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« zurückSeite 525 für den Anfangsbuchstaben M im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Mühlenkapazität {f} mill capacity
Mühlenkunde {f} molinology
Mühlenkundler {m} molinologist
Mühlenleiter {f}mill ladder
Mühlenmeister {m} master of a mill
Mühlennachprodukte {pl} milling by-products
Mühlenprodukt {n}mill product
Mühlenprodukt {n} milling product
Mühlenrecht {n} mill law
Mühlenspiel {n} [selten bzw. veraltet für Mühle, Mühlespiel] merels [Br.] [dialect] [hist.] [treated as sg.] [nine men's morris]
Mühlentechnik {f} mill technology
Mühlenteich {m} millpond [also: mill-pond, mill pond]
Mühlenwehr {n} mill dam [mill weir]
Mühlenwehr {n} mill weir
Mühlespiel {n}mill game
Mühlespiel {n} [Brettspiel] (nine men's) morris
Mühlgerinne {n} millrun
Mühlgerinne {n}millrace [the canal in which water flows to and from a mill wheel]
Mühlgraben {m} millrace [the current that drives the wheel]
Mühlgraben {m} mill race
Mühlkoppe {f} (European) bullhead [Cottus gobio]
Mühlkoppe {f} [Groppe] miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead]
Mühlkoppe {f} [Groppe](freshwater) sculpin [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead]
Mühlkoppe {f} [Groppe] common bullhead [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead]
Mühlrad {n} mill wheel
Mühlradgeräusch {n} mill-wheel murmur
Mühlstein {m} millstone
Mühlstein {m} mill-stone [spv.] [rare] [millstone]
Mühlstein {m} [Mühlsteinkragen]millstone collar [ruff collar]
Mühlsteine {pl}millstones
Mühlsteinkragen {m} ruff
Mühlsteinkrause {f}ruff collar
Mühlsteinproduktion {f} millstone production
Mühlsteinsalmler {m} gamitana [Colossoma macropomum]
Mühlsteinsalmler {m} cachama [Colossoma macropomum]
Mühlsteinsalmler {m} giant pacu [Colossoma macropomum]
Mühlsteinsalmler {m} black-finned pacu [Colossoma macropomum]
Mühlsteinsalmler {m} black pacu [Colossoma macropomum]
Mühlsteinsalmler {m} pacu [Colossoma macropomum]
Mühlsteinsalmler {m}tambaqui [Colossoma macropomum]
Mühlteich {m}millpond [also: mill-pond, mill pond]
Mühlviertler Hasenjagd {f} Mühlviertel district rabbit hunt [Nazi war crime]
Mühlwehr {n} mill weir
Mühlwehr {n} mill-dam
Mühlwerk {n} mill machinery
Muhme {f} [veraltet]aunt
Muhme {f} [veraltet] [Base, Cousine]cousin [female]
Mühsal {f} tribulation
Mühsal {f} [geh.] hardship
Mühsal {f} [geh.] travail [burdensome work, toil]
Mühsal {f} des Irdischen mortal coil
mühsam arduous
mühsam arduously
mühsam toilsome
mühsam toilsomely
mühsam troublesomely
mühsamwith an effort
mühsam burdensome
mühsamlaboured [Br.]
mühsam onerous
mühsam tedious
mühsam troublesome
mühsam heavy-going
mühsam painstaking
mühsam cumbersome [onerous]
mühsamlabourious [Br.]
mühsam laborsome [Am.] [dated]
mühsam laboursome [Br.] [dated]
mühsam auf die Beine kommento struggle to one's feet
mühsam ausgearbeiteter Kommentar {m}laborious commentary
Mühsam ernährt / nährt sich das Eichhörnchen.Little by little, the bird builds its nest.
Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen. [Langsam, aber sicher.]Slowly but surely.
mühsam errungenhard-won
mühsam erworbenes Vermögen {n} hard-won fortune
mühsam schlucken to swallow hard
mühsam verdient hard-earned
mühsam verdientes Geld {n} hard-earned money [idiom]
(mühsam) anspringen [Motor] to churn to life [motor]
mühsame Forschungsarbeit {f} arduous research work
mühsame Vorarbeit {f}spadework [preliminary drudgery]
(mühsame) Vorarbeiten {pl} spadework {sg}
mühsamer Weg {m} arduous path
mühsames Studium {n} lucubration
Mühsamkeit {f} strenuousness
mühselig laboriously
mühselig troublesome
mühselig arduous
mühselig laborious
mühselig toilsome
mühselig cumbersome [procedure]
mühselig laborous [obs. form of laborious]
« MozaMuchMudaMuffmuhmMühlmühsMulaMüllMüllMüll »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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