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English-German Dictionary

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« zurückSeite 376 für den Anfangsbuchstaben K im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Kohärenzzeit {f}coherence time
Kohärer {m}coherer
kohärieren [geh.] to cohere
Kohäsion {f} [geh.] cohesion
Kohäsion {f} [geh.]cohesiveness
Kohäsionsanliegen {n}issue of cohesion
Kohäsionsarbeit {f}work of cohesion
Kohäsionsdruck {m}cohesion pressure
Kohäsionsfestigkeit {f} cohesion strength
Kohäsionsfonds {m} <KF> cohesion fund <CF>
Kohäsionskraft {f}cohesiveness
Kohäsionskraft {f}cohesive force
kohäsionslos noncohesive
Kohäsionspolitik {f} cohesion policy
Kohäsionsverlust {m}loss of cohesion
Kohäsionsziel {n}goal of cohesion
kohäsiv cohesive
kohäsive Bandagen {pl} cohesive bandages
kohäsives Gold {n} cohesive gold
Kohelet {m} Ecclesiastes
Kohelet {m} Koheleth
Kohelet {m} Qoheleth [also: Koheleth]
Kohl {m}cabbage
Kohl {m} collard [Brassica oleraceae]
Kohl {m} [bes. Grünkohl]kale [Scot.] [cabbage]
Kohl {m} [österr.] [Wirsing]savoy cabbage
Kohl {m} [ugs.] [Unsinn] nonsense
Kohl reden [ugs.] to talk rubbish
Kohl und Pinkel[(curly) kale with groats sausage]
Kohlacker {m} cabbage field
Kohlamsel {f} [veraltet] [Amsel] colly bird [coll.] [archaic] [common blackbird]
Kohlanbau {m} cabbage growing
Kohlanbau {m} cabbage cultivation
Kohlblatt {n} cabbage leaf
Kohlblattminierfliege {f}cabbage leafminer / leaf miner [Phytomyza rufipes] [fly]
Kohl-Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]flame carpet [Xanthorhoe designata] [moth]
Kohldampf {m} [ugs.] ravenous hunger
Kohldampf haben [ugs.]to be starving [coll.] [to be very hungry]
Kohldampf haben [ugs.] to be ravenous
Kohldampf haben [ugs.]to be famished [coll.]
Kohldampf haben [ugs.] to be ravenously hungry
Kohldampf schieben [ugs.] [Redewendung]to be starving [coll.] [be very hungry]
Kohldiät {f} cabbage diet
Kohldistel {f} cabbage thistle [Cirsium oleraceum]
Kohldistel {f} meadow distaff [Cirsium oleraceum]
Kohldistel {f}water thistle [Cirsium oleraceum]
Kohldistel {f} Siberian thistle [Cirsium oleraceum]
Kohldistel-Kamelläufer {m} black beetle [Amara (Curtonotus) aulica]
Kohldistel-Kamelläufer {m} rain beetle [Amara (Curtonotus) aulica]
Kohldistel-Kamelläufer {m}common stem-climber [Amara (Curtonotus) aulica] [ground beetle]
Kohldistelwiese {f} [fachspr.: Kohldistel-Wiese] Angelico-Cirsietum (oleracei)
Kohldrehherzgallmücke {f} swede midge [Contarinia nasturtii]
Kohldrehherzmücke {f}swede midge [Contarinia nasturtii]
Kohle {f}coal
Kohle {f} carbon
Kohle {f} charcoal
Kohle {f} [ugs. für: Geld]wonga [Br.] [sl.]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld, bes. Bargeld]rhino [esp. Br.] [sl.] [dated] [money, cash]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld, bes. Bargeld]oscar [also: Oscar] [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [dated] [cash]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld, hier bes., falls unrechtmässig erworben] paper [sl.] [money, esp. when earned by illegal means]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld]cabbage [Am.] [sl.] [money]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld] spondulics [sl.] [treated as sg.] [also: spondulix, spondulicks, spondoolics, spondoolicks, spondoolix]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [salopp] [Geld]dough [coll.] [money]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [salopp] [Geld]bread [coll.] [money]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld, bes. Bargeld] cash
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld] dosh [Br.] [coll.]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld]readies [Br.] [coll.] [cash]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld] bucks [Am.] [sl.] {pl}
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld] moola [sl.]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld]moolah [sl.]
Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld] juice [sl.] [funds, money]
Kohle {pl}cabbages
Kohle abbauen to win coal
Kohle abbauento coal [mine or extract coal]
Kohle an Bord The Red Sea Sharks [Hergé]
Kohle an Bord nehmen [Dampfer] to coal [steamship: take on a supply of coal]
Kohle aufhäufento bank up the fires
Kohle fördernto produce coal
Kohle fördern to coal [mine or extract coal]
Kohle gewinnento raise coal
Kohle gewinnen to win coal
Kohle karren to cart coals
Kohle machen [ugs.] [salopp] [viel Geld verdienen]to line one's pockets [coll.]
Kohle nachlegen to put more coal on the fire
Kohle schaufeln to scoop coal
Kohle schaufeln to shovel coal
Kohle transportieren to carry coal
Kohle verbrauchen to consume coal
Kohleabbau {m} coal mining
Kohleanteil {m}coal content
Kohleausstieg {m}coal phase-out
Kohleausstoß {m} coal output
Kohlebagger {m} coal digger
Kohleband {n} [Farbband] carbon ribbon
kohlebefeuert coal-burning
kohlebefeuert coal-fired
kohlebeheizt coal-fired
Kohlebergbau {m} coal mining
« KochKödeKoefKoffKognKohäKohlKohlKohlKohlKohl »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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