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« zurückSeite 447 für den Anfangsbuchstaben H im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Hoverbike {n} hoverbike
Hoverboard {n} hoverboard
Hovercraft {n} [Luftkissenfahrzeug]hovercraft [air-cushion vehicle]
Hoverzustand {m} [auch: Hover-Zustand] hover state
How I Met Your Mother <HIMYM> How I Met Your Mother <HIMYM>
Howard – Ein tierischer HeldHoward the Duck [Willard Huyck]
Howardevansit {m}howardevansite [NaCuFe2(VO4)3]
Howard-Gletscher {m} Howard Glacier
Howchin-Gletscher {m}Howchin Glacier
Howe-Gletscher {m}Howe Glacier
Howell-Jolly-Körperchen {n}Howell-Jolly body
Howieit {m} howieite [Na(Fe,Mn)10(Fe,Al)2Si12O31(OH)13]
Howlandinsel {f} Howland Island
Howlit {m} howlite [Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5]
Howlith {m}howlite [Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5]
Howship-Romberg-Zeichen {n} Howship-Romberg sign
Hox-Gen {n}Hox gene
Hox-Gene {pl} Hox genes
Hox-Protein {n} Hox protein
Hox-Proteine {pl} Hox proteins
HP Sauce ® {f} [britische Würzsauce aus den Schoten des Tamarindenbaums] HP Sauce ®
HPA-Verstärker {m} [Satellitenkommunikation] high-power amplifier <HPA>
H-Profil {n} H-section / H section
H-Profil {n} H-profile
H-Profile {pl} H-sections / H sections
Hradschin {m} [Prager Burg] Hradčany Castle [castle in Prague]
Hradschin {m} [Stadtteil von Prag]Hradčany quarter [quarter of Prague]
Hrasdan {n} Hrazdan [Romanized: Razdan]
hr-Sinfonieorchester (Frankfurt) {n} [Sinfonieorchester des Hessischen Rundfunks]Frankfurt Radio Symphony
Hrywnja {f} <UAH> [Währungseinheit der Ukraine] hryvna <UAH>
H-Sahne {f}homogenised cream [Br.]
H-Sahne {f}homogenized cream
H-Saite {f}B string
HSC-Bearbeitung {f} high speed cutting <HSC>
H-Schaltung {f} [Vollbrücke, H-Brücke] H-bridge
HS-Code {m} [Harmonisiertes System der Zolltarifnomenklatur] harmonized system code <HS code> [Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System]
Hsianghualith {m}hsianghualite [Ca3Li2Be3(SiO4)3F2]
Hsianhualith {m} hsianhualite [Ca3Li2Be3(SiO4)3F2]
HSS-Werkzeug {n} [Werkzeug aus Schnellarbeitsstahl]HSS tool [high-speed steel tool]
H-Staffel {f} [Luftwaffeneinheit] tactical reconnaissance squadron attached to army ground units
HSync-Signal {n} [horizontale Synchronisation] h-sync signal
HTML-basierte Benutzeroberfläche {f} HTML-based user interface
HTML-Format {n} HTML format
HTML-Kopfzeile {f}HTML heading
HTML-Unterstützung {f}HTML support
H-Träger {m}H-beam
HTTP-Cookie {m} {n} HTTP cookie
HTTP-Statuscode {m} HTTP status code
Hu! Whew! [coll.]
Hü!Gee up!
Hü! [Ruf, um ein Pferd anzutreiben]Giddyap! [Am.]
Hü! [Ruf, um ein Pferd anzutreiben] Giddyup! [Am.]
Huahine {n} [Französisch-Polynesien]Huahine [French Polynesia]
Huahine-Erdtaube {f} Huahine ground dove [genus Gallicolumba sp.] [extinct / subfossil]
Huahine-Kuckuckstaube {f} [ausgestorben] Huahine cuckoo-dove [Macropygia arevarevauupa] [extinct]
Huahine-Möwe {f} [ausgestorben] Huahine gull [Chroicocephalus utunui, Larus utunui] [extinct]
Huahine-Möwe {f} [ausgestorben] Society Islands gull [Chroicocephalus utunui, Larus utunui] [extinct]
Huahine-Star {m} [ausgestorben] Huahine starling [Aplonis diluvialis] [extinct]
Hualapai {m} [auch: Walapai] Hualapai [also: Walapai]
Huamantlan-Klapperschlange {f}Huamantlan rattlesnake [Crotalus scutulatus salvini]
Huan {m} [pej.] [vulg.] [Jugendsprache] [Hurensohn]sonofabitch [vulg.] [sl.]
Huanako {n} guanaco [Lama guanicoe]
Huang Qihuang qi [Astragalus propinquus, syn.: Astragalus membranaceus; pharm. name: Astragali radix] [astragalus root]
Huanghoit-(Ce) {m} huanghoite-(Ce) [BaCe(CO3)2F]
Huangit {m} huangite [Ca0.5Al3 [(OH)6|(SO4)2]]
Huangshan-Kiefer {f} Huangshan pine [Pinus hwangshanensis]
Huangshan-Wühlnatter {f}Huangshan burrowing snake [Achalinus huangjietangi]
Huangshan-Wühlnatter {f} Huang's odd-scaled snake [Achalinus huangjietangi]
Huantajayit {m} huantajayite [(Na, Ag)Cl]
Huanzalait {m} huanzalaite [MgWO4]
Huayco-Steißhuhn {n}huayco tinamou [Rhynchotus maculicollis, syn.: Rhynchotus rufescens maculicollis]
Hub- lifting
Hub {m} stroke
Hub {m} upstroke
Hub {m}hoisting
Hub {m} travel [of piston etc.]
Hub {m} (vertical) lift
Hub {m} hub
Hub {m} [Ethernet-Hub] repeating hub [ethernet hub]
Hub {m} [Netzwerktechnik] ethernet hub
Hub {m} [ugs.] [eines Asthmasprays]puff [of an inhaler]
Hub- und Senkbewegungen {pl} raising and lowering movements
Hub- und Senkbewegungen {pl}up and down movements
Hub-/Schiebedach {n} [auch: Hub-Schiebedach, Hubschiebedach] lift-and-slide roof / sunroof [esp. of a vehicle]
Hubantrieb {m} lifting drive
Hubantrieb {m} linear actuator
Hubarbeitsbühne {f}aerial work platform
Hubarbeitsbühne {f}aerial platform
Hubarbeitsbühne {f} mobile elevating work / working platform <MEWP>
Hubarbeitsbühne {f} mobile elevated work platform <MEWP> [Am.]
Hubarbeitsbühne {f} cherry picker
Hubarm {m}lifting arm
Hubarm {m} lift arm
Hubbard-Gletscher {m} Hubbard Glacier
Hubbard-Modell {n}Hubbard model
Hubbard-Wieselmaki {m} Hubbard's sportive lemur [Lepilemur hubbardorum, formerly: Lepilemur hubbardi]
Hubbard-Wieselmaki {m} Zombitse sportive lemur [Lepilemur hubbardorum, formerly: Lepilemur hubbardi]
Hubbegrenzung {f} hoist limiting
Hubbeine {pl} der Plattform [Off-Shore-Technik]jack-up-legs
Hubbel {m} [regional]hill
« HoseHoseHostHoteHoteHoveHubbhübsHubsHudsHufg »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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