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« zurückSeite 1343 für den Anfangsbuchstaben S im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Streifenanbau {m} contour farming
Streifenanbau {m} strip farming
Streifenartefakt {m}streaking artefact [Br.]
Streifenartefakt {m} streaking artifact [Am.]
Streifenartefakt {n} [ugs. auch {m}]streak artifact [Am.]
Streifenartefakt {n} [ugs. auch {m}]streak artefact [esp. Br.]
Streifenaufklärung {f} strip reconnaissance
Streifenbabax {m}Chinese babax [Babax lanceolatus]
Streifen-Backenhörnchen {n} Eastern American chipmunk [Tamias striatus]
Streifen-Backenhörnchen {n} eastern chipmunk [Tamias striatus]
Streifen-Bannerlippfisch {m} barred thicklip [Hemigymnus fasciatus]
Streifenbär {m} [Nachtfalterart] feathered footman [Spiris striata, syn.: Coscinia striata] [moth]
Streifenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]Labrador tiger moth [Grammia quenseli]
Streifenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] Labrador apantesis [Grammia quenseli]
Streifenbarbe {f} (striped) red mullet [Mullus surmuletus]
Streifenbarsche {pl} temperate basses [family Moronidae]
Streifenbartvogel {m}lineated barbet [Megalaima lineata]
Streifenbasilisk {m}brown basilisk [Basiliscus vittatus]
Streifenbasilisk {m} striped basilisk [Basiliscus vittatus]
Streifenbauch-Beerenpicker {m}streaked berrypecker [Melanocharis striativentris]
Streifenbauch-Beerenpicker {m} green berrypecker [Melanocharis striativentris]
Streifenbauch-Beerenpicker {m}striated berrypecker [Melanocharis striativentris]
Streifenbauch-Fliegenstecher {m} Sclater's tyrannulet [Phyllomyias sclateri]
Streifenbauchralle {f}black-banded crake [Anurolimnas fasciatus, syn.: Laterallus fasciatus, Porzana fasciata]
Streifenbauch-Tachurityrann {m}pied-crested tit-tyrant [Anairetes reguloides]
Streifenbauch-Uferwipper {m} dark-bellied cinclodes [Cinclodes patagonicus]
Streifenbaumspäher {m} striped treehunter [Thripadectes holostictus]
Streifenbaumsteiger {m}striped woodcreeper [Xiphorhynchus obsoletus]
Streifenbeamten {pl}patrollers
Streifenbeamter {m} patroller
Streifenbeamtin {f} patroller [female]
Streifenbeutelmarder {m} three-striped dasyure [Myoictis melas]
Streifenbeutelmäuse {pl} marsupial shrews [genus Phascolosorex]
Streifenbildung {f} striation
Streifenbildung {f} banding
Streifenbildungen {pl} striations
Streifenblattspäher {m}lineated foliage-gleaner [Syndactyla subalaris]
Streifen-Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterart] Damon blue [Polyommatus damon, syn.: Agrodiaetus damon] [butterfly]
Streifen-Borstenzahndoktorfisch {m}striped bristletooth [Ctenochaetus striatus]
Streifenbrasse {f} black seabream [Spondyliosoma cantharus]
Streifenbrassen {m} [nordd.] [mitteld.] black seabream [Spondyliosoma cantharus]
Streifenbreite {f}band size
Streifenbreite {f}bandwidth
Streifenbrust-Baumspäher {m} streak-breasted treehunter [Thripadectes rufobrunneus]
Streifenbrust-Laubtyrann {m}mottle-cheeked tyrannulet [Phylloscartes ventralis]
Streifenbrust-Spateltyrann {m}stripe-necked tody tyrant [Hemitriccus striaticollis]
Streifenbrustspecht {m}stripe-breasted woodpecker [Dendrocopos atratus]
Streifenbrustspecht {m}stripe-breasted pied woodpecker [Dendrocopos atratus, syn.: Picoides atratus]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f} spotted babbler [Pellorneum ruficeps]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f} puff-throated babbler [Pellorneum ruficeps]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f}striped babbler [Pellorneum ruficeps]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f}streak-breasted wren-babbler [Napothera epilepidota]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f} small wren-babbler / wren babbler [Napothera epilepidota]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f}lesser wren-babbler / wren babbler [Napothera epilepidota]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f}eyebrowed wren-babbler / wren babbler [Napothera epilepidota]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f} Austen's small wren-babbler [Napothera epilepidota]
Streifenbrusttimalie {f}Grant's wren-babbler [Napothera epilepidota]
Streifenbrust-Uferwipper {m} dark-bellied cinclodes [Cinclodes patagonicus]
Streifenbrustwürgerling {m} speckle-breasted antshrike [Xenornis setifrons]
Streifenbrustwürgerling {m} speckled antshrike [Xenornis setifrons]
Streifenbrustwürgerling {m}spiny-faced antshrike [Xenornis setifrons]
Streifenbrust-Zaunkönig {m} stripe-breasted wren [Thryothorus thoracicus]
Streifenbülbül {m} striated green bulbul [Pycnonotus striatus]
Streifenbülbül {m} striated bulbul [Pycnonotus striatus]
Streifenbülbül {m}striped bulbul [Pycnonotus striatus]
Streifenbuschkänguru {n} brown dorcopsis [Dorcopsis muelleri]
Streifencode {m} bar code
Streifencodeabtaster {m} bar code scanner
streifend [Blick] sweeping
streifend [mit Streifen versehend] striping
Streifendelfin {m} striped dolphin [Stenella coeruleoalba]
Streifendessin {n}striped pattern
Streifendicke {f} strip thickness
Streifendienst {m} patrol service
Streifendienst {m} patrol force
Streifendienst {m}patrolling duty [Br.]
Streifendienst {m}patrol duty
Streifen-Doktorfisch {m} doctorfish tang [Acanthurus chirurgus]
Streifendommel {f} stripe-backed bittern [Ixobrychus involucris]
Streifendrossling {m}striated babbler [Turdoides earlei]
Streifenende {n} tape-out
Streifenende {n} trailing end
Streifenerdhacker {m} striated earthcreeper [Upucerthia serrana]
Streifenetikett {n} bar code label
Streifenfarnähnliches Bartkelchmoos {n} hairy pouchwort [Calypogeia trichomanis]
Streifenfarnblättriger Goldfaden {m}fernleaf goldthread [Coptis aspleniifolia]
Streifenfarnblättriger Goldfaden {m} spleenwort-leaf goldthread [Coptis aspleniifolia]
Streifenfarne {pl}spleenwort family {sg} [family Aspleniaceae]
Streifenfarne {pl} spleenworts [family Aspleniaceae]
Streifenfarn-Flachmoos {n} blunt feather-moss [Homalia trichomanoides]
Streifenfarn-Flachmoos {n} lime homalia moss [Homalia trichomanoides]
Streifenfarngewächse {pl} spleenworts [family Aspleniaceae]
Streifenfarngewächse {pl}spleenwort family {sg} [family Aspleniaceae]
Streifenfaulvogel {m}lanceolated puffbird [Micromonacha lanceolata]
Streifenfaulvogel {m} [auch: Streifen-Faulvogel]lanceolated monklet [Micromonacha lanceolata]
Streifenfisch {m} sand smelt [Atherina presbyter]
Streifenflugbärbling {m} striped flying barb [Esomus lineatus]
Streifenflughuhn {n}Lichtenstein's sandgrouse [Pterocles lichtensteinii]
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