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« zurückSeite 33 für den Anfangsbuchstaben T im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Tangelo {f}tangelo
Tangens {m} <tan, tg>tangent <tan, tg>
Tangens hyperbolicus {m} <tanh>hyperbolic tangent <tanh>
Tangensfunktion {f} tangent function
Tangenskurve {f} tangent curve
Tangensoide {f}tangent curve
Tangenssatz {m} law of tangents
Tangente {f} tangent [line]
Tangente {f} [Straße] expressway [Am.]
Tangente {f} [Straße]bypass
Tangente {f} [Straße] ring road
Tangenten- tangential
Tangenten {pl}tangents
Tangenten-Bifurkation {f} [Sattel-Knoten-Bifurkation]tangent bifurcation [saddle-node bifurcation]
Tangentenklavier {n}tangent piano
Tangentenpolygon {n} tangential polygon
Tangentensteifigkeit {f}tangent stiffness
Tangentenvieleck {n} tangential polygon
Tangentenviereck {n} tangential quadrilateral
tangential tangential
Tangential- tangential
tangential zur Kurve at a tangent to a curve
Tangentialbewegung {f}tangential movement
Tangentialbündel {n}tangent bundle
Tangentialebene {f} tangent plane
tangentialer Anker {m} tangential lever
Tangentialfeuerung {f} tangential firing system
Tangentialflussfiltration {f}tangential flow filtration <TFF>
Tangentialgerede {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [selten]tangential blather
Tangentialgeschwindigkeit {f} tangential velocity
Tangentialhyperebene {f}tangential hyperplane
Tangentialkegel {m}tangential cone
Tangentialraum {m}tangent space
Tangentialröster {m}tangential roaster
Tangentialschnitt {m} flat sawn
Tangentialschuss {m} tangential shot
Tangentialschuss {m} [Schusswunde] tangential wound
tangentielle Beaufschlagung {f} tangential admission [of fluids or other material]
Tangentkeil {m} tangent key
Tangentvektor {m} tangent vector
Tanger {n} Tangier
Tanger-Ampfer {m} Tangier sorrel [Rumex tingitanus, syn.: R. roseus]
Tangeretin {n} [auch: Ponkanetin] tangeretin [also: ponkanetin] [C20H20O7]
Tangerine {f}tangerine [Citrus tangerina]
tangerine [Farbe]tangerine [colour]
Tangerinenbaum {m} tangerine tree [Citrus reticulata]
Tangeritin {n}tangeritin
Tangermünde {n}Tangermünde
Tanger-Platterbse {f} Tangier pea [Lathyrus tingitanus]
Tang-Feilenfisch {m} bristle-tail file-fish [Acreichthys tomentosus]
Tangfliegen {pl} kelp flies [family Coelopidae]
Tanggans {f} kelp goose [Chloephaga hybrida]
Tanggrasgewächse {pl}manatee-grass family {sg} [family Cymodoceaceae]
tangibel [veraltet] [berührbar] tangibly
tangibel [veraltet] [berührbar]tangible
Tangibilität {f} [veraltet] [Berührbarkeit] tangibility
Tangibilität {f} [veraltet] [Berührbarkeit] tangibleness
Tangier {n} Tangiers [spv.] [Tangier]
Tangier-Erkrankung {f} <TE> Tangier disease <TGD>
Tangier-Krankheit {f}Tangier disease <TD>
tangiert [geh.] affected [moved, afflicted]
Tang-Kaiser {m} Tang emperor [before name: Tang Emperor]
Tango {m}tango
Tango Argentino {m}Argentine tango
Tango tanzento dance the tango
Tango tanzen to tango
Tango und CashTango & Cash [Andrei Kontschalowski]
Tango-Fieber The Tango Lesson [Sally Potter]
Tangos {pl}tangoes
Tangoschuhe {pl} tango shoes
Tangotänzer {m} tango dancer
Tangram {n}tangram
Tangrose {f} [Meeresanemone]cave-dwelling anemone [Sagartia troglodytes, syn.: Actinia troglodytes, Heliactis troglodytes]
Tangrose {f} [Meeresanemone]mud sagartia [Sagartia troglodytes, syn.: Actinia troglodytes, Heliactis troglodytes]
Tangrose {f} [Meeresanemone] elegant anemone [Sagartia elegans, syn.: Actinia elegans, A. miniata, Heliactis miniata]
Tangutische Waldrebe {f} golden clematis [Clematis tangutica]
Tangutische Waldrebe {f}Russian virgin's bower [Clematis tangutica]
Tangwald {m}kelp forest
Tang-Zeit {f} Tang period
Tanimbar-Blauzungenskink {m}Tanimbar blue-tongued skink [Tiliqua scincoides chimaera]
Tanimbarbuschsänger {m}Yamdena bush warbler [Cettia carolinae]
Tanimbarbuschsänger {m}Tanimbar bush warbler [Cettia carolinae]
Tanimbarerddrossel {f} fawn-breasted thrush [Zoothera machiki]
Tanimbarfächerschwanz {m} long-tailed fantail [Rhipidura opistherythra]
Tanimbarhuhn {n} Tanimbar megapode [Megapodius tenimberensis]
Tanimbarhuhn {n} Tanimbar scrubfowl [Megapodius tenimberensis]
Tanimbar-Inseln {pl} Tanimbar Islands [Timor Laut]
Tanimbarmonarch {m}Tanimbar monarch [Symposiachrus mundus, syn.: Monarcha mundus]
Tanimbarmonarch {m} black-bibbed monarch [Symposiachrus mundus, syn.: Monarcha mundus]
Tanimbarmonarch {m}mundane monarch [Symposiachrus mundus, syn.: Monarcha mundus]
Tanimbar-Python {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}] Tanimbar python [Simalia nauta, syn.: Morelia nauta, Australiasis nauta]
Tanimbar-Schleiereule {f}Moluccan masked owl [Tyto sororcula]
Tanimbar-Schleiereule {f}lesser masked owl [Tyto sororcula]
Tanimbarschnäpper {m}Tanimbar microeca flycatcher [Microeca hemixantha]
Tanimbarschnäpper {m}golden-bellied flyrobin [Microeca hemixantha]
Tanimbarstar {m}Tanimbar starling [Aplonis crassa]
Tanimbarstar {m}little starling [Aplonis crassa]
Taniyama-Shimura-Vermutung {f} Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture
Tank {m}tank [container]
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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