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« zurückSeite 382 für den Anfangsbuchstaben K im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Köhler {pl} charburners
Kohleration {f}coal ration
Köhlerdrossel {f} yellow-legged thrush [Turdus flavipes, syn.: Platycichla flavipes]
Köhlerdrossel {f} black-and-gray thrush [Am.] [Platycichla flavipes, syn.: Turdus flavipes]
Köhlerdrossel {f} black-and-grey thrush [Br.] [Platycichla flavipes, syn.: Turdus flavipes]
Köhlerei {f} charcoal burning
Kohleressourcen {pl} coal resources
Kohlerevier {n}coalfield
Kohlerevier {n} coal field
Kohlerevier {n} coal basin
Kohlerevier {n} coal district
Kohlerevier {n} coal-mining area
Kohlerevier {n}coal-mining district
Köhlerin {f}charcoal burner [female]
Köhlerin {f}charcoal maker [female]
Köhlerin {f} charburner [female]
Köhlern {n} charcoal burning
kohlersche Beziehung {f} Kohler relation
Köhlerschildkröte {f}red-footed tortoise [Chelonoidis carbonarius, syn.: Geochelone carbonaria]
Köhlerzügel {m} [Thiedemann-Kombination] German martingal
Kohleschaufeln {n} [Kohle vom Lagerraum zum Heizraum schaffen] coal trimming
Kohleschichtwiderstand {m} carbon film resistor
Kohleschiff {n} collier
Kohleschiff {n} coal carrier
Kohleschlamm {m}coal slurry
Kohlestaat {m} [Spitzname für Pennsylvania, USA] Coal State [nickname] [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania]
Kohlestaub {m} coal dust
Kohlestift {m} carbon rod
Kohlestift {m} carbon
Kohlestift {m} charcoal
Kohlestift {m} charcoal crayon
Kohlestromgewinnung {f} coal-fired power generation
Kohletablette {f}charcoal tablet
Kohletagebau {m}opencast coal mine [chiefly Br.] [open-pit coal mine]
Kohletagebau {m} open-pit coal mine
Kohleteer {m}coal tar
Kohletinte {f}carbon ink
Kohletransport {m}transport of coal
Kohletyrann {m}Amazonian black tyrant [Knipolegus poecilocercus]
Kohleule {f} [Falter] cabbage moth [Mamestra brassicae]
Kohleverbrauch {m}consumption of coal
Kohleverbrauch {m} coal consumption
Kohleveredelung {f}coal conversion
Kohleverfeuerung {f} coal burning
Kohleverflüssigung {f} coal liquefaction
Kohlevergasung {f} coal gasification
Kohlevergasungsprozess {m} coal gasification process
Kohleverstärker {m} [Hörgerät] carbon amplifier [hearing aid]
Kohleverstromung {f} coal-based power generation
Kohleverstromung {f} coal electrification
Kohlevorkommen {n}coal deposit
Kohlevorkommen {pl} coal deposits
Kohlevorkommen {pl}coal resources
Kohlewagen {m}coal wagon
Kohlewäscherei {f}coal washery
Kohlezeichnung {f}charcoal drawing
Kohlezug {m}coal train
Kohlezuteiler {m}coal feeder
Kohlfahrt {f} [nordd.][traditional Schnapps drinking and cabbage eating tour of northern Germany]
Kohlfisch {m} pollack [Pollachius virens]
Kohlfisch {m} [Köhler, Seelachs]coalfish [Pollachius virens]
Kohlgallmücke {f} swede midge [Contarinia nasturtii]
Kohl-Gänsedistel {f}common sowthistle [Sonchus oleraceus]
Kohl-Gänsedistel {f}milky tassel [Sonchus oleraceus]
Kohl-Gänsedistel {f}hare's thistle [Sonchus oleraceus]
Kohl-Gänsedistel {f} hare's colwort [Sonchus oleraceus]
Kohl-Gänsedistel {f} annual sow thistle [Sonchus oleraceus]
Kohl-Gänsedistel {f} smooth sow thistle [Sonchus oleraceus]
Kohl-Gänsedistel {f} sow thistle [Sonchus oleraceus]
Kohlhernie {f} clubroot
kohlig carbonaceous
kohlig coaly
Kohliger Kugelpilz {m} cramp balls / crampballs [treated as sg.] [Daldinia concentrica]
Kohliger Kugelpilz {m} King Alfred's cake [Daldinia concentrica]
Kohliger Kugelpilz {m}coal fungus [Daldinia concentrica]
Kohliger Kugelpilz {m} carbon balls {pl} [treated as sg.] [Daldinia concentrica]
Kohlkopf {m} cabbage [head]
Kohlkopf {m}head of cabbage
Kohlkopf {m}cabbage head
Kohlköpfe {pl}cabbages
kohlköpfig cabbage-headed
Kohlkopfpuppe {f} [Weichplastikpuppe] Cabbage Patch Kid™
Kohl-Kratzdistel {f} cabbage thistle [Cirsium oleraceum]
Kohl-Kratzdistel {f}Siberian thistle [Cirsium oleraceum]
Kohl-Kratzdistel / Kohlkratzdistel {f} meadow distaff [Cirsium oleraceum]
Kohl-Kratzdistel / Kohlkratzdistel {f} water thistle [Cirsium oleraceum]
Kohl-Lauch {m} field garlic [Allium oleraceum]
Kohlmade {f} cabbage maggot [Delia radicum, syn.: D. brassicae, Chortophila brassicae, Hylemya brassicae, Phorbia brassicae]
Kohlmeise {f} great titmouse [Parus major]
Kohlmeise {f} great tit [Parus major]
Kohlmeisennest {n} great tit's nest
Kohlmeisennest {n} great tit nest
Kohlmotte {f} diamondback moth [Plutella xylostella]
Kohlmotte {f} diamond-back moth [Plutella xylostella]
Kohlmotte {f}cabbage moth [Plutella xylostella]
Kohlmotte {f} diamond-backed / diamond-back moth [Plutella xylostella, syn.: P. megapterella]
Kohlmottenschildlaus {f} cabbage whitefly [Aleyrodes proletella]
Kohlmottenschildlaus {f} glasshouse whitefly [Trialeurodes vaporariorum, syn.: T. mossopi, T. natalensis, T. sonchi, Asterochiton vaporariorum]
Kohlmottenschildlaus {f}greenhouse whitefly [Trialeurodes vaporariorum, syn.: T. mossopi, T. natalensis, T. sonchi, Asterochiton vaporariorum]
Kohlmottenschildlaus {f} brassica whitefly [Aleyrodes proletella]
« KohlKohlKohlKohlKohlKöhlKohlkoinKokaKoklKoko »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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