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« zurückSeite 80 für den Anfangsbuchstaben I im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Imame {pl} imams
Imamin {f}(woman) imam
Imamiten {pl} Imamites
imamitisch Imamitic
Imamologie {f} imamology
Imams {pl} [ugs. für: Imame]imams
Imandrit {m} imandrite [Na12Ca3Fe2Si12O36]
Imaret {f} [osmanisches Armenspeisehaus] imaret [public soup kitchen in the Ottoman Empire]
Imatinib {n} imatinib [C29H31N7O]
Imatrafall {m} Imatrankoski
IMAX ® {n}IMAX ™
Imbabura-Schneckennatter {f}Imbabura snail eater [Sibon dunni]
Imbabura-Schwarzkopfnatter {f} Peters' black-headed snake [Tantilla petersi]
Imbabura-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}Imbabura centipede snake [Tantilla petersi]
Imbalance {f} imbalance
Imber {m} ginger [Zingiber officinale]
Imbert-Fedorov-Effekt {m} Imbert-Fedorov effect
imbezil [veraltet]imbecile
imbezill [veraltet]imbecile
Imbibierung {f} [selten]imbibition
Imbibition {f} imbibition
Imbiß {m} [alt] snack
Imbißbude {f} [alt] [Stand]snack stand
Imbißbude {f} [alt] [Stand]snack stall
Imbiss {m}snack
Imbiss {m}light meal
Imbiss {m}bait [Br.] [sl.] [food]
Imbiss {m} quick meal
Imbiss {m} refreshment
Imbiss {m}counter lunch [Aus.]
Imbiss {m} collation [light meal]
Imbiss {m} nosh [Br.] [coll.]
Imbiss {m} tuck shop [Br.]
Imbiss {m} snackette [Am.] [Caribbean]
Imbiss {m} nuncheon [Br.] [archaic or regional] [snack]
Imbiss {m} [einfaches Restaurant mit Theke und Tischen] diner
Imbiss {m} [Laden] takeaway [Br.]
Imbiss {m} [Lokal, Stand] sandwich bar
Imbiss {m} [Mahlzeit]sandwich lunch
Imbissbetrieb {m} fast food outlet
Imbissbude {f}snack bar
Imbissbude {f}sandwich joint
Imbissbude {f} [Stand] snack stand
Imbissbude {f} [Stand]snack stall
Imbisse {pl} snacks
Imbisshalle {f} snack bar
Imbissstand {m} snack stand
Imbissstand {m}snack stall
Imbissstand {m}food stall
Imbissstand {m}concession stand [Am.]
Imbissstand {m}concessions stand
Imbissstube {f}snackbar
Imbissstube {f} snack bar
Imbissstube {f} takeaway [Br.] [shop or restaurant]
Imbissstube {f} luncheonette [Am.]
Imbissstube {f} lunchroom [Am.]
Imbissstube {f}café
Imbissstube {f} refreshment room
Imbissstube {f} [in Kaufhaus etc.] cafeteria
Imbissstuben {pl}snack bars
Imbißstand {m} [alt]snack stand
Imbißstand {m} [alt]snack stall
Imbisstheke {f}lunch counter
Imbissverkaufswagen {m}food retail van
Imbisswagen {m}food van [retail]
Imbisswagen {m} food truck [mobile cook-and-serve vendor]
Imbrikation {f} imbrication
Imbus- [FALSCH für: Inbus- ®][Allen ®]
Imbusschraube {f} [FALSCH für: Inbusschraube] [Allen screw]
IMC-Patient {m} intermediate care <IMC> patient
Imerchev {n}Imerkhevi [dialect of Georgian, spoken in Turkey]
Imeretisch {n}Imereti [dialect of Georgian]
Imerina-Erdnatter {f}Imerina ground snake [Pseudoxyrhopus imerinae]
Imerina-Erdnatter {f}plateau brook snake [Pseudoxyrhopus imerinae]
Imgreit {m} imgreite [NiTe]
Imhoffglas {n}Imhoff cone
Imhofit {m} imhofite [Tl6CuAs16S40]
Imhotep {m}Immutef
Imhotep {m} Im-hotep
Imhotep {m}Imhotep
Imid {n} imide
Imidazol {n}imidazole
Imidazolin-Rezeptor {m}imidazoline receptor
Imin {n} imine
Iminodisuccinat-Tetranatriumsalz {n} tetrasodium iminodisuccinate
Imipenem {n}imipenem [C12H17N3O4S]
Imipramin {n} imipramine [C19H24N2]
Imiprothrin {n}imiprothrin [C17H22N2O4]
Imiquimod {n} imiquimod [C14H16N4]
Imitat {n} pinchbeck [fig.]
Imitat {n}imitation
Imitat {n} [z. B. bei Schmuck]dummy [e.g. jewelry]
Imitate {pl} imitations
Imitation {f}copy
Imitation {f}dummy
Imitation {f}fake
Imitation {f} imitation
Imitation {f} knock-off [sl.]
Imitation {f} mimesis
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers