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« zurückSeite 282 für den Anfangsbuchstaben S im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Schlüssel {pl} keys
Schlüssel- [auch fig.: Person, Erlebnis etc.] key [attr.] [also fig.: pivotal, crucial]
Schlüssel nachmachen to reproduce keys
Schlüssel nachmachen lassen to have keys reproduced
Schlüssel zum Himmelreich The Keys of the Kingdom [John M. Stahl]
Schlüssel zur Hölle The Keys of Hell [Jack Higgins]
Schlüsselakteur {m} key actor
Schlüsselaktivitäten {pl} key activities
Schlüsselalphabet {n} [Kryptologie]key alphabet [cryptology]
Schlüsselanalyse {f} cryptoanalysis
Schlüsselanhänger {m} keyring pendant
Schlüsselanhänger {m} keychain
Schlüsselanhänger {m}key fob
Schlüsselanhänger {m} key pendant
Schlüsselanhänger {m}key tag
Schlüsselanhänger {m} key chain
Schlüsselanhänger {m}keyfob
Schlüsselanhänger {m} fob [short for key fob]
Schlüsselanhänger {m} [ugs.] [Schlüsselring mit Anhänger] key ring [with charms]
Schlüsselanschrift {f} codress
Schlüsselanweisung {f}keying instruction
Schlüsselargument {n} [das für etw. spricht] key support point
Schlüsselart {f} keystone species
Schlüsselart {f}key-stone species
Schlüsselarten {pl} key species {pl}
Schlüsselarten {pl}keystone species {pl}
Schlüsselartikel {m} [in einer Enzyklopädie oder Verfassung, etc.]key article [in an encyclopedia, constitution, etc.]
Schlüsselaspekte {pl}key aspects
Schlüsselaufgaben {pl} key tasks
Schlüsselaufzug {m} key wound
Schlüsselaussage {f}key message [central idea in a statement or of a situation]
Schlüsselaustauschprotokoll {n} key-agreement protocol
Schlüsselband {n} lanyard
Schlüsselbart {m} key bit
Schlüsselbart {m} bit key
Schlüsselbegriff {m}key concept
Schlüsselbegriff {m}key term
Schlüsselbegriffe {pl} key terms
Schlüsselbegriffe {pl}key concepts
Schlüsselbein {n}clavicle [Clavicula]
Schlüsselbein {n} collarbone
Schlüsselbein {n} collar bone
Schlüsselbein {n}cannel bone [obs.] [Clavicula]
Schlüsselbein {n} channel bone [Br.] [dial.] [Clavicula]
Schlüsselbeinatmung {f} [Hochatmung] clavicular breathing [high breathing]
Schlüsselbeinatmung {f} [Hochatmung] collarbone breathing [high breathing]
Schlüsselbeinbruch {m} clavicle fracture
Schlüsselbeinbruch {m}clavicular fracture
Schlüsselbeinbruch {m}collarbone fracture
Schlüsselbeinfraktur {f}clavicle fracture
Schlüsselbeinfraktur {f} collarbone fracture
Schlüsselbeinfraktur {f} clavicular fracture <CF> [Fractura claviculae]
Schlüsselbeinschlagader {f} subclavian artery [Arteria subclavia]
Schlüsselbeinvene {f}subclavian vein [Vena subclavia]
Schlüsselbeitrag {m} key contribution
Schlüsselbereich {m}key area
schlüsselbetätigt key-operated
Schlüsselbild {n} [Animation] key frame
Schlüsselbild {n} [kulturell, symbolisch] key image
Schlüsselbild {n} [Leitbild] key visual
Schlüsselbildanimation {f} keyframe animation
Schlüsselbildanimation {f} keyframing
Schlüsselblume {f}cowslip [Primula veris, syn.: Primula officinalis]
Schlüsselblume {f}primrose
Schlüsselblumen-Falter {m}Duke of Burgundy [Hamearis lucina] [butterfly]
Schlüsselblumengewächse {pl}primrose family {sg} [family Primulaceae]
Schlüsselblumen-Schmetterling {m} Duke of Burgundy [Hamearis lucina] [butterfly]
Schlüsselblumenwein {m}peggle wine [coll.] [dated] [cowslip wine]
Schlüsselblumen-Würfelfalter {m} [Tagfalterart] Duke of Burgundy [Hamearis lucina] [butterfly]
Schlüsselbotschaft {f} key message
Schlüsselbranche {f} key sector
Schlüsselbrett {n} keyboard [for hanging keys]
Schlüsselbrett {n}key rack
Schlüsselbrett {n}key holder [key rack]
Schlüsselbuchse {f} [Metallplatte zum Schutz eines Schlüssellochs]escutcheon
Schlüsselbumenwein {m}cowslip wine
Schlüsselbund {m} {n} bunch of keys
Schlüsselbund {m} {n}set of keys [Am.] [Can.]
Schlüsselbund {m} {n}key ring
Schlüsselbund {m} {n}wad of keys
Schlüsselbunde {pl}bunches of keys
Schlüsselburg {n} [Russland] Shlisselburg [Russia]
Schlüsseldatei {f}keyfile
Schlüsseldatei {f} key file
Schlüsseldatum {n} key date
Schlüsseldienst {m} key service
Schlüsseldienst {m} locksmith
Schlüsseldienst {m} lockout services {pl} [Am.]
Schlüsseldienst {m}key-cutting service
Schlüsseldokument {n}key document
Schlüsselduplikat {n}duplicate key
Schlüsseleigenschaft {f}key characteristic
Schlüsseleigenschaften {pl} key properties
Schlüsselelement {n}key element
Schlüsselentdeckung {f}key finding
Schlüsselentdeckung {f}key discovery
Schlüsselenzym {n} key enzyme
Schlüsselenzyme {pl}key enzymes
Schlüsselereignis {n} key event
Schlüsselerlebnis {n} key moment
« SchlSchlschlSchlSchlSchlSchlSchlSchlschlSchl »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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