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« zurückSeite 355 für den Anfangsbuchstaben J im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Justizwesen {n} judicial system
Justizwesen {n} justice system
Justizwesen {n} [Rechtswesen]legal system
Justus Jonas [Die drei ??? / Fragezeichen / Detektive]Jupiter Jones [known as "First Investigator" in The Three Investigators]
jut [berlin.] [gut] good
Jute {f}jute
Jute {f} [Gewebe]burlap [esp. Am.]
Jüte {m} [aus Jütland]Jute
Jutebeutel {m}jute bag
Jutefaser {f}jute fibre [Br.]
Jutefaser {f} jute fiber [Am.]
Jutegewebe {n} jute fabric
Jüten {pl} Jutes
Jutesack {m} gunnysack [Am.]
Jutesack {m}jute sack
Jutesack {m}gunny sack [Am.]
Jutesack {m} tow sack [Am.]
Jutesack {m} crocus bag [Am.] [regional] [tow sack, burlap sack]
Jutesack {m} crocus sack [Am.] [regional] [tow sack, burlap sack]
Jutesäcke {pl} gunnysacks [Am.]
Jutesäcke {pl}gunny sacks [Am.]
Jutesäcke {pl} jute sacks
Jutespinnerei {f} [Betrieb]jute-spinning mill
Jutespitzmausrüssler {m} jute stem weevil [Apion corchori]
Jutias {pl}hutias [family Capromyidae]
Jütin {f} [aus Jütland]Jute [female]
jütisch [zu Jütland gehörig] Jutish
Jütland {n} Jutland
Jütländer {m} [Person, gebürtig oder wohnhaft in Jütland]Jutlander [native or inhabitant of Jutland]
Jütländerin {f} [Mädchen oder Frau, gebürtig oder wohnhaft in Jütland]Jutlander [native or inhabitant of Jutland] [female]
Jütland-Gletscher {m}Jutland Glacier
jütländischJutland [attr.]
Jutta {f} von LuxemburgBonne of Luxemburg
juvenil juvenile
juvenile Dermatomyositis {f} <juvenile DM> juvenile dermatomyositis <juvenile DM>
juvenile Hüftkopflösung {f} juvenile epiphysiolysis of the femur head [Epiphysiolysis capitis femoris]
juvenile idiopathische Arthritis {f} <JIA> juvenile idiopathic arthritis <JIA>
juvenile Knochenzyste {f} <JKZ> juvenile bone cyst <JBC> [solitary bone cyst]
juvenile Kyphose {f} [Morbus Scheuermann] juvenile kyphosis [Osteochondrosis deformans juvenilis vertebralis dorsalis sive lumbalis, Kyphosis adolescentium] [Scheuermann's disease]
juvenile myelomonozytische Leukämie {f} <JMML>juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia <JMML> [Am.]
juvenile myelomonozytische Leukämie {f} <JMML> juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia <JMML> [Br.]
juvenile myoklonische Epilepsie {f} <JME> juvenile myoclonic epilepsy <JME>
juvenile Osteochondrose {f} der Hüfte und des Beckensjuvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis
juvenile Osteochondrose {f} des Femurkopfes juvenile osteochondrosis of head of femur [Legg-Calvé-Perthes]
juvenile Polyposis {f} <JP> juvenile polyposis <JP>
juvenile primäre Lateralsklerose {f} <JPLS> juvenile primary lateral sclerosis <JPLS>
juvenile rheumatoide Arthritis {f} <JRA> juvenile rheumatoid arthritis <JRA>
juveniler Diabetes (mellitus) {m} [veraltend] [Typ-1-Diabetes] juvenile diabetes (mellitus)
juveniler Diabetes (mellitus) {m} [veraltend] [Typ-1-Diabetes] juvenile-onset diabetes (mellitus) <JODM> [type 1 diabetes]
juveniles benignes Melanom {n} [Spitz-Nävus] benign / Spitz's juvenile melanoma [Spitz naevus]
juveniles nasopharyngeales Angiofibrom {n} juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma <JNA>
juveniles Pemphigoid {n} juvenile pemphigoid
juveniles pilozytisches Astrozytom {n} <JPA> juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma <JPA>
juveniles Polyposis-Syndrom {n} <JPS>juvenile polyposis syndrome <JPS>
Juvenilform {f}juvenile form
Juvenilhormon {n} <JH>juvenile hormone <JH>
Juvenilismus {m} juvenilism
Juvenilität {f} juvenility
Juvenilkleid {n}juvenile plumage
Juvenilmortalität {f} juvenile mortality
Juvenilperiode {f}juvenile period
Juvenilphase {f}juvenile stage
Juvenilstadium {n}juvenile stage
Juwel {n} {m}bijou
Juwel {n} {m} [auch fig.] gem [also fig.]
Juwel {n} {m} [Edelstein, Schmuckstück] [auch fig.] jewel [precious stone, piece of jewellery] [also fig.]
Juwel {n} [fig.] pearl [fig.]
Juwel {n} [sehr tüchtiger Mensch; Kleinod]jewel [fig.]
Juwelen {pl} jewels
Juwelen {pl} jewellery {sg} [esp. Br.] [jewels]
Juwelen {pl} bling-bling {sg} [sl.]
juwelen [veraltet] made of jewels
Juwelen für Georginas Liebe A Surfeit of Suitors [Barbara Hazard]
Juwelen zur Schau tragen to flaunt jewellery [esp. Br.]
[juwelen- und/oder perlenbesetztes Hals- oder Stirnband]carcanet [archaic] [jewelled collar, necklace or headband]
Juwelenanemone {f} jewel anemone [Corynactis viridis]
Juwelenbarsch {m}vermillion seabass [Cephalopholis miniata, syn.: Cephalopholis miniatus]
Juwelenbarsch {m} jewel grouper [Cephalopholis miniata, syn.: Cephalopholis miniatus]
Juwelenbarsch {m}coral hind [Cephalopholis miniata, syn.: Cephalopholis miniatus]
juwelenbesetztjewelled [Br.]
juwelenbesetzt jeweled [Am.]
Juwelendiebstahl {m} jewelry heist [Am.] [coll.]
Juwelendose {f} [Gemeine Lappenmuschel] (common) jewel box [Chama gryphoides, syn.: C. cavernosa, C. sessilis, C. unicornis]
Juwelengecko {m}South Island tree gecko [Naultinus gemmeus, syn.: N. elegans gemmeus, N. lineatus, Heteropholis gemmeus]
Juwelengecko {m}jewelled gecko [Br.] [Naultinus gemmeus, syn.: N. elegans gemmeus, N. lineatus, Heteropholis gemmeus]
Juwelenhändler {m}jeweler [Am.] [dealer in jewels]
Juwelenkrönchen {n} Gould's jewelfront [Heliodoxa aurescens]
Juwelenlaubfrosch {m}Amani Forest tree frog [Leptopelis vermiculatus]
Juwelenlaubfrosch {m}peacock tree frog [Leptopelis vermiculatus]
Juwelenlaubfrosch {m} big-eyed tree frog [Leptopelis vermiculatus]
Juwelennatter {f}Mexican speckled snake [Drymobius margaritiferus]
Juwelennatter {f} (northern) speckled racer [Drymobius margaritiferus] [snake]
Juwelennatter {f} Central American speckled racer [Drymobius margaritiferus] [snake]
JuwelenraubTerror by Night / The Stolen Jewels [Roy William Neill]
Juwelenraub {m} jewel robbery
Juwelenraub {m}jewel theft
Juwelen-Regenbogenfisch {m}ornate rainbowfish [Rhadinocentrus ornatus]
Juwelensammlung {f} jewellery collection [esp. Br.]
Juwelensammlung {f} jewelry collection [Am.]
« JuniJupiJuriJus{JustJustJuwek{n}KabeKabeKabe »
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