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« zurückSeite 375 für den Anfangsbuchstaben K im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Kofferraumtasche {f} car boot bag [Br.]
Kofferraumverkleidung {f}luggage compartment trimming [Br.]
Kofferraumwanne {f} trunk liner [Am.]
Kofferschreibmaschine {f}portable typewriter
Kofferträger {m}suitcase carrier
Kofferträgerin {f} suitcase carrier [female]
Kofferwaage {f} suitcase scale
Kofferwaage {f} [Reisewaage](hanging) luggage scale
Kofferwort {n} portmanteau
Kofferwort {n} frankenword [portmanteau word]
Kofferwort {n} portmanteau word
Kofferwort {n} telescope word
[Kofferwort aus hate und pathos, ähnlich wie Schadenfreude] hathos [Am.] [sl.] [portmanteau of hate and pathos]
Kofferzimmer {n} boxroom
Kofinalität {f}cofinality
kofinanzierento co-finance
kofinanziert co-financed
Kofinanzierung {f}co-financing
kofinite Topologie {f}cofinite topology
Köfte {f} {n}kofta
Kofunktion {f}cofunction
Kofunktor {m}cofunctor
Kogal {f} [ugs.] [junge konsumorientierte Japanerin, oft Minirock tragend] kogal [coll.] [stylish Japanese girl often wearing a mini skirt]
Kogarbe {f} cosheaf
Kogarben {pl}cosheaves
Kogarkoit {m}kogarkoite [Na3(SO4)F]
Köge {pl}polders
Kogel {m} [österr.] [südd.] [rounded, wooded mountain top]
Kogel {pl} [österr.] [südd.][rounded, wooded mountain tops]
Kogge {f}cog
Kognak {m}brandy
Kognakbohne {f} [bean-shaped brandy-filled chocolate]
Kognakglas {n} balloon glass
Kognakglas {n}brandy glass
Kognakglas {n}cognac glass
Kognakglas {n} snifter
Kognaköl {n}(green) cognac oil
Kognaks {pl}cognacs
Kognakschwenker {m}brandy snifter
Kognakschwenker {m}balloon glass
Kognat {m} cognate
Kognaten {pl} cognates
Kognition {f} cognition
Kognitionen {pl} cognitions
Kognitionsbiologe {m} cognitive biologist
Kognitionsbiologie {f}cognitive biology
Kognitionsbiologin {f}cognitive biologist [female]
kognitionsbiologisch cognitive-biology [attr.]
Kognitionsdefizite {pl}cognitive deficits
kognitionsfördernd cognitive enhancement [attr.]
Kognitionspsychologie {f} cognitive psychology
Kognitionstheorie {f}theory of cognition
Kognitionstheorie {f}epistemics [treated as sg.]
Kognitionswissenschaft {f} cognitive science
Kognitionswissenschaften {pl}cognitive sciences
Kognitionswissenschaften {pl} [kollektiv] cognitive science {sg}
Kognitionswissenschaftler {m}cognitive scientist
kognitiv cognitively
kognitiv suboptimiert [Jugendsprache] [dumm] dumb [esp. Am.] [coll.] [stupid]
kognitive Anforderungen {pl}cognitive demands
kognitive Architektur {f} cognitive architecture
kognitive Balance {f} cognitive balance
kognitive Dissonanz {f} cognitive dissonance
kognitive Entwicklung {f} cognitive development
kognitive Ergonomie {f} cognitive ergonomics
kognitive Ethnologie {f} cognitive anthropology
kognitive Fähigkeit {f} cognitive ability
kognitive Fähigkeit {f} cognitive skill
kognitive Funktionen {pl} cognitive function {sg}
kognitive Informatik {f} <KI> cognitive computer science
kognitive Karte {f} cognitive map
kognitive Leistungen {pl}cognitive performance {sg}
kognitive Leiter {f} [ugs.] [Laddering-Verfahren (Fragekettentechnik)]laddering
kognitive Linguistik {f} <KL> cognitive linguistics <CL> [treated as sg.]
kognitive Linguistin {f} cognitive linguist [female]
Kognitive Literaturwissenschaft {f}cognitive poetics
kognitive Modellbildung {f} cognitive modelling [esp. Br.]
kognitive Neurowissenschaft {f} cognitive neuroscience
kognitive Phonologie {f} cognitive phonology
kognitive Psychologie {f}cognitive psychology
kognitive Semantik {f} cognitive semantics [treated as sg.]
kognitive Steuerung {f}cognitive control
kognitive Triade {f} (Beck's) cognitive triad
kognitive Umgebung {f}cognitive environment
kognitive Verarbeitung {f} cognitive processing
kognitive Verhaltenstherapie {f} <KVT>cognitive behavioural therapy <CBT> [Br.]
kognitive Verhaltenstherapie {f} <KVT>cognitive behaviour therapy <CBT> [Br.]
kognitive Verhaltenstherapie {f} <KVT>cognitive behavior therapy <CBT> [Am.]
kognitive Verhaltenstherapie {f} <KVT> cognitive behavioral therapy <CBT> [Am.]
kognitive Verzerrung {f} cognitive bias
kognitive Verzerrung {f} cognitive illusions {pl}
(kognitive) Konsistenztheorie {f} (cognitive) consistency theory
kognitiver Linguist {m}cognitive linguist
kognitiver Pilotkanal {m} cognitive pilot channel <CPICH, CPC>
kognitiver Prozeß {m} [alt]cognitive process
kognitiver Prozess {m}cognitive process
kognitiver Vorgang {m}cognitive process
kognitiver Zustand {m} cognitive state
Kognitivismus {m} cognitivism
« KöchKochKochKodiKoffKoffkognKohlkohlKohlKohl »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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