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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: heiraten
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German-English Dictionary: heiraten

to marry
to wed
to splice [coll.]
to get spliced [coll.]
to tie the knot [coll.]idiom
jdn. heiraten
to marry sb.
(jdn.) heiraten
to get married (to sb.)
to become married (to sb.)
to hitch up (with sb.) [coll.]
heiraten [ursprünglich nicht kirchlich, oft auch nicht gesetzlich]
to jump the broom [coll.] [idiom] [marry, esp. without benefit of church or law]
Heiraten {n}
Heiraten {pl}
erneut heiraten
to remarry
heimlich heiraten
to elope [fig.] [to get married secretly]
standesamtlich heiraten
to have a civil marriage
to get married in a registry office
to be married by the registrar [Br.]
to get married at a registry office [Br.]
to get married in a civil (wedding) ceremony
standesgemäß heiraten
to marry within one's social class
untereinander heiraten
to intermarry [within groups]
wieder heiraten
to remarry
überstürzt heiraten
to rush into marriage
ans Heiraten denken
to think about getting married
auf Abbruch heiraten [ugs.] [hum.]
[to marry sb. knowing he / she does not have long to live]
eine Frau heiraten
to marry a woman
in Weiß heiraten
to get married in white
Denkst du ans Heiraten?
Are you contemplating marriage?
ohne untereinander zu heiraten
unintermarrying {adj}
Willst Du mich heiraten?
Will you marry me?
ausreißen, um zu heiraten [ugs.]
to elope
in aller Stille heiraten
to marry privately
sich niederlassen und heiraten
to settle down and marry
unter (seinem) Stand heiraten
to marry beneath oneself
über einen Bevollmächtigten heiraten
to marry by proxy
Heiraten in Eile bereut man in Weile.
Marry in haste, repent at leisure.proverb
Männer heiraten aus Überdruß, Frauen aus Neugier. Beide werden enttäuscht.
Men marry because they are tired; women because they are curious. Both are disappointed. [Oscar Wilde]lit.psych.quote
so einen dahergelaufenen Kerl heiraten
to marry some fellow who just happened alongidiom
Ausreißen {n}, um zu heiraten
Heiraten für Fortgeschrittene / Drei Freundinnen und ein Liebhaber
Crush [John McKay]filmF
Sie sollten heiraten, Mylord!
Ravensdene's Bride [Julia Byrne]lit.F
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