnoides]
Haffkrankheit {f}Haff disease
Haffner-Gletscher {m}Haffner Glacier
Hafis {m} [persischer Dichter] Hafez [Iranian poet]
Haflinger {m} Haflinger (horse)
Haflinger {m} [Geländewagen] Haflinger [off-road vehicle]
Haflingerpferd {n}Haflinger horse
Hafner {m} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] stove setter [of tiled stoves]
Hafner {m} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Töpfer] potter
Häfner {m} [südd.]stove setter [of tiled stoves]
Hafnerin {f} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Ofensetzer, Kachelofensetzer] stove fitter [female]
Hafnerin {f} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Töpferin] potter [female]
Hafnium {n} <Hf> hafnium <Hf>
Hafniumatom {n} hafnium atom
Hafniumdiborid {n}hafnium diboride [HfB2]
Hafniumdihydrid {n} hafnium dihydride [HfH2, H2Hf]
Hafniumdioxid {n} hafnium dioxide [HfO2]
Hafniumdioxid {n} hafnia [HfO2]
Hafniumdisulfid {n} hafnium disulfide [Am.] [HfS2]
Hafnium(III)-iodid {n} hafnium(III) iodide [HfI3]
Hafnium(III)-nitrid {n}hafnium(III) nitride [HfN]
Hafniumisotop {n} [auch: Hafnium-Isotop] hafnium isotope
Hafnium(IV)-chlorid {n} hafnium(IV) chloride [HfCl4]
Hafnium(IV)-fluorid {n} hafnium(IV) fluoride [HfF4]
Hafnium(IV)-iodid {n} hafnium(IV) iodide [HfI4]
Hafnium(IV)-oxid {n} hafnium(IV) oxide [HfO2]
« HackHadeHafeHafeHafeHafeHafnHaftHaftHaftHage »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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