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« zurückSeite 233 für den Anfangsbuchstaben T im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
tonnenförmige Verzeichnung {f}barrel distortion
Tonnengehalt {m} tonnage
Tonnengewölbe {n} barrel vault
Tonnengewölbe {n} wagon vault
Tonnengewölbe {n} tunnel vault
Tonnengewölbekappe {f}cell
tonnengewölbt barrel-vaulted
Tonnenhof {m}buoy dump
Tonnenhof {m} buoy yard
Tonnenkilometer {m} <tkm> tonne kilometre <tkm> [Br.] [in metric tons]
Tonnenlager {n} spherical roller bearing
Tonnenleger {m}buoy tender
Tonnenreiten {n} [Westernreiten, Rodeo]barrel race [rodeo]
Tonnenschnecken {pl}tun shell snails [family Tonnidae]
tonnenschwerweighing (several) tons [postpos.]
tonnenschwer weighing a ton [postpos.]
tonnenschwer sein to weigh tons
Tonnenverzeichnung {f} barrel distortion
Tonnenverzerrung {f} barrel distortion
tonnenweise in barrels
tonnenweise by the ton
tonnenweise in tons
tonnenweise [ugs.] by the bucketful [coll.] [fig.]
tonnenweise [ugs.]a shit load of [vulg.]
Tonnenzahn {m} barrel-shaped tooth
Tonnenzahn {m}Hutchinson's tooth [also: Hutchinson tooth]
Tonnenzahn {m} screwdriver tooth [dated] [peg tooth, Hutchinson tooth]
Tonnenzahn {m} [missgebildeter Zahn bei angeborener Syphilis] peg tooth [barrel-shaped incisor, Hutchinson tooth]
tonnlägiger Schacht {m}hading shaft
tonnlägiger Schacht {m} incline shaft
tonnlägiger Schacht {m} underlay shaft
Tonofen {m}clay oven
Tonofenspezialitäten {pl} clay oven specialties [Am.]
Tonofibrille {f}tonofibril
tonogene Herzdilatation {f} tonogenic cardiac dilatation
Tonogenese {f}tonogenesis
Tonograph {m} tonograph
Tonologie {f} tonology
Tonometer {m} {n} tonometer
Tonometrie {f}tonometry
tonometrisch tonometrically
Tonoplast {m} tonoplast
Tonotopie {f}tonotopy
Tonpapier {n} construction paper [esp. Am.] [also: sugar paper]
Tonpegel {m}sound level
Tonpfeife {f} clay pipe
Tonprobe {f}clay sample
Tonqualität {f} sound quality
Tonqualität {f}audio quality
Tonqualität {f} tonal quality
Tonquelle {f}source of sound
Tonquelle {f} [Klangquelle] sound source
Tonquirl {m}blunger
Tonraum {m} sonic space
Tonregie {f} sound direction
Tonregler {m}tone control
Tonregler {m} sound corrector
Tonregler {pl} tone controls
Tonreihe {f} tone row
Tonrohr {n}earthenware pipe
Tonrundfunk {m}radio-broadcasting
Tonrundfunk {m} sound radio
Tonsatz {m}(musical) composition
Tonschale {f} earthenware dish
Tonschallimpuls {m} tone impulse
Tonschallimpuls {m}tone burst
Tonscherbe {f} sherd
Tonscherbe {f} potsherd
Tonscherbe {f}crock
Tonscherbe {f} shard [of earthenware]
Tonschicht {f}clay layer
Tonschichtauskleidung {f}clay liner
Tonschiefer {m} argillaceous shale
Tonschiefer {m} clay slate
Tonschiefer {m}clay schist
Tonschiefer {m}clay shale
Tonschneider {m} pug mill
Tonschneider {m} pugmill
Tonschöpfer {m} [geh.] [Komponist]composer
Tonschöpferin {f} [geh.] [Komponistin] composer [female]
Tonschritt {m}(tone) interval [step, e.g. a minor third]
Tonschwellenaudiogramm {n} (pure) tone threshold audiogram
Tonsediment {n}clay sediment
Tonsegment {n} sound segment
Tonsequenz {f}sound sequence
Tonsetzer {m} [veraltend] composer
Tonsiegel {n}clay seal
Tonsignal {n}sound signal
Tonsignal {n} audio signal
Tonsilbe {f} tone syllable
Tonsilben {pl} tone syllables
Tonsilla {f} tonsil
tonsillar tonsillar
tonsilläre Pest {f} tonsillar plague
Tonsille {f}tonsil
Tonsillektomie {f} <TE> tonsillectomy
Tonsillennadel {f}tonsil needle
Tonsillenstein {m}tonsil stone
Tonsillenstein {m} calculus of the tonsil
« tomoTonaToneTonhTonktonnTonsTonvTop-TöpfTopm »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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