Date | English | German | Checked by |
Sep.26 | unit million tons per annum <MTPA> | Millionen Tonnen {pl} jährlich | Mar ely |
Sep.26 | printunit pages per minute <ppm> | Seiten {pl} pro Minute | Mar |
Sep.26 | med.phys. radiomanometry | Radiomanometrie {f} | Che dep eve |
Sep.26 | in the past few days {adv} | in den letzten (paar) Tagen | dep wrg BHM |
Sep.26 | That's okay. | Passt scho! [bayer.] [österr.] | par BHM |
Sep.26 | Where are you going? [formal] | Wohin gehen Sie? | Vou wrg tra |
Sep.26 | genome scientist [female] | Genomwissenschaftlerin {f} [auch: Genom-Wissenschaftlerin] | Mar tra |
Sep.26 | to falsify sth. [fail to fulfil (expectations, hopes, etc.)] | etw. [Akk.] enttäuschen [Erwartungen, Hoffnungen] | Pau |
Sep.26 | material glue | Bapp {m} [bayer.] | par Dra |
Sep.26 | gook [coll.] [oozy, sticky, or slimy substance] | Bapp {m} [bayer.] [ugs.] | par Dra |
Sep.26 | preparedness for war | Kriegsbereitschaft {f} | pol cap |
Sep.26 | identity and access management <IAM, IdAM> | Identitäts- und Zugriffsmanagement {n} | pol tra |
Sep.26 | RadioTV studio guest | Studiogast {m} | Che jpx tra |
Sep.26 | mil.pol. to make ready for war | Kriegsvorbereitungen treffen | pol jpx |
Sep.26 | mil.pol. to make preparations for war | Kriegsvorbereitungen treffen | pol jpx |
Sep.26 | mil.pol. to prepare for war | Kriegsvorbereitungen treffen | pol jpx |
Sep.26 | ushers {pl} [collectively] | Saaldienst {m} [Personal] | pol jpx |
Sep.26 | audiomus.RadioTV live recording | Livemitschnitt {m} [auch: Live-Mitschnitt] | eve jpx |
Sep.26 | phys. radiological physics [treated as sg.] | radiologische Physik {f} | pol Che jpx |
Sep.26 | med.MedTech. partial body irradiation <PBI> | Teilkörperbestrahlung {f} <TKB> | dep Che jpx |
Sep.26 | comm. request for quotation <RFQ, RfQ> | Preisanfrage {f} [z. B. bei Ausschreibungen] | Mar par |
Sep.26 | audiomus.RadioTV concert recording | Konzertmitschnitt {m} | pol Che eve |
Sep.26 | bot. wild berry | Waldbeere {f} | pol |
Sep.26 | to submit sth. (to sb./sth.) [a thesis, a concept etc.] | (jdm./etw.) etw. [Akk.] vorlegen [Konzept, schriftliche Arbeit] | BHM nit pol |
Sep.26 | to use sth. as leverage | etw. [Akk.] als Druckmittel einsetzen | Mar nit pol |
Sep.26 | Ministry of Defense <MOD> [Am.] | Verteidigungsministerium {n} | Mar nit pol |
Sep.26 | to mop up sth. [coll.] [fig.] [complete, e.g. a task] | etw. [Akk.] erledigen [zu Ende führen, z. B. eine Aufgabe] | pol ely |
Sep.26 | identity and access management <IAM, IdAM> | Identity- und Access-Management {n} <IAM> | Wen pol |
Sep.26 | jobsjourn. cultural journalist | Kulturjournalist {m} | Mar pol |
Sep.26 | identity management <IdM> | Identitätsmanagement {n} <IdM> | BHM pol |
Sep.26 | angelic face | engelhaftes Gesicht {n} | ely pol |
Sep.26 | angelic face | engelsgleiches Gesicht {n} | ely pol |
Sep.26 | angelic face | engelgleiches Gesicht {n} | ely pol |
Sep.26 | to leverage sth. [use to advantage] | etw. [Akk.] wirksam einsetzen | Mar nit aph |
Sep.26 | to tend to sth. | sich [Akk.] um etw. [Akk.] sorgen | BHM aph |
Sep.26 | jobspol. parliamentary usher | Saaldiener {m} [eines Parlaments] | BHM ely |
Sep.26 | med.phys. radiomanometric {adj} | radiomanometrisch | Mar BHM |
Sep.26 | med.phys. radiomanometrical {adj} | radiomanometrisch | Mar BHM |
Sep.26 | med.phys. radiomanometrically {adv} | radiomanometrisch | Mar BHM |
Sep.26 | artphilos. art philosopher | Kunstphilosoph {m} | Mar BHM |
Sep.26 | bot.T common waxflower [Hoya australis] | [Pflanzenart der Gattung der Wachsblumen (Hoya)] | Mar BHM |
Sep.26 | bot.T waxvine [Hoya australis] | [Pflanzenart der Gattung der Wachsblumen (Hoya)] | Mar BHM |
Sep.25 | geol. rock sample | Felsprobe {f} | Wen Mar |
Sep.25 | sociol. queerplatonic relationship <QPR> | queerplatonische Beziehung {f} | Wen Mar |
Sep.25 | sociol. queerplatonic partnership <QPP> | queerplatonische Partnerschaft {f} | Wen Mar |
Sep.25 | artmus. up-and-coming artist [female] | Nachwuchskünstlerin {f} | bom Wen |
Sep.25 | artmus. up-and-coming artist | Nachwuchskünstler {m} | bom Wen |
Sep.25 | lit. up-and-coming author [female] | Nachwuchsautorin {f} | bom Wen |
Sep.25 | lit. up-and-coming author | Nachwuchsautor {m} | bom Wen |
Sep.25 | jobsjourn. culture journalist | Kulturjournalist {m} | Mar Wen |
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