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« zurückSeite 231 für den Anfangsbuchstaben R im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
retroglandulär retroglandular
Retrognathie {f}retrognathia
retrograd retrogradely
Retrogradation {f} retrogradation
retrograde Amnesie {f}retrograde amnesia
retrograde Degeneration {f}retrograde degeneration
retrograde Ejakulation {f} retrograde ejaculation
retrograde Füllung {f}retrograde filling
retrograde Pyelografie {f}retrograde pyelography
retrograde Pyelographie {f}retrograde pyelography
retrograde Rotation {f} retrograde rotation
retrograde Venografie {f}retrograde venography
retrograde Venographie {f} retrograde venography
retrograder Orbit {m}retrograde orbit
retrograder Zeiger {m} retrograde hand
retrogressiv retrogressive
Retroillumination {f} retroillumination
Retrokardialraum {m} <RKR> retrocardiac space <RCS>
retrokochlear [funktionell jenseits der Ohrschnecke] retrocochlear
retrokochleär [funktionell jenseits der Ohrschnecke]retrocochlear
Retrokognition {f}retrocognition
Retrokognition {f}postcognition
retrokristalline Fibroplasie {f}retrocrystalline fibroplasia [rare] [retinopathy of prematurity] [Retinopathia praematurorum]
retrolentalretrolental [retrolentalis]
retrolentale Fibroplasie {f} <RLF>retrolental fibroplasia <RLF> [Retinopathia praematurorum]
retrolentikulär retrolenticular
Retrolisthese {f}retrolisthesis
Retrolisthesis {f} retrolisthesis
retromamillär retromamillary
retromammärer Abszess {m} [österr. auch {n}]retromammary abscess
Retromer {n}retromer
Retromer-Komplex {m}retromer complex
Retromode {f} retro fashion
Retromolar {m}retromolar
Retromolarbereich {m}retromolar space
Retromolekül {n} retromolecule
retronasal retronasal
retronasale Aromawahrnehmung {f}retronasal olfaction
Retronecin {n} retronecine [C8H13NO2]
Retronym {n} retronym
Retropants {pl} boxer briefs {pl} [one pair]
Retropatellararthrose {f} retropatellar arthrosis
retroperitoneal retroperitoneally
retroperitoneale Blutung {f}retroperitoneal bleeding
retroperitoneale Blutung {f} retroperitoneal haemorrhage [Br.]
retroperitoneale Blutung {f}retroperitoneal hemorrhage [Am.]
retroperitoneale Fibrose {f} <RPF>retroperitoneal fibrosis <RPF>
Retroperitonealfibrose {f} <RPF>retroperitoneal fibrosis <RPF>
Retroperitonealraum {m} retroperitoneum [Spatium retroperitoneale]
Retroperitonealraum {m}retroperitoneal space [Spatium retroperitoneale]
Retroperitoneum {n} retroperitoneum
Retropharyngealabszess {m} [österr. auch {n}] <RPA> retropharyngeal abscess <RPA>
Retropharyngitis {f} retropharyngitis
Retropneumoperitoneum {n} [korrekter ist Pneumoretroperitoneum] retropneumoperitoneum [use pneumoretroperitoneum]
Retroprotein {n}retroprotein
retropubische radikale Prostatektomie {f} <RRP>radical retropubic prostatectomy <RRP>
retroreflektierend retroreflective
retroreflektierende Leinwand {f}retroflecting screen
Retroreflektor {m} retroreflector
Retroreflektor {m} retroflector
Retroreflektor {m}cataphote
Retroreflexion {f} retroreflection
retroreflexiv retro-reflexive
Retroregulation {f}retroregulation
Retrosexueller {m}retrosexual
retrosigmoidal retrosigmoidal
Retrospektion {f} [geh.] retrospection
retrospektiv [geh.] in retrospect
retrospektiv [geh.] retrospective
retrospektiv [geh.] retrospectively
Retrospektivanalyse {f}retrospective analysis
Retrospektive {f} retrospective
retrospektive Kohortenstudie {f} retrospective cohort study <RCS>
retrospektive Qualifizierung {f} <ReQ> retrospective qualification
retrospektive Studie {f} <RS> retrospective study <RS>
retrospektive Validierung {f}retrospective validation <RV>
retrospektives Gating {n} retrospective gating
Retrospektivstudie {f} retrospective study <RS>
Retrospondylolisthese {f}retrospondylolisthesis
Retrospondylolisthesis {f}retrospondylolisthesis
Retrospondylose {f}retrospondylosis
Retrosternal- retrosternal
Retrosternalschmerzen {pl} retrosternal pain {sg}
Retrostil {m} retro style
Retrotranslocon {n}retrotranslocon
Retrotranslokation {f} [z. B. von Proteinen] retrotranslocation [e.g. of proteins]
Retrotransposition {f}retrotransposition
Retrotransposon {n}retrotransposon
Retrotransposons {pl} retrotransposons
retrotumorös retrotumorous
« RestrestResuReteretiretrRetrRettRettRettRetw »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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